Trap thread ID: 918920412

First found on 2024-05-26(20:30:24)


05/26/24(Sun)10:03:50 No.918920412

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eternal trap/femboy/trans/twink thread


05/26/24(Sun)10:06:13 No.918920483

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05/26/24(Sun)10:07:48 No.918920530

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05/26/24(Sun)10:16:46 No.918920858

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05/26/24(Sun)10:24:38 No.918921151

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is this the real new thread or the fake one, i can barely tell anymore


05/26/24(Sun)10:27:19 No.918921254

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05/26/24(Sun)10:36:24 No.918921567

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>>918921192 why thank ya >>918921401 then i guess i'm starting this one off lmao


05/26/24(Sun)10:40:35 No.918921715

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>>918921429 <3


05/26/24(Sun)10:41:06 No.918921735

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Hey :)


05/26/24(Sun)10:41:16 No.918921744

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>>918921515 Ahahah thx


05/26/24(Sun)10:41:30 No.918921755

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>>918920412 kill yourself fucking faggot


05/26/24(Sun)10:43:22 No.918921826

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>>918921151 >is this the real new thread the real thread is where the cuties are posting <3


05/26/24(Sun)10:45:15 No.918921888

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>>918921778 Mmmmm is that all?


05/26/24(Sun)10:46:56 No.918921944

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>>918921859 >let me know when the cute ones start posting no


05/26/24(Sun)10:49:51 No.918922065

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>>918921965 Omg yes pls...


05/26/24(Sun)10:51:27 No.918922129

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>>918921826 <33333 >>918921828 total fembo domination >>918921953 thank you anon x33 and i'm from fetts house


05/26/24(Sun)10:53:40 No.918922219

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hi! >>918921401 yeah, pretty much this, it's easy to tell when it's all just reports by one person (and when there is no discussion about actual things)


05/26/24(Sun)10:53:54 No.918922233

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>>918922160 I enjoy everything Daddy, facesitting, fisting... You can threat me how you want


05/26/24(Sun)10:59:50 No.918922485

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>>918922314 there's something beautifully aesthetically pleasing about a perfect tummy, the lines, the shapes, the definition. just makes ya wanna kiss it


05/26/24(Sun)11:02:12 No.918922577

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>>918922364 Pls abuse me... I can stretch it till 7cm and you can go very deep i would like you to spit and cum in my ass and after that you could piss in/on me...


05/26/24(Sun)11:04:52 No.918922686

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>>918922314 I will simply respond with my favorite tummy pic I've ever taken


05/26/24(Sun)11:07:05 No.918922769

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>>918922577 And because we are talking about tummies... :)


05/26/24(Sun)11:10:52 No.918922914

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absolutely based tummyposting


05/26/24(Sun)11:11:34 No.918922943

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>>918922797 >Do you prefer guys or girls? Trans or cis? as feminine as you care to exist while still acknowledging you're a boy under it all. one of the things that instantly attracted me to fishboy (other than his smile) was that he was comfy enough to call himself fishboy >definitely saved (along with most of your other stuff youve posted here since I joined) humbled and flattered, ty anon >>918922914 >tummyposting cute tummies general ;_;


05/26/24(Sun)11:11:54 No.918922957

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>>918922314 As others said it's a good spot to see if someone is not too fat, hairy or can't do basic skin care. And dick is right next to it...


05/26/24(Sun)11:15:50 No.918923105

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does anyone know who is this?


05/26/24(Sun)11:19:39 No.918923227

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>>918923111 >checked that pretty much describes fishboy, except he's comfortable being/identifying/acting like a boy around me. that's a unique privilege that nobody else in his life gets. public gf/private bf so to speak, and often times I play the opposite roles


05/26/24(Sun)11:20:12 No.918923238

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>>918920412 kill yourself fucking faggot


05/26/24(Sun)11:21:26 No.918923279

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05/26/24(Sun)11:27:52 No.918923463

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>>918923366 no, I'm monog only. I've been in enm situations but I've never seen a relationship go from mono->poly and survive long, and I've watched one time threesomes destroy relationships.


05/26/24(Sun)11:29:14 No.918923505

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>>918923227 i just have a very uncommon perspective on what it means to be trans and i think it lends itself to living a happier life and be able to experience more than i ever thought was possible with another person, if i was like any other tranner i don't think our relationship would function the way that it does. >>918923366 swinging is a horrible practice that leads to horrific outcomes more often than not, no matter who it's with.


05/26/24(Sun)11:42:11 No.918924070

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>>918923858 I serious you faggot, Brook was talking about me again.


05/26/24(Sun)11:46:45 No.918924246

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>>918924070 maybe address it with brook then instead of whatever it is you're doing about it rn >>918923505 you understand the meme of ywnbaw is actually the reality, but it allows you to lead a happy life and actually have fulfilling relationships. you understand that passing is a privilege and not a right you get to impose on others. nobody has to walk around on egg shells around you, and instead of shunning a defining aspect of your personhood, you embrace it around me. your mentality is honestly unique from of any trans person I've ever met. >>918924121 >Tbh our two experiences in introducing a 3rd person in the bedroom havent gone well so idk what I would hope for anyways. in my experience, the binary state of a relationship is not something that should ever changed. if you're going to start monogamous or poly, you have to stay that way. almost no relationship ever survives transitioning from one state to the other.


05/26/24(Sun)11:52:35 No.918924417

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>>918924343 that would probably hurt lmao


05/26/24(Sun)12:09:55 No.918925056

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>>918924946 shoulda proofread that a bit more. whoops


05/26/24(Sun)12:18:59 No.918925387

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>>918925100 >and the one time I do catch them on they run away as soon as I say something to them. so let them, only makes them look bad. oc posters shit talking you when you aren't around is annoying but don't even bring it up unless it's with the source; it serves no purpose but making you look wounded. >>918925139 I just share my experiences, I'm not trying to tell you you're doing something wrong as a couple, that's for you both to determine. >So you two are monogamous then? yes, and always plan to be even as we post here >>918925316 afaik did a little professional porn and then dropped off the radar


05/26/24(Sun)12:47:42 No.918926580

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05/26/24(Sun)12:51:50 No.918926749

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>>918925585 >wholesome af yet also super hot that y'all share as much as you do. there are limits to that but we both were born in these threads in a sense. we both want others to be able to have what we do so we stick around. >which is exactly what Im looking for when I pick your brain I appreciate cuz I won't just ramble about nothing, but I'm more than happy to get into the weeds of any topic anyone wants to ask me about >Super happy for you two and hope you live long happy lives together!!! love it, ty anon<3


05/26/24(Sun)12:54:15 No.918926848

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>>918925585 Thank you! i wish you and your partner the best ^-^ hope yall live long happy lives as well


05/26/24(Sun)13:20:51 No.918927936

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05/26/24(Sun)13:22:15 No.918927989

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05/26/24(Sun)13:30:37 No.918928291

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>>918927992 Thank uuuu I usually wear a wig but sometimes people like my natural hair more


05/26/24(Sun)13:33:48 No.918928436

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>>918928375 Dw im growing it out rn so its naturally long ;)


05/26/24(Sun)13:35:42 No.918928512

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you got me longposting lol >>918927672 >roughly how old are the two of you beautiful (inside and out) individuals? late 20s and early 20s respectively > Like do you think family should adhere to name and pronoun expectations, or that its disrespectful/unloving if they refuse? your question touches on what I think is a fundamental source of unhappiness and difficulty for so many trans people, in that they often believe they are owed a world and social circle that perceives them the way they perceive themselves. simply put, that perception is not up to the individual to decide, ever. in trying to impose that perspective, it will only drive people to become combative and disrespect you and we see this everywhere. the only way you get around this problem is to be passable enough to not offend a normal persons sensibilities, as in the very real social perceptions on what distinguishes one sex from another. in essence you are showing them a certain level of respect so they're more likely to return it. if you're some nonbinary freak of nature or claim to be a female with a full face beard, it will never go well if participating in normal society is your goal. it's not a fair game and there will always be winners and losers. >If you could have the marker on your gov't IDs changed from M to F or N, would you? good questuon for fish, but I consider myself a man and always have, just one that embraces my feminine side and allows it to be seen/experienced by those close to me, partly because i accept "passing" is both not possible for me and a ton of work. if you didn't know me personally there would be no real outward indication that I'm like this as I go about my day. >Do you think you two will ever get married? unlikely due to a lot of factors but mostly i don't need the government to validate my relationships. >sit by a river or an overlook, pass a joint around and talk about existence with one of my favorite past times. fish knows how rambly I get


05/26/24(Sun)13:40:15 No.918928979

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>>918927672 >what about expecting family to not deadname you? i understand it honestly, for 18 years of my life I was a boy in their eyes and called me by a different name, i don't chastise them or feel bad for a mistake. i'm lucky enough that my parents accept me and my decisions enough to call me by my name and a girl as often as they do, and even refer to me as a daughter. I feel a lot of that acceptance comes from how far i've come in my transition and who i've become as a person. >If you could have the marker on your gov't IDs changed would you? i could, but i don't feel like it's a necessity, and i've known some trans people who have changed their names and it can become a very intensive, expensive, and complicated issue in participating in society. I kinda just accept my deadname as a government name more than anything else and it doesn't affect my mental health at all or even personal life. Dysphoria isn't a huge issue for me because i understand i can't control how people feel about me and everyone will have a different perspective on me, the most i can do is just be myself and let them think what they will. >>918927735 why thank you x33


05/26/24(Sun)13:41:07 No.918929021

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>>918928446 Stay locked


05/26/24(Sun)13:46:51 No.918929207

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>>918929189 Forgot to add pic to this


05/26/24(Sun)13:48:07 No.918929260

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Too shy today lol Took some nice shots tho


05/26/24(Sun)13:51:36 No.918929422

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>>918929207 Woahhh hottie alert


05/26/24(Sun)13:52:25 No.918929459

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>>918929380 I'm doing laundry omg you people are mental


05/26/24(Sun)13:54:02 No.918929521

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>>918929459 Whoops ie >>918926848 Can't resist that smile


05/26/24(Sun)13:55:18 No.918929569

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05/26/24(Sun)13:55:49 No.918929594

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05/26/24(Sun)13:56:45 No.918929628

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>>918920412 kill yourself fucking faggot


05/26/24(Sun)13:58:55 No.918929731

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>>918929628 You have like folders and folders of these guys At a certain point it stops being funny its basically like another porn collection


05/26/24(Sun)14:00:57 No.918929818

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>>918929678 I'll chill out if you cum in my mouth and call me your little whore


05/26/24(Sun)14:06:33 No.918930022

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>>918929521 thank ya :33


05/26/24(Sun)14:06:50 No.918930033

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>>918929841 No saviour from on high delivers No faith have we in prince or peer Our own right hand the chains must shiver Chains of hatred, greed and fear


05/26/24(Sun)14:13:38 No.918930285

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>>918930048 >meant more like an outright refusal ohhh gotchu. at first they didn't really accept it and said that they wouldn't call me by my name, and i understood but didn't lessen my respect for them and they eventually respected my decision enough to call me that. I wouldn't fault them, but i'm lucky that they do >I hope my partner is getting there it takes a lot of self reflection and patience to get there, but it is absolutely worth it >Also you're both really sexy and cute damn! Lucky to have each other! Thank you! :DD i'm very lucky to have fett


05/26/24(Sun)14:24:40 No.918930688

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>>918930048 >Or would you say that doesnt change your answer? my answer wouldn't change. in my honest opinion the entire concept of gender identity outside of the binary is just contributing to the degeneration of language. there are two genders and you can pick one, anything more complicated to me is just narcissism. would I qualify as non binary? maybe. but it's so much simpler to just be a guy who dresses feminine sometimes. I feel like I can freely walk the line between male and female sexual experiences without any funny business when it comes to how myself or others address me. >For instance, my partner's name has been legally changed for quite a while, but their family still uses their old name regardless. Same as pronouns? that's up to your partner and how they feel about it, but of course they have no actual power on how other people choose to address them. you can either accept their dissent if they chose not to respect your desires, or cut them out of your life. >Hey if youre around the northeast of US we might be able to make that happen. we're both a bit weary about meeting other anons for the time being. I've made a lot of friends off this site but I like being able to be candid about our relationship without any real risk of complications. maybe one day. >>918930476 i think if you avoid making people feel like they have to walk on eggshells to interact with you, theyre far more likely to respect your wishes and keep a positive relationship with you. that's honestly part of why I love these threads. those absolutely deranged types who can't handle not being constantly affirmed tend not to survive here.


05/26/24(Sun)14:27:42 No.918930883

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>>918930476 >I think being so chill about it helps people to not feel terrified of being in your presence and makes it so much easier on everyone. >i think if you avoid making people feel like they have to walk on eggshells to interact with you, theyre far more likely to respect your wishes and keep a positive relationship with you. You know guys, hear me out, you can also make real friends that respect you as people


05/26/24(Sun)14:31:11 No.918930982

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>>918930476 nobody wants to respect and be around someone that you have to walk on eggshells around. genuinely one of the best ways to be respected as a trans person is to just be chill and not freak out at people. at lot of trans people fail to do that and wonder why people don't like them, it's sad. i'm glad we share a similar perspective on this


05/26/24(Sun)14:35:47 No.918931290

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>>918927936 >>918929260


05/26/24(Sun)14:36:01 No.918931296

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>>918930883 > you can also make real friends that respect you as people that not the rebuttal you think it is. everyone should keep friends that respect them. that doesn't mean your biological family or society at large will, and acting as if they have a duty to only guarantees you're going to be miserable. >randomly got banned on my pass for ban evasion lol I haven't been banned tho? did I upset some troon moderator?


05/26/24(Sun)14:36:31 No.918931314

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>>918927936 Proof


05/26/24(Sun)14:37:03 No.918931329

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>>918927936 Proof 2


05/26/24(Sun)14:37:34 No.918931350

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>>918929260 Proof 3


05/26/24(Sun)14:39:35 No.918931401

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>>918931292 >It’s really sad that they darent even hang because of this expectation trans people are deranged psychos that will cancel/cry if you don’t appease the fuck outa them unfortunately that's most people's experiences with most trans people, myself and fish included. >>918931164 >The realer we are here the worse it is when we aren’t liked no, but what's good about 4chan, and TP has touched on this; people will be real with you here. if you have serious personality flaws, bad attitudes or are just wrong, someone WILL hold you to account for it. it's your choice whether to be hurt by it or allow yourself to grow from it


05/26/24(Sun)14:42:59 No.918931511

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>>918931292 >>918931300 it sucks that people think we're a monolith of people that will fly off the handle, it leads to a weird feeling in people's stomachs whenever there's a trans person around. Being chill but softly correcting people when needed kinda tears that fear down and really makes them see you as just another person


05/26/24(Sun)14:47:47 No.918931682

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>>918931611 Eat it you pussy bitch


05/26/24(Sun)14:47:50 No.918931685

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>>918931611 Where does philosophy come from if not an armchair?


05/26/24(Sun)14:49:49 No.918931748

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>>918931611 Ass tax


05/26/24(Sun)14:51:36 No.918931809

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>>918931490 It's not that you should expect certain language, it's that society functions on respect & one of the most basic aspects of that is your name & pronouns. If you say you're a woman & ask someone to call you that, that's fine as long as you're also respecting them at the same time. I'm mainly stealth so I don't run into it very often, but I used to a lot before passing & it sucks when you're v nice to someone, get their name right & show them respect, only to have it thrown in your face after correcting them one time. We talk a lot about how fragile some trans posters are, but some of the anti-trans ones are just as fragile & it's easy to forget that. I used to run into people like that at uni parties, they'd be super chill & happily talk to you, but the moment you correct them, it's a complete 180 & they become unhinged. I think that stems from the human need to never admit your wrong or made a mistake, I think both sides would be happier if people were just kind to eachother >>918931511 Ikr? Honestly i'm more scared of others than they should be of me, i'm chill & hate shouting + confrontation, all people want when we correct them is for it to be like 'oh hey sorry these are my pronouns & name, dw about getting it wrong sometimes, it's an adjustment for everyone, me included!' >>918931611 sometimes i forget we can post pics too lol

ruff (malcolm/x)

05/26/24(Sun)15:00:50 No.918932137

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>>918931809 >but some of the anti-trans ones are just as fragile & it's easy to forget that. Lol yes. I always remember the South Park gag where they make a separate bathroom for transphobes and keep the regular ones for "normal people who don't care"


05/26/24(Sun)15:01:01 No.918932144

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I'm convinced some mad /tttt/ mod banned my pass. i got an unappealable 3 day ban for "ban evasion" despite the fact I've been posting from the same IP and pass since December >>918931611 >What's with the armchair philosophy? what's up with your gorilla brain that only thinks in coom >>918931659 >>918931511 unfortunately the /tttt/ type crowd and lgbt activists in general are responsible for the extent of the damage and bad perceptions against trans people. I see it on social media and irl all the time. the activists push so hard and it only makes people want to resist and push back harder. rewind the clock 20 years, I imagine most passoids would find living easier because the general public scorn just wouldn't be there. kind of how race relations were better before Obama got into office because nobody cared >>918931809 >If you say you're a woman & ask someone to call you that, that's fine as long as you're also respecting them at the same time. I mentioned this earlier, but in this case I think you respecting them means some reasonable conformity to what most people's idea of a woman actually is. I'm not even trans so maybe my opinion probably doesn't mean much, but my bf is a passoid, and I have spent my share of time in these communities


05/26/24(Sun)15:02:27 No.918932192

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05/26/24(Sun)15:07:15 No.918932374

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>>918931659 lmao i've had that happen before. I would just tell a friend something about being trans and they'd go "ur trans?" then treat me weird for the remainder of our friendship. but i understand i can't change their perspective on me and all i can do is just be chill to them. >>918931809 it's fair to be a little scared when talking to someone about it cuz you'll never know their reactions but you'll find very very very few people will actually be mad at you for correcting them or finding out that you're trans


05/26/24(Sun)15:08:20 No.918932429

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Anons how do I fix my daddy issues? I keep lusting for men as old as my dad and Rach is angry at me cuz of that


05/26/24(Sun)15:12:31 No.918932592

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>>918932367 other than people thinking im insecure about my height based solely im the fact that I'm 5'6, I don't get the joke because it's never presented an issue in dating for me, or really any part of my life lol >>918932352 >Incel lol, even fish knows im not

ruff (malcolm/x)

05/26/24(Sun)15:13:16 No.918932621

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>>918932429 My daddy issues are terminal, I can't help you there

ruff (malcolm/x)

05/26/24(Sun)15:18:52 No.918932823

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>>918932621 I remember I said Daddy on here as a joke and some guy said something extremely horny and capped it off with calling me his "whore daughter" and it broke my brain lol


05/26/24(Sun)15:19:16 No.918932833

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>>918932144 >some reasonable conformity to what most people's idea of a woman actually is See this is where it's v interesting, because that's been changing since first wave got women the right to vote & work, then 2nd wave went 'my reproductive organs don't define me' & then 3rd wave came around going 'hey so what if all men are bad & we kill them with hammers'' & set the stage for the 4th wave backlash of 'actually my reproductive organs do define me now'. Depends what communities your in & how well you pass tbh, along with where you are in the world. From my experience Americans are a lot more likely to think 'woman = babies' due to traditional conservative values still being around there, where here in the UK most people agree women includes trans women & 'women = boob, ass no facial hair' which makes more sense imo. The opinions of non-t people matter, especially the ones who date t people, because they're the people we show the things that society says women shouldn't do & their acceptance can make the non-acceptance of others bearable while helping us out of our shell. Honestly I think a lot of the most platformed t people (the ones who court media controversy) are the ones with the worst support networks & often the worst takes. Most recent has got to be Brianna Wu trying to retcon her being trans because public knowledge of what we can look like has grown & now she's clocky instead of a cis passoid. I feel bad for her but we can't turn the clock back, all we can do is make the best of it & understand all that matters in life is being happy & kind to others >>918932374 Most people think it's the coolest shit ever & ask lots of questions, which really throws the media narrative of 'everyone hates trans people' into doubt. I'm just naturally wary of people anyways, but i've never had anyone get angry about it, just a few people acted 'weird' about it & most the time their friends call them out on it, which I think is a good sign for society as a whole!


05/26/24(Sun)15:23:54 No.918932981

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>>918932823 Damn now I wish someone would make me their whore daughter too


05/26/24(Sun)15:24:52 No.918933007

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>>918932482 Based, I believe they'll become a happier person in general on the other side ^w^ >>918932807 Thank you!! that means a lot and it was nice just talking philosophy and sharing thoughts! :33 >>918932833 yeahh the worst you'll get are weirdos. there's extremists on both sides but the reality is much more chill than the internet portrays. Also sick Ibanez, what body style is it? :0


05/26/24(Sun)15:30:48 No.918933227

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>>918932936 >don't go with any guy more than 2 levels below your own number. What do you mean my own number Rach you're talking in riddles. Also are you saying that I is totally okay to lust after older men and call them daddy to vent my daddy issues? Thanks Rach!!


05/26/24(Sun)15:32:58 No.918933329

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new f1nn


05/26/24(Sun)15:38:16 No.918933545

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so much text itt it's hard to keep track lol >>918932833 this is honestly a very interesting take. i think my point on how to have respect for the normies around you holds, but what society considers women is indeed always changing. I'm seeing a lot more people accept the idea that there are a lot of boys out there willing to be feminine since women don't seem all that interested. women clearly don't understand the struggles and wants of men, but other men do. and despite everything ive said on how trans people get perceived or treated, people are often VERY disarmed when they meet one in person. a lot of that harsh talk doesn't manifest irl, but the activists and groups online are what do the most damage in terms of societal acceptance imo. you can see this in your average /etg/ troll thread. those threads reflects how a significant plurality of normal people view the trans community.


05/26/24(Sun)15:39:33 No.918933673

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>>918933007 It's a cheap rg gio (i think?) but it was the first guitar I ever got, it's got the perfect neck for my hands & long fingers, so I swapped the pickups out for 2 invaders & a hot rail cause I needed it for uni & i kept getting mogged by the gibson, fender & prs users lol I have a bright pink vai series JEM & a vintage terada classical that I both adore as well! >>918933056 Hihi fren!!! >>918933204 What's your goto? I like painkiller for the flash or pussywhipped (cringe ik)


05/26/24(Sun)15:41:10 No.918933759

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05/26/24(Sun)15:44:13 No.918933889

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05/26/24(Sun)15:44:59 No.918933922

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How do you cuties come up with OC to take? :3


05/26/24(Sun)15:46:25 No.918933983

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>>918933922 place fon, pose and shoot


05/26/24(Sun)15:51:01 No.918934192

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>>918933479 Only if you call me your whore daughter and a good girl... >>918933480 Why does everyone keep telling me that? I accidentally sucked and swallowed thiccc yummy cum from one fub (or maybe 5) and now I'm suddenly a a whore for fubs. No fair!


05/26/24(Sun)15:53:44 No.918934321

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deep thread today, some interesting replies... but I will just post pics


05/26/24(Sun)15:55:48 No.918934414

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>>918933545 sorry sorry I like having discussions & get carried away! I don't think we can take the etg troll threads as a good metric of how normal people view us, it's too influenced by internet politicking. Honestly the best place i've found for getting a 'somewhat' reflective view of how normal society views us is local newspapers & their comment sections, as they're always too small to attract either side to sway discussion (at least in the UK). On the whole they're positive, very 'let people live life how they want', the biggest pushback against it is from the older generation from what i've seen & other older people call them out on it a lot. I know in the US it's worse, everyone HAS to have an opinion on trans people no matter what they know about us & most people default to 'against' on any topic they cba researching. People are nicer irl, i've known a lot of /pol/ people who ended up being cool with T people once actually met one. >>918933907 Oh definitely! The volume pots have ded zones, the floating bridge is a nightmare & I almost always block it off, but it still plays better than any i've tried because it's what I got good on! I love fenders but the necks are just a bit too thin for me, i've got pianist fingers lol, but I did start on a 90's squire so I get the small neck pain! I always wanted to play bass but i'm weak, I struggle with bar chords using 9's even now so many years on from learning


05/26/24(Sun)16:03:55 No.918934767

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05/26/24(Sun)16:08:48 No.918934936

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>>918934171 Me and Fett like to keep this world and our real world separate, so sadly we won't be sending socials but it's very good to talk to you! >what kind of musical artists are you into? a lot lmao, but i'll just send a rapidfire list that comes to mind. Acid Bath, Darkthrone, System of a Down, Pig Destroyer, Deicide, Motörhead, Xasthur, Magrudergrind, Ulver, Eyehategod, Watain, Type O Negative >>918934414 making the best out of shitty equipment can be better than even the best equipment sometimes. lmao would you consider switching out the bridge? maybe an evertune would suit you better. I play with a ton of force and only downstroke (aside from tremolo picking) on my bass and it just doesn't translate to a telecaster.


05/26/24(Sun)16:10:18 No.918935002

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>>918920412 kill yourself fucking faggot


05/26/24(Sun)16:16:58 No.918935302

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05/26/24(Sun)16:21:37 No.918935504

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>>918935261 What number would you rate me then Rach? Also do you like Nintendo switch games? Or are you more of a xbox/PS5 gaymer Rach?


05/26/24(Sun)16:22:05 No.918935523

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>>918934936 I would if I didn't sometimes need to trem or dive, i'd get a floyd if I didn't hate floyds so much, but I make do! I used to just do downstroke but we had a jazz module for a year so I had to learn alt & upstroke or fail it lol Nowadays I just finger pick everything cause my nails are long & i'm big on classical atm I love ibanez's because you can hit them as hard as you want & it translates well, only limitation is how much you want to risk being slightly off & catching a fingernail! Tele's are perfect for solo's though right out the box & it's so quintessential to 60's-80's rock, nails the tones & feel v easily >>918935402 You'll take my life but i'll take yours too! Great choice & I love maiden! Fear of the dark, phantom, wasted years & 2 minutes to midnight are on every playlist I have <3


05/26/24(Sun)16:28:01 No.918935784

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POV: You're about to clap my cheeks :p