Hey guys. Been a little while - at least a couple of months? - since last I made / posted OC. Sorry that despite that, some anons bring me up and shit up the threads so much. Unfortunately, this post probably isn’t going to end that - but maybe it’ll tie up a few loose ends or something.
While some days I miss it more than others, others I doubt if I’ll be coming back to these trap threads. I really did appreciate all the support I got from you guys - in the threads, in DMs, etc - but being an eslut is not exactly as fulfilling as I probably hoped it would be. To put it bluntly, I probably wouldn’t have started posting if I got dates irl lol. (That isn’t to say I didn’t enjoy looking at the various dicks & hot pics that you guys sent me lol.) What I’m saying is: there are plenty of OC posters who can give you guys a great femboy summer - it just won’t be me.
Which brings me to my next point: I’ve gone and gotten rid of pretty much my whole femboy wardrobe. All of the stuff blinky got me has been tossed in a dumpster (his request, actually.) I don’t know if I’ll ever attempt to make a thing out of being cute again, but if I do it won’t have anything to do with him and it won’t be like it’s been over the last several months. Despite the drama, I wish him the best and I think distancing the two of us as much as possible has always been the best move for both his and my mental wellbeing. It may surprise you, but I did not just post because I was getting simped for lol.
(1/4 i think)
04/16/24(Tue)16:12:20 No.916990470
To address things which have been frequently posted about me in the threads:
>penny is mid
this is correct :3
posters like cali, ju, kitty, and fett all post great stuff so talk about them instead lol (i miss you kitty :3)
>scammer / quid pro quo
as far as I know, there were no donators who did not receive pics in outfits they gifted to me (other than blinky)- even tho there was no official ‘transaction’. (they were gifted, a fact acknowledged by both me and all of the gifters. So even if there were raw deals, which there wasn’t as far as I can recall, i just thought i’d say that.)
The anon posting earlier saying something about a donation to my cashapp in december was lying btw. i had no transactions on cashapp from any anons during that time.
>took the money and ran
Though the bulk of my collection was from a certain someone, he was also the one to get me to stop posting. I prefer to think of it less as a getaway and more as an impeachment lol. If he had wanted pictures of the outfits and me in them, he certainly didn’t make that known and was actively working towards the opposite ends (through a variety of methods.)
Also I don’t recall getting much of any cash from various anons directly. Most of that was from a single person who had a thing for seeing me have fun with others in the thread (sort of a voyeur type of thing. they’re also the reason you guys got that middle finger picture you like so much lol)
All of that to say, I don’t believe I scammed anyone - and certainly not intentionally. Clearly I used my body for attention, clothes, and a bit of cash - mostly to buy more clothes lol - but that was never up for debate. Though I will say that I generally tried to avoid outright e-begging and was pretty much without drama between other OC posters, so I’d say I didn’t handle the thread politics *too* too poorly.
04/16/24(Tue)16:13:34 No.916990526
>penny doesn’t even lurk
this is also true btw. I only rarely check the archives. Most of the thread activity i know about is thru people telling me stuff that’s going on. And tbh i feel better just not thinking about the threads at all.
This whole thing, starting just before my first semester and dragging itself out all the way through now has certainly been a wild ride. As someone who has had friends, but was never overwhelming popularity, being under so many eyes was exciting, thrilling, but mostly overwhelming. It wasn’t so much that the trolls got to me, but that I was disappointed when pics I posted weren’t as good as they could be / when the thread didn’t like them. Tbh I still get confused when I see reposts of pics I think weren’t good enough to jerk off to - at least not good enough for me to jerk off to lol. Having an internet presence, even in an amateur porn thread is a very strange thing to navigate.
While I would certainly change some things if given the chance, I think that the opportunity for me to get a lot of this out of my system was a good thing. (Even if it involved being threatened a bunch lol) To all the anons who have been nothing but nice - thank you. To all the anons who’ve called me mid or pointed out stuff about my body or pictures for me to fix - also thank you, just maybe a bit less (lol)
(3/4 or 3/5)
04/16/24(Tue)16:15:25 No.916990602
To the dedicated simps who seem intent on defending me - I’ve always said this, but please don’t feel obligated to defend me. I’ve made mistakes, i’m not even close to the hottest OC poster, etc etc. I think everyone should just chill out about me or at least post good pics if they’re gonna keep talking about me. Sorry that me and all of the bullshit surrounding me has fucked up the atmosphere of the threads so much. Had I known this was gonna happen, I wouldn’t have shoved my ass (and dick) in all of your faces. And sorry if these paragraphs make me seem like i think im more important than i really am. i just wanted to say something before disappearing totally.
At least until I mature a bit, I think I should try to keep a low profile and not attract any online attention lol. I saw people talking about a discord server and, while I think it could be fun, it would probably end up making people mad and drama happening again, so I wouldn’t be at the helm of it. I’m sure there are anons out there who have penny dumps, I just won’t be supplying them.
Sometimes I still get the itch to post or feel sexy, but usually just tide that over by looking at my pics or flirt with people in DMs (though i haven’t done any flirting in a few months.) Given that ‘urge’, I’m not saying I may never have a moment of horniness and post - but don’t count on me coming back here or anywhere - especially not in any real capacity. In the words of the haters “Penny’s not coming back”
04/16/24(Tue)16:17:57 No.916990713
I still have a discord account on which I check in fairly often - despite everyone’s apparent concern, I’ve really only got one or two dms btw lol - so if you have questions, I can answer them there. And I’ll try to be active during the remainder of this thread. But overall I’m done with skirting the lines of parasocial relationships or leading people on or slutting around or whatever I’ve been doing. I appreciate you guys, but I don’t want femboy stuff to dominate my life (as it did this winter.)
When i do femboy stuff it’s a nice release but Penny isn’t really me and i’m not really Penny - if you get what i mean. I enjoyed putting on a show, and i’m sorry it had to end in the way that it did, but it’s time for closure yknow. That means both the simps and haters can finally shut up lol.
(Also sorry for acting like i was gonna post more, just didn’t want you guys to worry. Also haven’t said explicitly what happened between me and blinky because i don’t want spread shit / encourage other bad actors.)
it was fun to chat with all you anons, to meet and talk with Cali and Kitty and Tris and HTA and Nym, etc (just to name a few) and to see other oc posters like Fett, Juturna, and all of those fun people. I’m grateful that I was received so well, but I think it’s time to move on.
tl:dr - getting rid of my femboy clothes, i appreciate you guys but i’m done pretty much indefinitely (that includes lurking too.! Oh and I’m getting a haircut (not too short, maybe Kurt Russel in Escape from NY length if it’ll work with curlier hair)
But generally, after that huge all of text and several posts (writing this in my notes app btw), this is Penny saying sorry for the drama, thanks for the fun, and I hope you guys enjoy your summer :3
5/5 jeez i didn’t think it would take that many posts. again, sorry for shitting up the threads lol
04/16/24(Tue)16:19:41 No.916990798
Fuck you
04/16/24(Tue)16:20:23 No.916990828
04/16/24(Tue)16:20:54 No.916990856
04/16/24(Tue)16:21:12 No.916990879
hi penny
04/16/24(Tue)16:22:28 No.916990924
i can honor all your requests at once
04/16/24(Tue)16:30:10 No.916991243
thighs you say?
04/16/24(Tue)16:33:40 No.916991401
:o would nibble on and snuggle :3
04/16/24(Tue)16:38:52 No.916991654
Greetings gooner community, you will all never become a real woman HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
You are so cringe especially when combined with the LGBTQ HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHA
If you are really a quote on quote "transgender" i want to see a video of your dick being cut off
Niggers niggers niggers
Rach and Tris Chan deserve to rot in hell for being a disgusting tranny HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Cherry, giraffeboi, Valkyrie and fett you are so cringeeeeeee
Now time to die
04/16/24(Tue)16:44:17 No.916991898
All my vids have sound and over 2mb limit. Sauce is kianavi.
04/16/24(Tue)16:46:55 No.916992015
Glad you finally admitted you will never become a real women. Unlike the other GOONERS.
04/16/24(Tue)16:47:20 No.916992032
kill yourself fucking faggot
04/16/24(Tue)16:54:46 No.916992356
04/16/24(Tue)16:55:58 No.916992421
godspeed butt boi
sucks about the mentally ill simps and deranged haters
allie. spread cheeks pl0x
04/16/24(Tue)16:56:01 No.916992428
04/16/24(Tue)16:56:42 No.916992463
04/16/24(Tue)16:57:41 No.916992517
04/16/24(Tue)17:01:15 No.916992668
04/16/24(Tue)17:06:22 No.916992906
since i got mentioned by name im gonna offer a response.
firstly thank you for fucking finally clearing the record, so hopefully we dont have to endlessly rehash this topic. admittedly ive been party to perpetuating it at times, with caveats of course, that i could be wrong.
ive never had a personal issue with you; im not sure how i could since we've never actually interacted. that speaks to why i called you mid in the first place all those threads back; it wasnt reflecting my opinion on you per say. i was after the simps, and ive never gotten so many (you's) in one thread. that one thread turned me into a lite-meme funny enough. its my opinion that putting you on a pedestal despite your irrelevance was actively taking attention away from active posters and imo, hurting the thread quality overall. i guess its a sort of cosmic humor that you seem to want to fade into obscurity anyway. either way, thank you for popping in to set things straight
04/16/24(Tue)17:11:17 No.916993159
I was gone for a month and I came back to the end of a major drama source? This is a good omen of times to come
04/16/24(Tue)17:11:30 No.916993166
04/16/24(Tue)17:17:58 No.916993465
Fuck you trannies you should die Ronnie Mcnutt style
04/16/24(Tue)17:18:06 No.916993475
What's the news with all the penny shit?
Seems like a bunch of senseless faggotry
04/16/24(Tue)17:18:11 No.916993479
kill yourself fucking faggot
04/16/24(Tue)17:20:23 No.916993595
04/16/24(Tue)17:21:41 No.916993653
04/16/24(Tue)17:22:27 No.916993700
04/16/24(Tue)17:22:57 No.916993723
nope, I've never even interacted with these ocs before lol
04/16/24(Tue)17:24:23 No.916993795
>more and more I think the Penny stuff was inflated by trolls
100% agree. it's funny to me that penny came back to validate pretty much everything ive said on the topic
>yes I'm mid
>no I'm not coming back
>please stop posting about me all the time it's making the threads shit
I wonder what the simps will do now?
>are you ticklish?
04/16/24(Tue)17:26:09 No.916993885
04/16/24(Tue)17:27:26 No.916993951
No sir, I'll give you a hint:
There's a lot more water where I'm from
Yes sir ;3
04/16/24(Tue)17:27:42 No.916993965
its 4am, not the time for me to be horny posting lol
oh yeah for sure then, I'll be the thread good luck charm
04/16/24(Tue)17:29:27 No.916994061
04/16/24(Tue)17:31:32 No.916994168
04/16/24(Tue)17:34:21 No.916994308
Daddy chill, no one here believes they're a woman. (If they do they're delusional)
04/16/24(Tue)17:34:54 No.916994339
04/16/24(Tue)17:35:19 No.916994363
04/16/24(Tue)17:36:26 No.916994429
Hey again you sexy bitch (ڡ )
04/16/24(Tue)17:38:47 No.916994578
04/16/24(Tue)17:39:53 No.916994630
04/16/24(Tue)17:40:43 No.916994680
hiiiii, I just got home :)
brain typo, I meant 4pm. 4am is a great time for horny posting
04/16/24(Tue)17:40:51 No.916994692
04/16/24(Tue)17:42:20 No.916994768
No, this is a thread for cute guys not troglodyte faggots. (I know this is bait)
04/16/24(Tue)17:43:00 No.916994804
crossdressers > trans
04/16/24(Tue)17:44:07 No.916994860
How's everyone today?
04/16/24(Tue)17:44:23 No.916994873
Trannies genuinely disgust me.
04/16/24(Tue)17:46:50 No.916994995
04/16/24(Tue)17:48:30 No.916995085
04/16/24(Tue)17:50:06 No.916995175
That probably goes without saying lol
04/16/24(Tue)17:51:39 No.916995253
04/16/24(Tue)17:58:04 No.916995665
You drive a hard bargain, but.. deal.
04/16/24(Tue)17:59:44 No.916995769
ty (¬‿¬)
04/16/24(Tue)17:59:58 No.916995779
i hope one day i end up as someones wife
thx chu
04/16/24(Tue)18:03:57 No.916996006
Anyways, enough talking. More OC posting
04/16/24(Tue)18:05:43 No.916996101
04/16/24(Tue)18:09:20 No.916996297
I'll help you with the oc love <3
04/16/24(Tue)18:13:40 No.916996561
Only got one more pic, would take more but cooking dinner rn.
Then eat cake :3
04/16/24(Tue)18:13:44 No.916996566
Awh, such a sweetheart
04/16/24(Tue)18:19:28 No.916996853
Mmmmm tasty cakes :P
04/16/24(Tue)18:19:53 No.916996882
i know i need to be fucked more often
04/16/24(Tue)18:20:36 No.916996922
I love cooking, always having fun at it :P
Here have an oldie, I think you'll like it.
04/16/24(Tue)18:23:58 No.916997102
Glad you think so.
I would like to be someone's housewife tbh. Wearing cute little things while cooking for them and cleaning up.
04/16/24(Tue)18:24:36 No.916997133
Hey cutie
Heil Hitler
04/16/24(Tue)18:27:29 No.916997297
We can tell you will never become a woman from your face and disgusting penis. I suggest to KYS Ronnie Mcnutt Style
04/16/24(Tue)18:28:29 No.916997362
I'm a wage slave rn do I wouldn't not doing all the shit I do at my job just to be pretty at home and do the chores.
04/16/24(Tue)18:32:15 No.916997542
you're gross mutt
04/16/24(Tue)18:34:03 No.916997640
girl dinner???
04/16/24(Tue)18:36:18 No.916997753
Funny cuz if that were true, kikes wouldn’t be casting the most handsome men to play Nazis in their propaganda films.
Hell, even in Israel they had Stalag comics were Nazis sexually exploited kikes.
04/16/24(Tue)18:37:08 No.916997796
Simply because I know the world would be better with such an ideology in charge. I care not for my own survival if the humanity and the world were to advance.
04/16/24(Tue)18:38:06 No.916997859
04/16/24(Tue)18:38:45 No.916997895
>could ever support the Nazi regime
Because the other side is ever worse in every way imaginable
04/16/24(Tue)18:39:43 No.916997945
04/16/24(Tue)18:39:52 No.916997952
>I care not for my own survival if the humanity and the world were to advance.
Fucking based.
Marry me and we’ll burn in the ovens if we have to, for the protection of the European race.
04/16/24(Tue)18:41:35 No.916998034
04/16/24(Tue)18:41:54 No.916998053
Naw, I keep it all seperate, I'm comfortable with looking feminine, I'm comfortable with looking masculine, don't feel the need to mix em.
Oooh, as long as I get a crown.