Schizo nigger, when will you switch over to hating on HTA?
Cali Did Nothing Wrong.
10/25/24(Fri)06:56:42 No.926480542
Cali = Eternal
BWS spergedout about Cali saying how he'd give the niggeranon a footjob.
10/25/24(Fri)07:00:49 No.926480635
and I apparently live rent free in BWS noggin for not marrying another jew, since apparently same ethnicity relationships are the only thing that he can get off to. >>926478280
10/25/24(Fri)07:09:15 No.926480778
10/25/24(Fri)07:10:14 No.926480797
I assumed he scripted things so when namefags post you instantly get hit with 3-4 wasted posts and images against the thread limits.
10/25/24(Fri)07:32:34 No.926481330
The large abdominal scar is from repair of a perforated volvulus at birth. The cross scar under my left breast was a dual purpose heart cath and drain for recovery from the abdominal surgery.
The scar or two on my perineum, glans, and balls are from sexual correction during the first 2 or so years of my life due to malformation/under masculinization. They did a shit job at the circumcision too. They hired Dr Frankenstein and Igor I assume and that's why it looks so shit.
The hospital I was born at has been sued into oblivion for unapproved intersex corrections and at birth sexual assignments.
10/25/24(Fri)07:32:38 No.926481334
yeah ignore him and post butte shaineko
10/25/24(Fri)07:34:58 No.926481397
>Virgin caring what niggers think
>VS Sigma HTA who embraces being called a simp
10/25/24(Fri)07:36:08 No.926481418
Basically they gutted me, then shoved everything back inside and hoped for the best. Used to be really self conscious about it, but I got over that.
10/25/24(Fri)07:37:06 No.926481444
Which one?
Cmon.. I’ll fuck off if you really want but let’s not pretend I’m from /tttt/ or want anything to do with those weirdos lol
10/25/24(Fri)07:38:50 No.926481494
>Try not to chase off any more oc with your sperging yeah?
You have my word
10/25/24(Fri)07:39:36 No.926481512
Religious autocracy and group think here in America. "My cock is mutilated because my dad's was" mentality.
Mine was more or less to just have access to fix everything and risk of keloid scaring on the foreskin / sanitation for my corrections meant they just took it.
10/25/24(Fri)07:41:50 No.926481584
Well I can’t be too brazenly anti-Troon else I sound like a pick-me lol I don’t think I share any views at all with that crowd though.
We are on about BA again? I’m actually curious where this lore started lol
Well now I’m conflicted lol
10/25/24(Fri)07:43:41 No.926481641
I mean what I say
Old me is gone
10/25/24(Fri)07:46:19 No.926481708
Thanks anon lol
Did the real BWS actually give Cali an alert?
10/25/24(Fri)07:51:35 No.926481828
JFC no wonder even HTA has stopped namefagging in over 90% of Threads or even bothering to post, kys already fucking weirdo you are creepy asf and give off rapist vibes too. Not surprising knowing you are black.
10/25/24(Fri)07:52:55 No.926481858
10/25/24(Fri)07:54:20 No.926481893
And yet when I did it one time he’s eternally my bf -.-
I fell asleep after your pussy comment last night, you say anything fun after?
10/25/24(Fri)07:56:35 No.926481951
It’s insane
> everyone hates BA
> everyone hates BWS
> everyone loves Cali
Yet every morning I seem to wake up to a 3 way civil war lol
10/25/24(Fri)07:58:49 No.926481987
Cleanliness was a concern for me, considering how fucking nasty penile surgeries are. The fact it came out okay and can kinda work is a modern miracle.
That's pretty gay, bro.
10/25/24(Fri)08:01:47 No.926482055
Saying “I’ll post tits if you fuck off” one time is hardly what I’d call nice
10/25/24(Fri)08:10:02 No.926482240
> Mog Oc
> Banish Fett
> Recruit BA
> Recruit Cherry Simp
The plan is almost complete, to take revenge on the thread that groomed me all those years ago…
10/25/24(Fri)08:14:16 No.926482344
i would post pp but the shark keeps getting in the way >w< shes about as wide as i am gulp
10/25/24(Fri)08:20:53 No.926482463
>She is an orca.
really no way
10/25/24(Fri)08:37:28 No.926482775
10/25/24(Fri)08:42:23 No.926482866
10/25/24(Fri)08:43:08 No.926482885
10/25/24(Fri)08:44:27 No.926482905
10/25/24(Fri)08:45:34 No.926482924
I'm one of those already.
10/25/24(Fri)08:51:23 No.926483046
10/25/24(Fri)08:54:14 No.926483113
10/25/24(Fri)08:54:51 No.926483125
10/25/24(Fri)08:55:33 No.926483139
10/25/24(Fri)08:56:25 No.926483158
10/25/24(Fri)09:03:30 No.926483342
10/25/24(Fri)09:08:11 No.926483475
kill yourself fucking faggot
10/25/24(Fri)09:08:30 No.926483487
10/25/24(Fri)09:10:19 No.926483536
10/25/24(Fri)09:12:20 No.926483586
10/25/24(Fri)09:13:45 No.926483637
10/25/24(Fri)09:14:46 No.926483664
10/25/24(Fri)09:15:02 No.926483670
kill yourself fucking faggot
10/25/24(Fri)09:19:38 No.926483804
10/25/24(Fri)09:25:54 No.926483983
10/25/24(Fri)09:33:04 No.926484177
10/25/24(Fri)09:48:42 No.926484630
banished by the queen of lil' poo mountain? :(
nah I still lurk, I just don't find the threads worth posting in usually
oof, speaking of vidya i just got back into warframe after 9 years and holy shit lol, I feel like an oldfag and an infant at the same time
10/25/24(Fri)10:12:45 No.926485328
Please stop fighting :) also I saw you on disc and I'll reply later today I am doing much better now<3
Fety*H0LZ*<333 GOOD MORNING!!! What a beautiful sight to behold. UrSoles look soSM000TH~HNGQF>< I haven't seen your Heels in so long I MISS THEMMM and I feel like gtng *ST0MPIES* tehe :3~Also I saw some of Hellsing Ultimate but haven't finished it yet its quite nice, hows Warframe?
Also I am going to apply to CVS today and then tomorrow I'll try another place which sucks but I got to do it and handle that, as for my Anxiety and stuff I'm thinking of Self-Medicating myself for that but were see OH and any Weekend Plans its almost Halooween =D
10/25/24(Fri)10:24:28 No.926485705
hi hta<3
>hows Warframe?
it's night and day. the shooting feels as tight as doom 2016, the mobility is insane and precise, the quest and world design is insane, it has space combat like swg did. I have never played a game that allows player expression so thoroughly. there are so many frames, the customization is ridiculously granular, the gameplay variation, art design, i could go on and on. can't say enough positive about it.
but good luck on the job hunt hta. try some entry level receiving jobs too. you'll work a back room and deal with boxes instead of customers
cringe lol
10/25/24(Fri)10:41:11 No.926486258
10/25/24(Fri)10:47:55 No.926486500
Which would make some sense if the trap thread wasn't up nearly 24/7 and image limit literally doesn't matter because the next thread goes up as soon as the last one is limited, sometimes even before. So if that's the case then it's still wasted effort.
10/25/24(Fri)10:48:10 No.926486510
>apparently the incorrect choice and I got shouted at a lot before I understood the mechanics enough to know why lol
I doubt it, you probably just acted the way you do here lol. warframe players don't really do that and you need to be hitting endgame content several hundred hours in before your choice matters remotely vs just personal preference
shitload of updates, like a metric shitload. I stopped playing in 2015, it's insanely good now. the endgame weapons I used to grind for back then are now 100 hours of content in my future, but I still get to use the ones I earned.
>Also don't blame you for not posting these threads are beyond fucked, they feel ruined
we deserve what we tolerate
10/25/24(Fri)10:54:38 No.926486719
Good<3 how have you been?
I've seen you around a bit but haven't said hi but I hope your good! Even tho BongLand is like Hell on Earth.
Hey :3 is Fish up??? I think Warframe is on the Switch so may give it a try sumtime, I don't remember much of it but it was good to pass the time and wsnt like a lot of the other F2P games. I've been playing a lot of Swat 4 lately with a Fren, its amazing for Customization and its actually Tactical I got the SEF Mod for it, I recommend it =D
>but good luck on the job hunt hta. try some entry level receiving jobs too. you'll work a back room and deal with boxes instead of customers
Thank you Fett<3 and yeah that would be good aswell just for getting the hang of it. I got my Passport yesterday, been trying to be more Productive in general. I'm starting a New Book today called "The Fall Of Western Man" since I've been listening to a lot of Mark Collett again.
10/25/24(Fri)10:59:06 No.926486871
I think you don’t understand how Limbo works (or worked) and are using the opportunity to jab at me. It’s cool we can be salty instead of discussing cool games grumpy butt.
Braces driving me insane but yeah we keep missing each other. Bongland not as whacky as election season Murica though