Send whatever you want and I’ll use it~
I could use some new toys <3
Also keep an eye out for a special event tomorrow night~~
10/30/24(Wed)02:17:49 No.926710566
thank you so much omgomgomg >w<
I'm glad, it comes pretty naturally, I don't have to do much to maintain it other than shave :P
10/30/24(Wed)02:26:28 No.926710697
10/30/24(Wed)02:27:19 No.926710712
>>926710622're so flattering u////U
10/30/24(Wed)02:27:44 No.926710722
10/30/24(Wed)02:28:47 No.926710743
10/30/24(Wed)02:32:05 No.926710794
10/30/24(Wed)02:36:33 No.926710865
10/30/24(Wed)02:36:49 No.926710869
2 weeks for the OC spree, love.
November 10th through the week probably.
10/30/24(Wed)02:38:21 No.926710893
10/30/24(Wed)02:50:33 No.926711125
god your so romantic...I'm actually blushing
10/30/24(Wed)02:50:36 No.926711127
10/30/24(Wed)02:52:18 No.926711162
Couple more posts then I gotta head to bed
10/30/24(Wed)02:54:35 No.926711208
10/30/24(Wed)02:58:53 No.926711319
10/30/24(Wed)03:01:44 No.926711398
10/30/24(Wed)03:02:15 No.926711408
Proof 1
10/30/24(Wed)03:02:46 No.926711422
Proof 2
10/30/24(Wed)03:04:48 No.926711469
10/30/24(Wed)03:05:19 No.926711479
just like a bride ^////^
10/30/24(Wed)03:11:11 No.926711620
10/30/24(Wed)03:23:36 No.926711889
fiiine, i'll try my best too :P
10/30/24(Wed)04:53:39 No.926713516
10/30/24(Wed)05:25:42 No.926714044
Honestly don't care if this faggot is amenable to taking black cock. Only autists care about miscegenation. The damning part is that he'd be willing to fuck nigger anon specifically.
10/30/24(Wed)05:35:01 No.926714202
Well hi, pleasant evening we're having
10/30/24(Wed)05:38:44 No.926714272
10/30/24(Wed)05:41:58 No.926714325
Yeah, we see what you did there. Maybe wait moar than 5 minutes for someone to go after your b8 instead of being autismal af.
10/30/24(Wed)05:47:47 No.926714435
Anyone know who this is?
10/30/24(Wed)05:49:54 No.926714483
Looks like evening to me
10/30/24(Wed)05:56:24 No.926714595
If that's your thing
10/30/24(Wed)06:00:45 No.926714675
That would make my night
10/30/24(Wed)06:25:21 No.926715104
Has Hearts told the nigger off or is she still defending him? He was posting here yesterday shitting up the threads.
10/30/24(Wed)06:35:27 No.926715247
10/30/24(Wed)06:37:04 No.926715267
kill yourself fucking faggot
10/30/24(Wed)06:57:07 No.926715592
He sperged out at me again last night after I told him I’m not unblocking him.
> tbf his rant is pretty spot on though lol
10/30/24(Wed)07:00:19 No.926715643
LOL biggest Incel here, actually sad to read that. What else did he say also that is like his 4th Account now lmfao wtf. Kinda gives off weeeird groomer vibes.
10/30/24(Wed)08:11:23 No.926716806
10/30/24(Wed)08:19:55 No.926717002
Remember to wash under your cages at least twice a day ladies
10/30/24(Wed)08:20:41 No.926717020
kill yourself fucking faggot
10/30/24(Wed)08:28:52 No.926717237
10/30/24(Wed)08:37:30 No.926717456
kill yourself fucking faggot
10/30/24(Wed)08:45:52 No.926717636
10/30/24(Wed)08:46:23 No.926717646
proof 1
10/30/24(Wed)08:46:54 No.926717661
proof 2
10/30/24(Wed)09:00:15 No.926717991
No,,, when to a party last day but only chicks hit on me.
10/30/24(Wed)09:07:29 No.926718155
10/30/24(Wed)09:36:57 No.926718899
<3 ty anon
10/30/24(Wed)10:18:54 No.926720055
10/30/24(Wed)10:23:01 No.926720154
100lbs femboy in oklahoma, show me what you wanna turn me into (fuck doll, bimbo, cuntboy, whatever u think would improve me <3)
teleguard @M2DS39X4Y
disc @twinkyalex (dont jjust say "hi" or "wyd")
twittr @twinkyalex1
10/30/24(Wed)10:49:37 No.926720927
not me but good morning lmao
10/30/24(Wed)10:50:27 No.926720949
10/30/24(Wed)10:52:02 No.926720985
Rach got moar pics of you in these
10/30/24(Wed)10:52:31 No.926721003
10/30/24(Wed)11:00:05 No.926721253
10/30/24(Wed)11:08:20 No.926721533
Slow day thread today...
10/30/24(Wed)11:19:20 No.926721909
I mean it's fine, but really feel like since 4chan implemented this 900s timeout for first posting, there are no random replies in the thread anymore. Stuff like when someone sees a hot pic on /b/ catalog and just replies, or same from lurkers that may not post constantly. So now what's left is either all of us regulars or persistent trolls. It really feels like some part of the local culture is gone... and it haven't affected the most annoying trolls in any way.
I'm just having usual workday, so trying to get some shit done while posting on the side...
10/30/24(Wed)11:21:22 No.926721976
10/30/24(Wed)11:27:49 No.926722169
no, only if I would clear my cookies or use completely new IP from a different range. But I still have to use phone to post, my ISP is still rangebanned :(
10/30/24(Wed)11:34:11 No.926722370
10/30/24(Wed)11:40:45 No.926722576
10/30/24(Wed)11:45:16 No.926722703
10/30/24(Wed)11:53:21 No.926722943
10/30/24(Wed)11:59:33 No.926723142
doin good x3 bored at work lmao hbu, anon?
10/30/24(Wed)11:59:36 No.926723144
How about this one?
10/30/24(Wed)12:12:13 No.926723526
noice :3 and yeah sometimes i even take pics at work but not too often anymore cuz the lighting in the bathroom is shit. wishing i was at home playing Warframe lmao
10/30/24(Wed)12:12:35 No.926723540
10/30/24(Wed)12:14:27 No.926723685
Nice to see you again, glad you are still around, always posting hot stuff!
Feels pretty bad ngl, like lately really all that was good about this place mostly vanished. There are barely any replies, some usual "gooner" replies, but it's mostly image dumping with some trolling on the side on a better days :/
There used to be something more here, something more than just usual posting of pics and fapping to them.
10/30/24(Wed)12:20:27 No.926723871
Hey TP! I mostly lurk cuz the threads have been so grim lately but i'll pop in every once in a while, nice to see ya again!
Not sure honestly XD i'm really dense and have no clue when people are flirting with me, but that's fine cuz i would shut that shit down quick if someone tried
i'm more worried about 5 bags of groceries costing over 100$ personally
10/30/24(Wed)12:22:47 No.926723945
I want to suck her girldick so bad, i swear I'm not gay
10/30/24(Wed)12:25:53 No.926724036
good morning thread ^_^
10/30/24(Wed)12:26:43 No.926724064
10/30/24(Wed)12:27:15 No.926724075
Proof 1
10/30/24(Wed)12:27:46 No.926724091
Proof 2
10/30/24(Wed)12:29:50 No.926724152
yeah, same here, sometimes it just feels like posting would be a waste of time... or I try it anyway, but what's the point in just dumping pics here with zero replies, while everyone is enjoying being baited by obvious trolls... threads like that are worthless
cool, best thing to do is to just enjoy it, there will be some good pics for sure
10/30/24(Wed)12:32:35 No.926724230
I used to enjoy it, during the plague I stopped doing car photos as most of the old farts with classic cars stopped turning out to events. I don't wanna take photos of a riced up clapped out honda fit, so hopefully these guys have neat cars.
10/30/24(Wed)12:34:57 No.926724296
the spam, the trolling, it's all so tiring. i just come here for fun and it just hasn't been lately. it's good to see you're still holding down the fort, most seem like have just left
10/30/24(Wed)12:47:10 No.926724696
Really nice ass :)
Well sometimes it helps to just keep posting and more people will show up that know to ignore the obvious trolling and thread gets better... but as I said above, this place feels more like private discord now, it's always same people.
I loved /b/ for being truly anonymous, anybody could go into the thread, give you some love or hate, but it meant some variety and sometimes new people that would chat or comment.
Kudos to everyone who still sticks around and same for all the lurkers, who might be waiting 900 seconds to just post "hot"...
10/30/24(Wed)12:52:38 No.926724865
why thank you x3 and that's true, i guess you get what you put in. a rise of people who use names but not post anything have really taken it over and made these threads discord-like. I personally don't understand why they'd do that on the one website where you can be truly anon. what's with the 900 second thing? that's really fuckin odd
10/30/24(Wed)12:56:02 No.926724967
Fishboy you're hot (flirtatiously) :3
10/30/24(Wed)12:56:41 No.926724992
900 second thing is probably to just eliminate automated ahit posting since people figured out you can just bounce your traffic around a bit and avoid bans.
And I supposed I'm part of the problem you just mentioned. I'm just here to chat really, since I'm fairly ugly and old.
10/30/24(Wed)12:57:00 No.926725002
10/30/24(Wed)13:00:36 No.926725105
10/30/24(Wed)13:03:49 No.926725200
I guess we will see...
I only started using name to post just so people can find my pics in the archive. But namefagging for no reason is stupid, especially with all the trolling and people pretending to be someone else (not understanding that anyone can put anything in the Name field).. it adds to the endless drama that's happening here lately.
The 900s thing is when you clear cookies and there is no 4chan and cloudflare cookie or it's invalid (your IP changed too much, ie. different provider). It shouldn't happen too often, but I can see for someone that's lurking and just wants to post something after a while it might be "last straw" and they just don't bother...
Yeah, really effect to spam was minimal at best, while it's really annoying to normal people that might just leave instead.
10/30/24(Wed)13:07:01 No.926725306
10/30/24(Wed)13:11:22 No.926725459
i'm taken by another poster but thank you very much <33
that's fair, the spam is really fucking bad. and nah, you at least post actual content and add to the threads in a meaningful way. i feel like chatting is absolutely part of what makes these threads good, but you gotta add to the overall thread, ya know?
this place has honestly changed so much in the past couple months it's wild
lmao ahh gotcha
hrt x3 but even before that i was pretty fem
10/30/24(Wed)13:14:00 No.926725557
Ive looked younger than my age would have you believe since highschool. Eventually my luck will run out and I'll age a decade overnight, but in general people think I'm still in college, despite graduating the first time over 15 years ago. Hrt plays some tricks as well by thinning the skin, smoothing it, and in general helping your remain youthful.
10/30/24(Wed)13:14:16 No.926725568
10/30/24(Wed)13:20:34 No.926725766
I mean balls no. If you are on hrt those will shrink eventually. I hear. Hasn't really worked out for me yet.
Tits eventually I'm sure will be saggy. Ignore my cat, I've given up trying to keep her from photo bombing me.
10/30/24(Wed)13:23:36 No.926725876
>this place has honestly changed so much in the past couple months it's wild
yeah... you know the saying, you only really start to miss something when it's gone :X
10/30/24(Wed)13:28:21 No.926726032
10/30/24(Wed)13:29:45 No.926726072
18 :3 genetics played most of the role, here's a couple months hrt pic
the more time passes the more i'm absolutely astounded i met Fett here
10/30/24(Wed)13:33:39 No.926726180
I've been on HRT less than a year. It's helped reduce spontaneous semi-erections (great benefit for me as a 100% bottom fag). Doesn't seem to have done much with the sack.
10/30/24(Wed)13:35:10 No.926726347
Hey TP =D how are u??? Has the posting thing stopped bothering you? Really grim I'm ngl its really grim that they added such a long timer and made an Email pretty much mandatory. There are a lot of other Chans but only 1 4Chan so we have to make the best of it and try to ignore the trolls as best we can<3
Oh Hi Fishy =D or shall I say FishEGGS>W< tehe, how are you?! Its been a while, I hope ur having a good time at Work and Halloween is TOMORRROW what are you and Fett going to do now? I went to the Movies yesterday :P
10/30/24(Wed)13:36:51 No.926726499
10/30/24(Wed)13:41:22 No.926726623
I'm intersex 46xy DSD (AIS). Old term was a false male hermaphrodite. But yes 3rd week of December marks 1 year.
I had tits with breast tissue before I started HRT.
10/30/24(Wed)13:45:19 No.926726746
I had chronically low t before hrt. Like 125-150 Ng/DL. Well well below the low t threshold for males. I also had 80-100pg/ml of Estrogen pre hrt.
My dick could get semi firm, but lacked the follow through to reliably penetrate my ex-wife. I don't like using it, it's just not pleasurable for me.
I do. I have a biopsy to see if I'm a true herm on the 7th of January, if I am ill probably keep one, just kinda ask if they can push it up inside somewhere and keep it out the way. If I'm not - sure just get rid of them
10/30/24(Wed)13:54:01 No.926726981
You were both at the right place at the right time, at least something good came from this horrible place... chances of it happening again are kind of slim, but there's always hope
Hi! Posting still sucks, can't use my regular fiber internet connection, contemplating buying 4chan pass, but it sucks when I'm being kind of bullied to do it, while this place is worse than ever
10/30/24(Wed)13:56:28 No.926727042
There's the potential one is an ovatestis. Usually it's the right one for some reason, not sure about the biology behind it. I'm an engineer not a doctor. From a basic anatomy standard there's no reason why you couldnt just have a small incision through the abdominal muscles, push it back up in there more or less and have it internal. I lack some of the plumbing a real male has so I'm sterile anyhow.
No what affected the look was I was not fully differentiated when I was born so there's some scarring from assigning me male over the next few years of life. Size wise if anything I was bigger than average when semi firm.
I have a very ugly cock.
10/30/24(Wed)13:58:39 No.926727101
10/30/24(Wed)14:03:36 No.926727236
i am taken but thank you, anon >>926726347
work's goin lmao idk what i'm doing for halloween yet, didn't have time to get a costume this year ;-;
i honestly think it can happen again, but it takes a certain kind of person and certain goals
10/30/24(Wed)14:09:33 No.926727380
Not having to take testosterone supplements as one normal has to post removal.
Yup. No kids, ever. Not that I topped a lot of women, but it was since not needing to worry
Have an ugly first sort of face reveal. Keep in mind I'm close to 40, and have no idea how to actually work a selfie camera reliably.
10/30/24(Wed)14:12:14 No.926727445
pls do
10/30/24(Wed)14:12:41 No.926727455
why thank ^w^
hey i'm not that young XD
10/30/24(Wed)14:17:48 No.926727588
10/30/24(Wed)14:19:39 No.926727632
It's old, and not great. But it gets the job done.
10/30/24(Wed)14:26:57 No.926727855
Sure, screen shotted. Look for it in the treads tomorrow around this time. I'm already dressed to head out for my photo job at here on the hour. Also my hairs not quite that long, it doesn't cover my nips, and though it's v cut in the back I'm not still not to that length. Have a butt from the other night that was just a quick response to someone...for something. Don't recall what.
10/30/24(Wed)14:44:21 No.926728381
damn thread died lmao
10/30/24(Wed)14:56:19 No.926728797
i'll post one more x3 i'm on the clock rn lmao
10/30/24(Wed)14:59:01 No.926728886
hi, not posting the pics i posted in past threads but if anyone wants them here you go.
btw pinafag at discrd.
10/30/24(Wed)15:00:12 No.926728929
yeah, sometimes it kind of happens...
10/30/24(Wed)15:06:21 No.926729130
ohno :( have you tried a StaticIP, you can use 1 for Residential. For the Pass its not much but really ((())) what they are doing when these Boards could be so much better like add TripCodes back at least but I'm glad you are able to post to some extent and nice Pic, I think I am getting better with mine so thank you for that too TP and also GodBless Fishboy and Fett and may we have more Miracles =D
I'm probs going to a Party thing maybe not sure yet but will see :P and yeh same so honestly just probs going to be a Witch since I'm already doing that. OH and I am Carving Pumpkins righno, I did an OC of LeChudMe Death In June and I LOVEEE how it turned out<333 also going to the Range in a bit.
10/30/24(Wed)15:08:59 No.926729235
10/30/24(Wed)15:13:47 No.926729420
10/30/24(Wed)15:16:25 No.926729498
10/30/24(Wed)15:16:28 No.926729503
yeah, really 4chan adding shit no one wants that really doesn't help... while refusing to simply enable back old features that made it usable before. Tripcodes were on original 2ch for a good reason.
I have seen some of your recent pics, yes they are better than old ones, so that's good, improving and doing things better always feels good.
10/30/24(Wed)15:18:03 No.926729557
10/30/24(Wed)15:23:44 No.926729739
Nice job! I haven't carved a pumpkin in a while lol. Here's one from a looong time ago :p
10/30/24(Wed)15:27:30 No.926729867
Posting here now for little bit over 2 years, but I have lurked /b/ and some other boards irregularly for quite a long time, like 15 years at least.