Trap thread ID: 919056402

First found on 2024-05-29(16:30:34)


05/29/24(Wed)01:25:13 No.919056402

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Eternal Trap/Femboy/Trans/Twink Thread In Honour Of Cali~2nd Anniversary Edition :3


05/29/24(Wed)01:27:50 No.919056491

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05/29/24(Wed)01:28:35 No.919056506

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>>919056402 Goated thread op


05/29/24(Wed)01:36:40 No.919056777

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>>919056487 You looked very passable just from your eyes Rach, for realz! Like I've watched makeup tutorials in the past but its just so much work and since I work from home I can look like a hot mess most of the time. So did you get hit on my guys in full makeup mode? >>919056521 What? Why did your job dictate if you saved my pics or not? :( My archive master has failed me.. Omg omg you managed to kidna- I mean get a soft booty with you! I can't wait to see pics! >>919056526 Heh heh heh thats the spirit, fuck off when you can during work heh! But answer the question Tim will my surprise include gay socks >:) >>919056529 PPfffttt Oooooo okay I see now but my cake is made for sharing ;) (also I am dumb, please no bully)


05/29/24(Wed)01:41:41 No.919056922

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>>919056777 you want more sock pics that bad huh? I suppose i can think of something.


05/29/24(Wed)01:42:45 No.919056954

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>>919056777 Yea I did but it was the girls I was after lol.


05/29/24(Wed)01:45:45 No.919057049

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>>919056954 Hnng >>919056922 Damn, those legs are hairier then mine. Chkd


05/29/24(Wed)01:52:46 No.919057275

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>>919056301 LASTTHREAD [CALI] >CHEEESEEEeeeeeeeee appearance! No idea why it has a fur fin? YESSSS<3333 and idk, I thnk I have to trim it off but I am scared of hurting Cheese on accident so idk ig it'll jusstay for nows :P >If I really had to nitpick maybe lift up your shirt so it doesn't cover your ass? So myPics are Improvings =D that makes me so Happy to hear Cali and yeh ur right tehe also its a Onesie wch I habnt seen uze in but you canT0TS *Sneeeak* into a DressingRoom ;3;3 >Wtf hell no I don't wanna hear your balls pop, jesus HTA I hate that LOL UWU does dis mean uze wana hear dem*SPURT*~onlys, idk if I can handle urFootBussy mypp is so sensitives@W@ >your among sluts here now kekeke *FOR ETERNITY*<3333 No way I am not buying a paci and no this isn't the first time you've mentioned the asian mami thing haha Wuld uze like to see Kitty wit12U2, well ur the*ONLY*~AsianMami I wnts tehe, my Virginity belongs to urFeeetsies I am nows a FootsexualUWU >Sure I'd love to see the salmon again, lets see if you improved! I hopes somami2U2 ure the Professional aftral, its Sockeye Alaska Salmon https://postimg_cc/gallery/dtzDwNR >Godam you suck at managing your AC stonks LOL TRVE;U; hoping to get back on tracks soon, and also Inviting a new Villager sooon! >You better not start requesting hand pics like HTA now... pervs. HEHEHEHEHE I see urHandsss in disPic tehe >:3*NOM* >>919056777 >CHECKED TEHE I feels funny, whwhy is mypp all*G000EY, its sticky Mommmy!<3333 >>919056896 Reupload :P >>919057004 KITTTY*H0LZ*<3333 ilu, and thank you so much! Yes of courze^^ ure on the samelevel as Cali ure such Angels and + ure a Clone*PET* ;3;3 >your blahaj nestled under your arms YASSS<3333 I imagine its you cuties hehe, I shuld and will take more Pics as a Cat dnt worry*NYA*^W^ >so proud of how far you've come xoxoxo Thank you Kitty =D I appreciate it, and dnt worry about urFace from what I've seen you are cute ik ure cute so dnt worry about it sweetie*XOCO*<///^///W///^///


05/29/24(Wed)01:53:15 No.919057290

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>>919056833 PPfffttt Oooooo okay I see now but my cake is made for sharing ;) (also I am dumb, please no bully) How have you've been btw? >>919056922 Oh come on its all in good fun Tim, Cowie has got to get his money's worth haha Do you not feel cute with them on? :3 >>919056954 I'm so curious about the dynamic of that cause you look like a girl so the girl you're after must be a lesbian but you have a cock...any awkward situations like that? Like "surprise get pranked gurl" XD >>919057102 Yes please. No homo. >>919057004 >LURKING KITTY HAS BEEN SPOTTED Kitty you're being so kind and thank you so much! Trust me I'm not that great, its all angles and whatnot :P I'm so happy to have met you and helped bring out your feminine side sweetie! You have always been one of the reasons I keep doing this <3 Don't worry about any eye pic or anything, just do whatever is comfy for you! When you are ready, I will be waiting heh heh heh Wish you could stay longer but I'm always just happy to hear your doing okay! Love you! >>919057178 Oooo thats sucks but can't you save my stuff on your non-work comp or is it because I only post when you are working at the office or whatever? Okay thats wild so your guide to DC is also a femboy you plan to breed? Godam WA you min/maxing to win XD


05/29/24(Wed)01:56:29 No.919057389

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>>919056475 She posted new OC last week.


05/29/24(Wed)01:58:03 No.919057432

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>>919057290 It's usually bi girls or girls that have a fetish for femboys lol. I was always upfront with them as soon as I met them so I never surprised anyone with a dick lol.


05/29/24(Wed)02:03:47 No.919057572

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>>919057275 The fur is like a cow lick in people's hair when you sleep in a weird position haha You've defs been improving, my biggest criticism in the past was your pics were dark as fuck and you couldn't see anything lol I've been thinking about a onesie swimsuit set in a bathtub but I'm in a onesie in the sleep over set with all the plushies. Eh at most I would fondle your balls with my feet but no crushing, jeez. Kitty can do whatever he wants but for my tastes no I not a fan of pacis, Cowie be damned. Hmmm salmon looks okay, pan looks over crowded and a little dry, maybe try finishing with a little butter. Also imo just place the salmon on top of a rice pile instead of around it ;) >>919057432 You can surprise me with some dick Rach... like I'm just sleeping and suddenly I wake up with your cock in my mouth :3 Is that okay? >>919057446 >jealous of the attention i got the next morning Pffttt hahaha they didn't know the lore behind the pic and probs got triggered that your hairy legs were more popular XD You can do ironic sock pics if that makes sense haha >>919057528 You didn't reply to me :(


05/29/24(Wed)02:09:15 No.919057696

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>>919057572 You're always trying to get my cum in your mouth you little succubus slut lol.


05/29/24(Wed)02:12:24 No.919057790

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can't sleep ._. hi thread


05/29/24(Wed)02:15:07 No.919057857

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>>919057290 >>919057290 I've been ok. Dealing with a shit ton of legal and financial stuff, but I'm still above the dirt. Got a $4/hr raise plus two days off a week vs only one. Thank you for asking doll and I'm sorry, my (you) didn't show.


05/29/24(Wed)02:18:06 No.919057929

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>>919057805 sleeping lol I usually smoke dude for insomnia but I had to quit for a little. I won't be on long


05/29/24(Wed)02:22:11 No.919058035

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>>919057696 Can you blame me? Its not like you wouldn't love to use me right? >>919057716 Okay true but I've always was under the impression that you transfer it to your personal PC or at least used the archive to make when not at work. Wow you basically have a maid to play with by the sounds if it but you deserve a good horny rest WA, keep me posted about your "adventures" heh >>919057773 You are a legend around these parts by this time Tim, like people know you more than they know me I feel XD >>919057929 >>919057790 Hi Fett! Looking great as always, I don't think we've actually spoken cause of timezones but I've seen your pics and have a few saved haha >>919057844 Thanks Kitty! Hey our little degen party is just that, a degen party no pressure from anyone, its cool! Lul now even Kitty is telling Tim to put on a maid outfit kek >>919057857 No worries DD, nice work on getting that raise and more time off though. Financial stuff gives me so much anxiety too but happy to hear things are mostly going well. Thanks for being here today btw haven't hear from you in a long time I feel.


05/29/24(Wed)02:22:16 No.919058038

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>>919057498 TEHE>W< thank you, glad you enjoy mybutt hoping to *PLUMP*~its up moar :P >>919057572 >The fur is like a cow lick in people's hair when you sleep in a weird position haha lol well its like hardened idk why :P but probs not a problem to keep it on hers. >You've defs been improving, my biggest criticism in the past was your pics were dark as fuck and you couldn't see anything lol I think I've been getting more Confident in myself^^ at least I hope so. Happy I am Improving there is sooooooooMVCH OC~dat I have Planned in myhead but I have always been conscious about my Body so hoping to make more OC definitely, while having*FUNS*~of course =D >I've been thinking about a onesie swimsuit set in a bathtub but I'm in a onesie in the sleep over set with all the plushies. TEHE >:3 I tried to Trick uze hehe, wht do you thnk of my Onesie, maybe I shuld take more Pics in it + I have a few other Onesies nowUWU >Eh at most I would fondle your balls with my feet but no crushing *HUFFFFF*hngqf>W< I'd luvs nothing more than to clean urFeeets with mymouth evry single days, I would be your actual PersonalCarpet Cali so uze can*TRAMPLE*~on me whenever you feel stressedout like I'd jusluvs nothing more than thats do uze know how addicted I ams to urFeeetsies mami plpls show me demz uPromised me mami mami mami@W@ >but for my tastes no I not a fan of pacis Mypp can be urPaci hehehehehe2U2 >little dry Yeh, only had barely enough left =/ >a little butter I didn't have any but I wills for next time, also going to still do that MayoSandwich<3333 >Also imo just place the salmon on top of a rice pile instead of around it ;) SMART^^ going to do that for next time then, it was annoying gtng it all nice lol. Ure so Smarts Cali :3 >>919057790 Hello Fetty =D how are you and is Fishy still sick? >>919057844 AWWW<3333 thx Kitty I have a lot to Improve still, you are a Blessing on these Threads. You are absolutely a cutie, also will show my LegoSet next time hopefully ;3;3


05/29/24(Wed)02:27:10 No.919058150

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>>919057950 he needs his sleep. figure I'd take the chance and post since I'm never on this time of night. hi tho >>919058035 >I don't think we've actually spoken cause of timezones Indeed, been around a while but I think you're the one poster I've never seen on, I've even ran into kitty once >and have a few saved very flattering, maybe a few more tonight lol >>919058038 I've been better (job stuff), fishy is over his sickness now tho. hbu? >>919058052 >Impressive use of lighting desu love playing with natural light


05/29/24(Wed)02:28:12 No.919058176

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My lovely gf


05/29/24(Wed)02:33:46 No.919058306

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05/29/24(Wed)02:37:09 No.919058372

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05/29/24(Wed)02:37:31 No.919058380

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>>919058245 >need fishboy soft cock in mouth. soft cock growing in your mouth is absolute kino i got to go to bed with a mouth full of his cum, nothing on earth puts me in a better mood >last few days have been rough without any OC posted. well here's some for you, we took a few together but ill save the rest for when he's on with me >>919058306 sauron is here to ruin another thread lol


05/29/24(Wed)02:37:51 No.919058386

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05/29/24(Wed)02:39:05 No.919058413

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05/29/24(Wed)02:39:46 No.919058435

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05/29/24(Wed)02:41:23 No.919058474

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>>919058435 Ok everyone, you know the drill. Give me what I crave or I'll flood this thread with BBC. You have been warned. I MUST FEED


05/29/24(Wed)02:43:17 No.919058526

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>>919058038 It's hard? Wtf that's weird did your cousin gel her fur for fun? O_o? I'm glad you are having fun with it and feeling more confident HTA, I love seeing that growth and you're doing for yourself, not me. Ehh your onesie is fine I guess, don't have very strong opinion on it. Jesus christ my feet are not that amazing HTA your cum brain is taking over again but I guess I have to post a pic to satisfy you now. Make sure to show me pics if you do the mayo grill I mentioned before! >>919058150 Honestly super surprised to see you on but I guess I have a set time frame for when I post and don't really deviate from it. You and fishboy are couple goals for sure. >maybe a few more tonight lol I've lurked in the past and how could I not save your pics, you have some of the best pics here! My fav is the one with naked you and fishboy, super cute. >>919058175 Kinda I guess but people just know when its you posting sometimes even without namefagging lol you can always change it if you want though. >>919058207 Sorry if I like teasing you :3 I just love the idea of you topping me heh >>919058208 >fine keep your secrets... Been really wanting to redo the maid set myself but dam hotels are expensive around my parts and air bnbs too Well can you at least tell me a little but of what kind of things to plan to do to? Come onnnnn >>919058248 Well I hope seeing my ass put you at ease a least a little bit DD Now I'm curious what kind of voice you have, like epic movie trailer kinda voice?


05/29/24(Wed)02:48:05 No.919058666

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I put a filter on flappy, so I'll be ignoring their spam lol >>919058405 aye fish and I started getting our media/hobby room all setup, you might see pics of that in oc we post soon >>919058490 >Picrel is very gay fett I'm starting to think you might not be entirely straight you know. I officially went to the dark side when I got my tummy pierced >>919058526 >You and fishboy are couple goals for sure. we both like being goals tbh, makes us both sad when we see "ahhh time to kms" posts. nobody even knows the full story; if we can do it anyone can. >you have some of the best pics here! wild coming from you lol. I think between you and TP you guys posts the highest quality stuff here. fantasy tier stuff that sets a bar imo >>919058552 >Sounding stuff is so fun haven't mentioned it thus far but I'm also a sounding enjoyer


05/29/24(Wed)02:48:48 No.919058690

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05/29/24(Wed)02:52:14 No.919058799

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05/29/24(Wed)02:54:13 No.919058859

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what are you up to guys?


05/29/24(Wed)02:59:37 No.919059016

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>>919058893 oh it's late there. Guess everyone's gonna go sleep soon.


05/29/24(Wed)03:00:53 No.919059061

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>>919058526 >It's hard? Wtf that's weird did your cousin gel her fur for fun? O_o? lols I hope not>W< also Cats dnt like Baths so idk, maybe I can trim it off if its bothersome to her but I'de have to ask :3 >I'm glad you are having fun with it and feeling more confident HTA, I love seeing that growth and you're doing for yourself, not me. Same but I wuldnt be doing this without you Cali^W^, certainly not posting myself atleast. Like just the Fact that an Angel like you would give me the time of *Night* to talk to me alrys tells me I might make it afterall<3333 >Ehh your onesie is fine I guess, don't have very strong opinion on it. tehe^^ wht about my ILMommmy Onesie ;3;3 >Jesus christ my feet are not that amazing HTA your cum brain is taking over again but I guess I have to post a pic to satisfy you now. YASYASYASSSSSSSSSS(˶˃W˂˶) THX UZE CALI & THX UZE FOR ALLOWING ME TO TOUCH MYSELF!!!!<3333 Cali urFeeets are #1 in the WORLD to me like just wow, froms the moment I saw demz I fell in Love like justhe Fact I am willing to be a *PERMA*Virgin just to Worship them shows the cumbrain has taken over but I culdnt be Happpier you deserve all the Praise you absolute Goddess ilu so much, thank you for allowing me to CUM:PrayingHands*^^ >Make sure to show me pics if you do the mayo grill I mentioned before! Well speaking of Pics :P here is dat Promised FruitSnacks Picie tehe dey TASTES YUMMMYZ2U2 >>919058666 Based. You should put a Pentagram in it :P


05/29/24(Wed)03:02:30 No.919059113

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>>919058673 Ahh shit I'm being called out, even blur/cowie has lol but no I actually haven't, usually I keep to myself and try not to mix into different people conversations, so if the voca wasn't for me, I don't snoop. But dam thats a deep ass voice you got DD. >>919058666 >Fett Trips gotta post devil content I think its just a rare case of a couple that met here and has openly talked about it openly here in recent memory. Plus both of you are super cute, we can help but be jealous XD >highest quality stuff here This sounds narcissistic as fuck but thank you so much Fett! We both try our best to give these degen some good content to fap too plus its just fun to do! You pics are always great don't sell yourself short, its honestly a style I stuggle with cause I overthink things, ie a more casual "just snapped a pic" kinda vibe if that makes sense. >>919058761 Tim has been deeply imbedded into the community here <3 and here I thought you only talked to me :3 >>919058891 >>919058953 D'aww me to Rach! Goodnight! >>919058934 >more private stuff that I can't disclose here Mmpffhh fineeeeee >my next local guide Does it come with a cute uniform? Dam I need to book a spa day with my benefits soon, I need one badly, I wanna be pampered. How did you meet this bangable tour guide btw?


05/29/24(Wed)03:06:33 No.919059222

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>>919059098 Let me know if you figure it out


05/29/24(Wed)03:08:41 No.919059274

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>>919059016 Hey Jess! Yeah its getting late for me too but dam nice ass you slut >:3 >>919059061 What the fuck is happening in this pic? Are you cumming on fruit snacks?? This is wild. You will make it just fine HTA as long as you continue to grow as a person and get some more life experience, being a cumbrain is fun but doesn't translate to real life as much. Okay the mommy onesie was very cute and I bet you got it just for that pic right? Okay okay tone it down a little okay? Breathe calm down and please don't rip your dick off for me haha yes have fun touching yourself but when you talk like that I worry for your pp XD >>919059070 Ehh can only stay a little longer :P


05/29/24(Wed)03:16:30 No.919059428

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>>919059274 Hey Cali! that's a real nice costume. Hope I could taste the devil's cock


05/29/24(Wed)03:18:25 No.919059462

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>>919059271 Really even Kitty? The gentlest boy ever? I'm surprised you even had the courage to talk to me XD Jokes aside I'm super proud of you for growing so much over the past year Tim <3 >>919059316 >super lewd I want attention I mean am I not still in that phase? I feel like I still am cause posting here at the end of the day is attention seeking but at the same time somehow I worry about you pervs...dammit. lol >>919059428 Thanks Jess! Feel like you would look great in a full devil/succubus outfit too! Come get a taste of sin ;) Surprised to see you on so late


05/29/24(Wed)03:23:00 No.919059534

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>>919058934 >Stant trips but I thought it was the good side compare it to modern women, this is the good side lol >>919059000 checked & based >>919059061 >You should put a Pentagram in it :P I'm in a weird spot spiritually in my life rn but I go out of my way to avoid most iconography of either side lol >>919059113 >This sounds narcissistic as fuck but thank you so much Fett! there's a fine line to walk between genuine narcissism and confidence; I often find weak willed people can't tell the difference. nothing wrong with assessing yourself based on the truth. >its honestly a style I stuggle with cause I overthink things, ie a more casual "just snapped a pic" kinda vibe if that makes sense. that's where I live lol. my favorite stuff to post is often what I consider my most candid. I used to do highly produced stuff like you, now that I'm taken I don't really care that much. I invite the judgement now. in terms of content you and I represent both sides of the coin imo. might do another post or two then I'm heading back to sleep


05/29/24(Wed)03:26:45 No.919059596

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>>919058953 Goodnight Rachie, Sweeet Dreams*XOXO*<3333 >>919059113 UWU is dis a NewPaci I habnt heard about yets, wht is dat???? *POKE*TEHEHE, it looks funny why does it have those weeeird holes in it Cali???*GLUUUCK*2U2 >>919059274 TOEISSSS*NOM*<3333 >What the fuck is happening in this pic? Are you cumming on fruit snacks?? CUMbrain tooks overUWU~yeh, eating demz now they taste g000ey but YUMMMYZ so dats like an extra 100cals@.@ >You will make it just fine HTA as long as you continue to grow as a person and get some more life experience I hope so, thats what I'm scared of. I have another DMV Appointment soon, and I am hoping I don't mess it up this time so I can actually get my State ID and move on to other stuff. >Okay the mommy onesie was very cute and I bet you got it just for that pic right? HEHEHE>W< thank you! And maybeee, but I also have some other Plans possibly in mind :P >Okay okay tone it down a little okay? Breathe calm down and please don't rip your dick off for me haha yes have fun touching yourself but when you talk like that I worry for your pp XD tehe yesssMommmy*H0LZ*<3333 I swear I have like litlAutismo Episodes here whr I jusroll around jackingoff all cutesie cuz of how cute you all are and I cnt controls it. And yeh speaking of mypp, I thnk I may need to *rewire* it cuz I kindaaa jackoff with Panties/Underwear 90% of the time now and I thnk that is causing mypp to not get as hards but its so addicting, maybz I shuld get a PocketBussy@W@ btwzzzz, how is this pic like is it too dark or is it oki :P >>919059462 DESERT : O >>919059516 Bye WA have a good1 :) >>919059534 ah, I see^^ well I am like a JackOfAll ig, I have all sorts of Spiritual Stuff :P


05/29/24(Wed)03:28:31 No.919059629

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>>919058474 Grace period almost expired. BBC sissy Hypno incoming


05/29/24(Wed)03:35:19 No.919059741

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>>919059596 >ah, I see^^ well I am like a JackOfAll ig, I have all sorts of Spiritual Stuff :P unironically the entire process of meeting fish and getting to know him got me to ask a lot of uncomfortable questions about how things work, and it makes me not want to pick a side so to speak lol >>919059599 >The modern woman comes with a dick now I've been saying, if modern women don't want to be feminine there's plenty of boys who will be. I think men as a collective are starting to realize that. other than rearing children, we don't actually *need* women for anything. >>919059700 >>919059661 >919059712 just filter the retard. starve him of you's and report spam


05/29/24(Wed)03:41:54 No.919059855

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>>919059821 >>919059829 Ok fuckers. You asked for it. Here we go


05/29/24(Wed)03:42:05 No.919059860

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>>919059516 >>919059599 I wish to see pics one day of her! Goodnight WA! Thanks for coming tonight <3 >>919059534 >fine line to walk between genuine narcissism and confidence its just something I have trouble with sometimes irl like I have a hard time talking about myself for self-reviews. I am getting better at it though like when you said its "based on truth". I guess its somewhat easier here cause everyone is gooning and its mostly anonymous haha >you and I represent both sides of the coin imo That is a very very good way to put it actually, I find myself enjoying the whole process of more produced pics cause I feel like I have more control plus I don't wanna get doxxed lol What judgement? Everyone has likes and dislikes like my content isn't for everyone and thats fine by me. Anyways nice finally talking with Fett, I gotta sleep too :P >>919059544 Goodnight Tim! Thanks for coming! >>919059596 NewPaci? Thats my cage HTA, the same one from before lol Life is scary but facing it make it less scary, you will never know if you don't try HTA! Good luck at the DMV haha that place is usually hell XD Other plans? I'm game for more HTA OC haha do whatever you want! Thats weird how you can't get hard with panties on.. yeah take those off? Idk lol Oof the pic is pretty dark and has a weird grain over it, probs cause its too dark lol. Anyways thanks for coming to my anniversary tonight HTA I gotta sleep now! >>919059599 >>919059701 DJ Deepthroat hehehehe thanks so much DD I know it looks very spankable :3 Gotta sleep now! > > > LAST POST for the night! Thanks for fun on my 2 Year Posting Anniversary everyone! Cali signing off


05/29/24(Wed)03:42:52 No.919059872

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>>919059855 I genuinely don't enjoy doing this, my hand was forced


05/29/24(Wed)03:44:26 No.919059892

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05/29/24(Wed)03:47:37 No.919059946

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05/29/24(Wed)03:49:36 No.919059973

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>>919059946 One anonymous hero can save this thread. Just give me what I want.


05/29/24(Wed)03:50:11 No.919059985

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>>919059860 damn rare cali eyes reveal. goodnight cali, swas nice chatting~ >>919059849 >Well if only they would shave properly. I will catch my boywife. definitely takes some effort to find good ones but they're out there im off to bed as well. remember to (you) starve bnwos and report spam :3


05/29/24(Wed)03:52:30 No.919060021

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>>919059973 Here's my gaped ass if you need some inspiration


05/29/24(Wed)03:56:49 No.919060085

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05/29/24(Wed)03:57:57 No.919060100

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05/29/24(Wed)03:59:52 No.919060135

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05/29/24(Wed)04:00:51 No.919060153

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05/29/24(Wed)04:01:49 No.919060171

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05/29/24(Wed)04:01:51 No.919060173

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>>919060128 thanks!!


05/29/24(Wed)04:03:22 No.919060198

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05/29/24(Wed)04:05:11 No.919060230

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My rescue cat strikes again. She really has a weird hatred of toilet paper. It's also raining and now I'm pissed. I needed to do yard work tomorrow.


05/29/24(Wed)04:08:36 No.919060290

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05/29/24(Wed)04:15:47 No.919060404

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>>919060319 Will you do one for me?


05/29/24(Wed)04:21:11 No.919060477

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>>919059741 Yeah, I don't really like to think about it either. Skrew all sides tbh, make your own side and be PRIDEFUL in it :P >>919059758 Oki^^ uhuhm wht about in a SkirtUWU >>919059860 You are so BEAUTIFUL Cali~Angel :333 >NewPaci? Thats my cage HTA, the same one from before lol Yups^^ tehe it can be my NewPaci, as ure Working Ijus*GLUUUCK*~away until you *SQUIRT* back myThroat and I feel urCummmies run downs but I amjusT0TS helpless( ´ཀ` ) >Life is scary but facing it make it less scary, you will never know if you don't try HTA! Well maybeee I'll get a Job for the Summer, I'm not sure but I have been looking for stuff I could do for the Summer other than lay around all day :P >Other plans? I'm game for more HTA OC haha do whatever you want! Yeah not entirely sure whats yet but we can talk about it next time. Likeee maybe *Latex* who knows<3333 >Thats weird how you can't get hard with panties on.. yeah take those off. heheX) it feels so good but yeah, with myPanties off I can't rllly get hard at this point. Bad addiction that can probs be fixed witaPocketBussy :V >Oof the pic is pretty dark and has a weird grain over it, probs cause its too dark lol. Yeh I had myLight off for dat1 :P I RLLLY need to get a Lock 4 my Door, I get so nrvs sumbdy is going to walk in on me by mistake. Hope you can still get sum Enjoyment out of it tho2U2 >Anyways thanks for coming to my anniversary tonight HTA I gotta sleep now! Of course Cali =D and here is too many more! You have been an Inspiration to me even outside of just being horny, if it wasn't for you I'd be even more of a Loser but with I have built up my Confidence to try new things and really get out there and the same goes for KITTY aswell, you are some of the best people I have ever met in my Life and I thank you for everything you have done for me...have a goodnight Cali^^ & Happy 2nd Anniversary agn it was *FUN*~have a goodnight and sweeet dreams to you, don't stress over work and stay hydrated as always*XOXO*<3333


05/29/24(Wed)04:26:26 No.919060559

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05/29/24(Wed)04:33:10 No.919060691

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>>919056402 Nigger


05/29/24(Wed)04:38:24 No.919060790

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05/29/24(Wed)04:51:17 No.919061052

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05/29/24(Wed)04:54:31 No.919061107

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>>919061052 >>919061084


05/29/24(Wed)05:34:13 No.919062025

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05/29/24(Wed)05:41:44 No.919062216

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05/29/24(Wed)05:58:52 No.919062526

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>>919062468 unironically my favorite scene in cinema >k time to try sleeping again


05/29/24(Wed)06:16:08 No.919062895

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05/29/24(Wed)06:18:31 No.919062944

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05/29/24(Wed)06:33:26 No.919063251

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the absolute state of this thread


05/29/24(Wed)06:42:14 No.919063438

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>>919060477 Yes skirts! My apologies, I didn't see the reply. Skirts and thigh highs ftw! >>919062797 >might get stuck as a cute lil bottom in subspace >Subspace Picrel Goodnight all of you beautiful fuckmeats.


05/29/24(Wed)06:45:45 No.919063539

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05/29/24(Wed)06:46:29 No.919063558

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>>919063251 It's a shame. Isn't it?


05/29/24(Wed)07:11:01 No.919064159

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05/29/24(Wed)07:39:08 No.919064739

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>>919064700 I'm not, no. But are your eternal trap threads?


05/29/24(Wed)07:49:30 No.919064981

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>>919064830 Yes I suppose so. But you have to appreciate the irony of the situation. When I used to post my ruined ass, I would instantly get torrents of abuse. But since I invented the Degrad-o-meter everyone here will go out of there way not to say anything bad about me. Admit it, I won.


05/29/24(Wed)07:59:13 No.919065218

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>>919056402 kill yourself fucking faggot


05/29/24(Wed)08:00:14 No.919065238

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>>919065170 I didn't want to start a war, I just wanted you to let me in. I'm willing to negotiate.


05/29/24(Wed)09:20:30 No.919067459

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these threads have been grim lately


05/29/24(Wed)09:34:14 No.919067894

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>>919056402 kill yourself fucking faggot


05/29/24(Wed)09:37:42 No.919067970

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05/29/24(Wed)09:47:05 No.919068256

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>>919067701 lol thanks >>919067851 ive been doing ok


05/29/24(Wed)10:30:07 No.919069466

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Hi >>919067459 some... but some were still OK, like last night (and I missed Cali again, as always). But I'd prefer slow thread to spammed or derailed thread any day...


05/29/24(Wed)10:52:21 No.919069997

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>>919069570 no problem :3 >>919069466 alot of the threads have been getting spammed :/


05/29/24(Wed)10:53:39 No.919070031

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>>919069402 I vaguely remember someone in pikachu hoodie, but I just tried searching for any photos with something yellow in the image and found nothing that would match "middle eastern femboy". >>919069508 I better knock on some (morning) wood then..


05/29/24(Wed)11:08:41 No.919070360

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>>919070217 wont do a spread but ill post my butt because you asked nicely >>919070258 have a good day hta


05/29/24(Wed)11:28:11 No.919070850

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>>919070258 some work, some posting here... usual stuff


05/29/24(Wed)11:29:24 No.919070879

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>>919056402 kill yourself fucking faggot


05/29/24(Wed)11:49:44 No.919071447

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>>919071127 no, I only have some thongs I got with a costume and they are horrible (as someone said, free ones never fit well). Also with big balls and cock, the panties seems to just work better (and nice lace and texture is good for photos too...)


05/29/24(Wed)12:01:52 No.919071852

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>>919071447 I get mostly ally panties from VS because most of the material is stretchy enough to comfortably fit my balls and dick. Pic rel is one of my comfiest pairs.


05/29/24(Wed)12:12:21 No.919072150

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>>919071852 VS seems to be like a gold standard around here lol maybe I will get some too. But I only wear panties when taking pics, they are too pretty for day to day use, I just wear cotton briefs daily... maybe I should follow fett's example and take some totally-not-gay casual photos as well...


05/29/24(Wed)12:12:38 No.919072159

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05/29/24(Wed)12:18:49 No.919072339

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05/29/24(Wed)12:19:22 No.919072359

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>>919072110 This is one of them :p


05/29/24(Wed)12:24:16 No.919072544

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>>919072284 >>919072288 >>919072420 Thanks 0_0 I hav sum but not lots


05/29/24(Wed)12:30:11 No.919072699

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