Trap thread ID: 918049773

First found on 2024-05-08(16:45:08)


05/08/24(Wed)02:25:37 No.918049773

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eternal trap/femboy/trans/twink thread


05/08/24(Wed)02:27:01 No.918049804

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05/08/24(Wed)02:27:01 No.918049806

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05/08/24(Wed)02:29:18 No.918049855

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>>918049804 Always good to see allana


05/08/24(Wed)02:29:57 No.918049865

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>>918049806 Post rear.


05/08/24(Wed)02:33:39 No.918049944

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05/08/24(Wed)02:34:31 No.918049962

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05/08/24(Wed)02:35:10 No.918049979

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05/08/24(Wed)02:35:55 No.918049992

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05/08/24(Wed)02:36:38 No.918050010

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>>918049992 I fucking love crossdressing maids


05/08/24(Wed)03:19:50 No.918050864

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05/08/24(Wed)03:25:04 No.918050969

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>>918050906 oh I am..I want to be a Western man's tranny tradwife and to make him healthy and wholesome foods after a long day of work, and then to let him kiss me all over my body afterwards while we make out :)


05/08/24(Wed)03:41:35 No.918051246

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05/08/24(Wed)03:45:51 No.918051338

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05/08/24(Wed)03:49:21 No.918051396

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Jesus is canonically trans due to immaculate conception :3


05/08/24(Wed)03:55:20 No.918051506

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>>918039098 this was one of the first pictures i've ever posted, i've posted so many pictures since then but mostly only this one ever gets reposted v_v its because you can see my bulge isn't it? bunch of bottoms in this thread smh


05/08/24(Wed)04:10:34 No.918051759

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>>918050859 Latvia? Lithuania? >>918051632 If you're gonna namefag at least be creatively unique. This isn't a yahoo forum ffs. >>918051654 I agree. More sexy dadbod


05/08/24(Wed)04:14:21 No.918051826

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>>918051802 >8 inches in your hole anyway. Too big, sorry


05/08/24(Wed)04:36:13 No.918052240

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hi :3


05/08/24(Wed)04:41:51 No.918052321

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>>918052116 >further north and east. East of Latvia is russia, which I suppose is technically Europe even though it's mostly in Asia. Kind of a continent of its own tho. Hopefully you mean Estonia though, or possibly Finland but isn't that Scandinavian? >>918052155 So cringe, you type like a virgin >>918052197 Early start for bws >>918052199 >unless it's totally broken somehow. Like being from Liverpool? Kek >>918052261 Great I'll just tie you up and force you to top ;3


05/08/24(Wed)04:43:30 No.918052353

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>>918050859 maybe I should be less shy I love my red hair, it likely comes from my Udmurt family members :3


05/08/24(Wed)04:46:55 No.918052404

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05/08/24(Wed)04:48:22 No.918052428

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>>918052404 taking requests


05/08/24(Wed)04:53:09 No.918052510

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05/08/24(Wed)04:55:05 No.918052541

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Friend of mine


05/08/24(Wed)04:58:49 No.918052598

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>>918052510 >>918052555 You sure about that? My wrecked bussy tends to turn people off...


05/08/24(Wed)04:58:59 No.918052600

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>>918052384 ik, im very very shy as I said I'm not Udmurt but my mother's family came to Finland from Karelia and had some Udmurt and Vepsian mixtures Finland isn't scandinavian here's more. not filtered at all. ignore the scar on my wrist. it's something I should not have done :(


05/08/24(Wed)04:59:32 No.918052611

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05/08/24(Wed)05:04:09 No.918052688

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05/08/24(Wed)05:05:16 No.918052710

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05/08/24(Wed)05:05:41 No.918052715

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:3 my big Booty


05/08/24(Wed)05:06:06 No.918052723

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>>918052366 Ok damn sorry, I wasn't sure if Finland was Scandinavian or not, hence the question mark... If it's a league of its own then it's also not Europe >>918052384 But now we know >>918052406 Thank you :3 >>918052424 Silly daddy, you don't make the rules here! >>918052455 >balls Imagine being scared of a troll. Or anyone on b for that matter >>918052559 >eleventh finger I hope we're charging entry fees to the wedding >>918052598 >tends to turn people off... Yeah because it's disgusting. Stop giving fags a bad name and seek help >>918052600 >Finland isn't scandinavian I apologise unreservedly for my ignorance. >The whips are in the bottom drawer when you're ready ;3


05/08/24(Wed)05:07:48 No.918052747

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05/08/24(Wed)05:09:42 No.918052781

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>>918052732 Thx!


05/08/24(Wed)05:12:11 No.918052817

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05/08/24(Wed)05:12:59 No.918052833

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05/08/24(Wed)05:18:53 No.918052934

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>>918052781 More of my fat ass


05/08/24(Wed)05:27:08 No.918053059

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>>918052707 okay here 14 months estrogen 1 and a half months progesterone i hope that someone here thinks they're beautiful


05/08/24(Wed)05:32:08 No.918053130

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05/08/24(Wed)05:38:41 No.918053213

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>>918052734 Me too tho >>918052782 Im happy for Finns to be European :3 >>918052958 Yeah I'm just baiting him. The best defence is a strong offense >>918053059 Cute boiboobies >>918053137 Yes that's fucked. Stick wood int ole on ya way owt


05/08/24(Wed)05:48:16 No.918053329

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>>918053213 >


05/08/24(Wed)05:56:24 No.918053439

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05/08/24(Wed)06:05:25 No.918053552

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hello EU ppl :3 i haven’t posted in a little bit i will repost these later when a new thread is up


05/08/24(Wed)06:06:05 No.918053569

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05/08/24(Wed)06:06:33 No.918053574

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>>918053048 Just reverse image search. Most are from here a few years ago.


05/08/24(Wed)06:06:37 No.918053576

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>>918053569 okay i sleep now


05/08/24(Wed)06:12:53 No.918053652

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>>918053327 Liverpool did a HTA on English >>918053364 Imagine being in Finland and thinking, can't wait to explore the rest of eastern Europe like Romania kek >>918053329 Kek me >>918053452 What cool toy should I get next? I'll probably buy it, I have some money spare


05/08/24(Wed)06:36:26 No.918054047

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05/08/24(Wed)07:02:47 No.918054450

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>>918054184 Enough for gravy on chips but not a retarded accent >>918054272 I wanna walk the cute girl tho :( >>918054311 This >>918054324 plus skincare >Or just filter it


05/08/24(Wed)08:06:49 No.918055613

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>>918055418 HDR is great for nature and photos with high dynamic range to compress them into what your phone/display can show... but it also increases contrast and may add some halos around the edges and also pulls up the noise from everything including bokeh background. Like on this photo I have used HDR and it looked OK on the phone screen, but when I later checked it on PC, it was too grainy, my legs look almost hairy.. all because of HDR I used because sky was overblown... >Apparently focal length can change the entire shape of your face as well? yes, very true. You always want to avoid wide angle lenses because they distort the image considerably. Photographers often call 50mm lens ideal portrait lens for a reason, anything under it will start deforming details a bit. Now it's hard to convert this into cellphone camera specs, but if you have multiple lenses on the phone, avoid the wide angle lens for closeups. Wide angle will make your nose look longer and face ugly shaped, even warped, if too close.


05/08/24(Wed)08:45:33 No.918056426

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>>918055582 Skincare takes time and money but is well worth it in the long run >>918055613 Thanks for the info, like you say there's no easy way to translate to phone cameras but they're just limited in that respect. I'll never buy a DSLR so I'll always have sub par pics >>918055872 I'll have a look :3 >>918056277 Neither a tranny nor a poop fetishist but kiss my ass I guess


05/08/24(Wed)08:50:54 No.918056535

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05/08/24(Wed)08:57:32 No.918056684

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05/08/24(Wed)09:01:40 No.918056780

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>>918056426 > like you say there's no easy way to translate to phone cameras You can convert focal lengths/sensor sizes using Or check your JPEG photo EXIF, it's in file properties, even in Android photo viewer. But yes, with phone you are limited and usually don't have a zoom (Don't use digital zoom ever on a phone, it's always garbage!). Some phones now have telephoto/zoom "periscope" lens, but usually that's only for the top class $$$ models. But overall there is no "wrong" lens focal length, so don't worry about it much, just have fun! Also you are often limited by other things, like if it looks better, why not use 200mm lens all the time, right? Problem is that it's really hard to use such long telephoto when shooting "selfies", like for this photo, camera was maybe 50m away, on a timer. Field of view is so small it's hard to stay in frame... indoors it might be completely impossible, unless it's like a dick-shot detail.


05/08/24(Wed)09:05:49 No.918056869

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work so boring, also cowie tell me to stfu (if u see this)


05/08/24(Wed)09:09:50 No.918056968

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05/08/24(Wed)09:17:40 No.918057159

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>>918056780 Interesting, maybe I'll have a go at playing around with my settings >>918056869 Stfu blurbs


05/08/24(Wed)09:22:05 No.918057252

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>>918057191 I won't deny my adoring footfags


05/08/24(Wed)09:24:57 No.918057324

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>>918056966 OpenCamera is good as it skips all effects and "just takes the photo", no nonsense included, but it can only use main camera, can't switch them if you have multiple (I mean more sensors than usual front/back, it can switch that). Another good app is LMC / GCAM, simply google your phone model and LMC or GCAM. It have maybe 200+ parameters to tweak, but you don't need to touch any of that, simply load config files from different people (there's often community around different phone models on trying to get best results), you can just import their XML configs until you get the look you want.


05/08/24(Wed)09:25:41 No.918057338

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>>918057314 Ohh cool. I love spam.


05/08/24(Wed)09:33:13 No.918057511

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05/08/24(Wed)09:35:20 No.918057570

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>>918049773 kill yourself fucking faggot


05/08/24(Wed)09:35:47 No.918057579

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>>918057537 Take it, please. I'll fit into panties better


05/08/24(Wed)09:45:01 No.918057836

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>>918057776 Kek >>918057792 >you can have my 5 inch that shrinks down to 1 normally Deal >pass And here I am filling in captchas like a pleb


05/08/24(Wed)10:11:15 No.918058571

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exposing this slut


05/08/24(Wed)10:22:32 No.918058854

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05/08/24(Wed)10:44:54 No.918059437

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>>918058854 having to edit pics to fit your view is very funny, shit fetish much? >>918059328 >Penny come back >imagine simping for a dogfucker even a retard can be based sometimes lel it's all so derivative, once you see cherry simping you know bnwo porn is coming, and once you see that you know Rach or HTA is getting targeted, AND once you see that someone will start seething about BWS "out of nowhere". I'm beginning to miss the trolls who were creative and didn't lurk the thread 24/7 to "know the lore".


05/08/24(Wed)10:47:43 No.918059515

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>>918059254 I could use a nice tongue in my butt rn ;)


05/08/24(Wed)11:07:20 No.918060353

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05/08/24(Wed)11:35:40 No.918061267

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What's your age limit for traps? Seen a few older ones and it's piqued my interest


05/08/24(Wed)11:38:06 No.918061361

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>>918061180 This is my most recent example. Notice how they still opened up the possibility of fucking one. Having a bbc dildo as well is another one. Need to clear that I never gave anonynon an alert because his was just black and not a bbc one.


05/08/24(Wed)12:15:39 No.918062624

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>>918062486 Nug? >>918062578 Drink more then!


05/08/24(Wed)12:15:46 No.918062625

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05/08/24(Wed)12:24:14 No.918063159

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05/08/24(Wed)12:33:06 No.918063541

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hey :3


05/08/24(Wed)12:34:51 No.918063623

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>>918063465 Of course :3