Maybe Im doing this to draw more people to my Twitter. Sorry for the razor burns aldi razors suck and I'm broke
01/25/24(Thu)23:24:21 No.912956811
01/25/24(Thu)23:25:32 No.912956864
01/25/24(Thu)23:25:43 No.912956871
I'm American Midwest bby anyways I'm trying to save up for a bbl and those European anatomic tits just trying to make myself as hot as possible
01/25/24(Thu)23:25:59 No.912956882
01/25/24(Thu)23:26:24 No.912956898
01/25/24(Thu)23:52:42 No.912957769
*kiss kiss
01/25/24(Thu)23:53:11 No.912957781
01/25/24(Thu)23:54:57 No.912957824
I'm glad you guys liked my stupid girl voice lol
01/25/24(Thu)23:58:25 No.912957914
where am I moving to anon-sama?
yes it was kino
01/26/24(Fri)00:01:49 No.912958001
I didn't know if you guys were gonna say I sounded gross lol
01/26/24(Fri)00:04:11 No.912958071
01/26/24(Fri)00:12:55 No.912958334
01/26/24(Fri)00:13:14 No.912958345
rate my asian flush
01/26/24(Fri)00:20:18 No.912958509
that's so sweet midwestanon, I'll love you like a dog loves its master
01/26/24(Fri)00:28:43 No.912958711
01/26/24(Fri)00:31:48 No.912958776
01/26/24(Fri)00:42:20 No.912959096
hey /b/ sorry got home a little later than I wanted too but I see someone posted my little cock already :P Hope you pervs have been stroking for all us cute boys already <3
01/26/24(Fri)00:49:54 No.912959352
lust for bois growing everyday
01/26/24(Fri)00:55:58 No.912959572
Why not fapped feels so good and cum is delicious...at least mine is :3 guess you'll find out if you gluck mine
Nope haven't showered yet you perv do you wanna lick my dirty body?
How is he doing Tim? Did you show him my picture yet?
>holy trips!
You a faggot cause you wanna fuck cute boys and suck their cocks, duh..tell me I'm lying
Honestly its probably from watching porn growing up and seeing those monster cocks people have but I am on the small side imo :P Regardless it gets the job done haha as long as Rach like it <3
Good give into it. Be a big gay anon for me please.
Why hello my little HTA do you have your homework ready to present to everyone? Hmmm?
Hey report looks like its back on track, well done! How are you feeling now?
01/26/24(Fri)00:57:51 No.912959647
tight, that's doable. I want to see perfect blue, I have gits on tape I love that one so much
we're going to make so much kino owo
01/26/24(Fri)01:00:22 No.912959746
hi hta little latina slut
>Good give into it.
i'm doing it a lot lately. Been leaking since this morning. But work is still here, soon end of the week to enjoy fully some really gay stuff.
I forgot the pic you wanted sadly, sorry cali, for next time (i have other stuff tho)
Also, the bottom dick is always smaller so your brain just put you in bottom place by default that's why you think it's small
>i just realized yesterday i really miss having a fishnet ass to grab onto while at home
01/26/24(Fri)01:07:04 No.912959980
tehe pls dnt get a stroke ova me Fren *X* :P
Nope, I was about to play The New Order: Last Days of Europe to relax...or Make America Again which I think has Patriot Front <333
>Why hello my little HTA do you have your homework ready to present to everyone? Hmmm?
mami... no Q~Q bybyt I was bout to do it Friday I ddnt expect uze on tonight I-I-I shaved tho pls understand I'm so sorry Cali pleeease I dsrv to be *PUNISHED* reeeal bad pls dnt be mad at me ;-;
tehe pls dnt get a stroke ova me Fren *X* :P
Nope, I was about to play The New Order: Last Days of Europe to relax...or Make America Again which I think has Patriot Front <333
>Why hello my little HTA do you have your homework ready to present to everyone? Hmmm?
mami... well no no I don't I'm sorry Q~Q bybyt I was bout to do it Friday I ddnt expect uze on tonight I really didn't and I-I-I shaved earlier but pls understand I'm so sorry Cali pleeease, I dsrv to be *PUNISHED* reeeal bad pls dnt be mad at me ;-;
>Hey report looks like its back on track, well done! How are you feeling now?
Good but weird, I still have Valentine's popping up in my thoughts now and again...*ALSWO*~ yeees I'm caged righno so no your cock is not small Mommmy mineee is and I'll make it even smaller for uze I swearz!~ ~^w^
Hey WA *X* hope uve been good :P
01/26/24(Fri)01:10:03 No.912960060
how often do you guys squeeze one out?
01/26/24(Fri)01:10:52 No.912960084
01/26/24(Fri)01:15:36 No.912960196
Wish you could smell my panties right now, pretty sweaty and dirty smelling. Tell me all the parts of my you want to smell PA :3
Thanks so much anon! It was so scary doing these pics outside haha
How the hell have you've been leaking since morning and not acted upon it? You underwear must such a mess. Don't worry about the pic just do it if you have time <3 but I am a bottom so my dick being smol makes sense then right? Just put on some fishnets and grab your own ass you slut >:)
Aww man I was hoping for something more dramatic from him hahaha he probs just said "mmm" and looked aways :P How dare he not look at me XD but good to hear hes better, did you end up visiting him or was it the lunch? Ehh I don't think hes needs to know your team just yet
Oh hell yeah I'm gonna go listen to them, you better tell me I'm a naughty boy that needs punishing :3
Oh dam that sucks but if its for health then its probs for the best <3 I guess your mouth is still in working condition for femboy cock, creampie or facial?
Finee you get an extension on your homework cause I guess you never know when I would show up. However leaving it last minute I see, such a lazy dirty whore. At this point I'm not gonna try to convince you that holiday is meaningless HTA its all up to you now :P Good stay locked up until you cock begs me for release.
01/26/24(Fri)01:16:08 No.912960212
yes to everything massachusettsanon ! yes!
every 4/6 days, prostate play only :]
01/26/24(Fri)01:22:34 No.912960400
01/26/24(Fri)01:32:45 No.912960683
mmmm I should do one
I found love on /b/ guys
how do we proceed massachusettsanon?
01/26/24(Fri)01:35:59 No.912960776
Ooo Rach you a have a good girl voice! Do you talk with it normally for was it just for this horny anons here? Here have some more "wedding cali" as some call it XD
Rach you have a bulge and a camel toe here, explain yourself!
You have to savor it in your mouth for a few seconds and swallow when I tell you too okay? Maybe your cock just needs some femboy lips to help it gets it mojo back :3
Oof? Why Oof. No Oofing!
Oh no AA you just got here! but sleep is important so don't let my ass keep you up, I've been doing alright as usual. Hope you're okay too <3
>Where is he from?
"A image board where degenerates and retards post their ass for clout!" XD
Okay yeah so thats about the most I assumed you would get out of him but hey it was a fun experiment! Now who you gonna show next Tim? Hehehehe
Knowing that your were leaking all during work with no release is kinda hot, pent up horny is my fav :3 Such an easy tease target if I was there heh! A sextoy list? What do you have in mind so far? Don't worry about the pic, its cool take your time! Can I get ughhhhh....WA in fishnets please? Guess you gotta put out the femboy trap again with thigh high sock bait :P
Remember doesn't have to be fancy, just a new HTA OC pic, maybe cock, lips, bussy anything!
Well its time to try to keep track of things you gotta start sometime or another, its only gonna help you in the future wither it be making OC or work. Maybe I say you can only cum at certain times, who knows ;)
No need to apologize so much silly, you can get over a silly holiday, go play games and have fun! No unlocking just yet you pathetic slut, I want you to slap your balls a little now too.
01/26/24(Fri)01:40:34 No.912960884
01/26/24(Fri)01:48:56 No.912961098
I miss Kitty so muchhh~...(⸝⸝⸝O﹏ O⸝⸝⸝)
I'm glad :3 yes we will also speaking of making...i thnk im bout to spurt in my cagie cu-cuz Mommmy keeps ~*TEASING*~ meeeeee ^>~<^
>Remember doesn't have to be fancy, just a new HTA OC pic, maybe cock, lips, bussy anything!
tehe yes Mommmy 3U3 idk wht to do yets bybyt I'll try!
>Well its time to try to keep track of things you gotta start sometime or another, its only gonna help you in the future wither it be making OC or work.
Yeh ur right, I benz meaning to start up a Journal still tryna keep track of things just hard for me at times liiike I tried to keep track of what I ate and got overwhelmed.
>Maybe I say you can only cum at certain times, who knows ;)
omgggz Cali >~< rze uze *RLLLY*~ guna controo ebry aspect of my pp hnggggff ur pic TRIGGERS me I am leaking so bad righno mmmm maybe gibing my balls plappies is the only sex I deserve from uze ( ´ཀ` )
>No need to apologize so much silly, you can get over a silly holiday, go play games and have fun!
I jusdnt wana upset you I get worried about that. I'll try Cali :P gunatry to use VMs to learn Linux now that my PC is built so hoping to occupy my time moar witdat along with vidya *X*<333
>No unlocking just yet you pathetic slut, I want you to slap your balls a little now too.
fuufciififididirk it feels sooo *GOOOD*~ bybyt my pp is alrys shrinking im not eban kidding >~< this will only make it shrink more mommmy!!!
>or maybe a kitty pic if he has anything sfw
oh yes he does oh yes he does ^w^
01/26/24(Fri)02:00:15 No.912961418
I would strange moans sounds from behind the fence and it turns out its a dirty perv watching a femboy sunbathe. How about you hope the fence instead and come join me?
Omg BA I'm so sorry! I missed it cause it doesn't have a (You) for some reason? I am doing well but have some worries about work but other than that its cool! So you've been the secret cali dick poster, sentence is suffocation by femboy cheeks >:)
Ahh okay yeah its thats the case, its probs for the best don't wanna bleed the lizard cry but that also means you can save bigger loads for me!
I don't think Kitty has anything thats safe for work, even the less lewd poses theres still some high suggestive things haha maybe wait until Kitty does an eye reveal for something. Hes my clone do hes gonna at some point XD Your mom and dad are probs off the table right?
Crap thats true you would so follow me into the washrooms and pin me up against the wall, hand my neck and ass :3 I wanna be fucked at my work...
Okay thats a much longer list than I expected cause weren't you trying to say money and not buy so many toys? Granted I've had to urge to spend on sex stuff recently been a while. But I want WA to be a a cute slut too hehehe. Who do you have in the trap?
D'aww anon you silly goose thats so sweet! You big mushy perv >:3 Hey you make me feel happy and are making me blush now <3
>mammal toe
Fucking almost spat out my water LOL
Dam you are full of so many tricks Rach but thats so hot you use it during fem sex. I just got a regular boy voice too but I've been told it sounds "twinky" not super high but not low man voice either.
01/26/24(Fri)02:01:26 No.912961448
I suggestion is your fave fem outfit you like, maybe with all those new panties you got?
Overwhelmed how like you just forgot to do it and it pilled up or something? I never said I would just a "maybe" who knows it could be a reward for being a good footslave. Nice I love to hear when you get new hobbies! Yes slap and squeeze those overworked balls for me more. Its fun when you struggle this much, just to cum from your useless cock.
01/26/24(Fri)02:16:54 No.912961816
hngqqqqqqf yes thx uze! the more dat Cali *denys*~ me the moar I wnt to be denied by Cali omgz it feels sooo GOOOD (๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑)
>dar plush is meeeeez *sniff* *Sniff* *SNIFF*>:3
>I suggestion is your fave fem outfit you like, maybe with all those new panties you got?
tehe yes mami ur so smart, I'll try to come up with sumthang I *PROMISE*~ uze <333
>Overwhelmed how like you just forgot to do it and it pilled up or something
Yeah just overall, lately I've been snacking a lot especially at night but still don't gain any weight except my ass seems to be getting fuller ;P
>I never said I would just a "maybe" who knows it could be a reward for being a good footslave.
omg mami pls tell me how to be good for uze, ik I did 1 3x and dat isn't acceptable pls tell me pls (˄·͈༝·͈˄*)◞ ̑̑
>Nice I love to hear when you get new hobbies!
awwww ^^ well I am newish to Linux I used it as a dailydriver for 1 of my Laptops just not rllly good for gayming xP
>Yes slap and squeeze those overworked balls for me more. Its fun when you struggle this much, just to cum from your useless cock.
hbgtrghyt YES MOMMMY UwU plpls I wana squirt in my cage so bad idk how omgg I wana make my cock totally useless for you MOMMMY!!!
tehe wht do uze thnk of picrel being me mami just *IMAGINE*~ ~ 3U3 ~
01/26/24(Fri)02:18:41 No.912961858
i think ur pretty and I'd love to use your ass like a fleshlight
01/26/24(Fri)02:19:59 No.912961892
Good Lord how are you so feminine
Goddamn hermaphrodite over here
01/26/24(Fri)02:22:52 No.912961957
How about I just accidcentally take off my panties and present my bussy in your direction? Shaking it ever so slightly...come on.. come get it.
Haha no I don't have the gay accent but I can fake it pretty well. I'm just regular boy but a cute one :3 Wait do you have the accent Rach??
Omg PA I'm off my game today, apologies! My neck is a interesting one but its kinda endearing like its not even a lewd smell but just my smell, you know? My pits never really smell like anything either cause I don't sweat there at all but the other 2 places, yeah you gonna pass out rock hard, guess I would have to revive you somehow....
Haha you've told me your biggest weakness! Foolish BA now your face gets these cheeks while I toy with your pathetic cock >:) What say you now?
Sorry Tim what is "tds" exactly? Yeah I don't expect your dad to want to know that your like boy butts anytime soon :P
Please do tell about that missed opportunity like I was your co-worker :3
Don't want the movers to drop and spill that huge box of dildos, I get it XD but I want my cute WA to wear them, aren't you curious at all? How did you trap that boy btw? Don't think you told me how you guys met
Okay mommy waits for new OC with baited breath!
I mean if you can snack endlessly and it all goes towards the ass its a win win XD What you snacking on so much?
Maybe when I see a full water drinking streak or a perfect 2x per day streak. Yeah I don't know much about Linus besides it very limited for gaming :P Its a cute cage but its basically a flat cage right? And you know what I think about those.
01/26/24(Fri)02:25:17 No.912962009
That's sweet anon but I promise you its all an illusion with the outfits, camera angles, lighting etc at the end of the day I'm still a boy :P but thanks haha
01/26/24(Fri)02:33:59 No.912962248
lul! ngl I luv Trump byyyt im voting Biden sorry Tim *X* <333
01/26/24(Fri)02:37:39 No.912962329
Less Politics More Ass
01/26/24(Fri)02:48:31 No.912962534
Its a femboy mating dance, you can help me apply the lotion I missed by the hole and then bred me <3
Not a fan of it a assume haha I actually have 2 gay friends that have that exactly stereotypical accent, I don't mind it cause they talk normal and not like airheads.
Yup that basically the same as mine then, I guess we could 69 after you finish eating my ass out. I'm sure my cock would be wanted some attention while I taste your shaft with my tongue...
Not sure what a "spicy link" is but I only post here anon sorry! You can only get my content via 4chan or the archives, just search my name!
No worries I remember you mentioning that a while back being conservative but I honestly thought tbs meant your mom had "tourette's syndrome" or something thus "it would be funny"
>anymore feet
Oh boy anon I do, I have plenty of feet content for you I'll post a few just for you. I usually try not to spam
I would want you to gag me or at least put your hands over my mouth while you were deep inside me thrusting away, my mind going blank...If you've fucked in the office already and haven't told me...how dare you..but also tell me you big gay!
The best femboy love story from discord to in dis bussy <3 I'm curious what sfw cam stuff you did with him. I'm not a fam of flat ones cause I think they look stupid like a salt shaker, I understand the denial part but visually, I just cant but its true it all to the top/bottom roles more.
>Im not blushing you're blushing
I would be giggling too much hahaha guess you gotta pin be down to get a taste XD
Jesus anon tone it down haha but thank you so much! Its one 2nd fav pic from that set!
Nooooo keep money for foods and rent and fun things okay?
01/26/24(Fri)02:49:26 No.912962552
Some office dom feet
01/26/24(Fri)02:50:50 No.912962575
and some back alley payed femboy feet
01/26/24(Fri)03:07:32 No.912962894
Here Mommmy!!! Hopefully its fixed now *X* *X* *X* hope you see this <333
01/26/24(Fri)03:12:20 No.912962987
Nope its me!
Biting my lip cause I know its coming and I know your gonna make sure all of my is covered properly. I think my insides could use some too but I need the proper equipment to get it done ;)
You're welcome anon! As for white polish, I think so? Let me check
Haha yes Timmy I know you're not a boomer cause you're here XD Goodnight sweet dreams!
I have all the patience in the world for my little cumbrain slut <3
Ooo nice fruitsnacks are fun and hopefully not too bad for you but 5 packs a day is a lot, try to space it out like with your cums okay?
Well we'll see if you can make it in the meantime are you still slapping your balls? You better me and finger your mouth too for me.
See I don't even know what Peppermint is :/
Well from what WA tells me its thats not really a "flat" one, as long as it not a salt shaker one I guess I'll be fine with it. Can't deny you if you keep taking it off silly...
>If you're into that
Of course I am anything you want as long as you cum lots for me and have fun <3 Don't let me escape your tongue
>I'm not big gay
*insert John Cena - Are you sure about that .gif* Oooo you just hung out and chilled basically I thought you meant on camera for some reason :P Yeah its true I know we talk a lot of smut here but seeing people outside of sex things is very important imo too, grounds the expectations a little more, that we still humans have do normal stuff too ie boymode. I hate to tell you WA kissing pp is big gay, like really big gay, mega gay. Maybe I'll come around if I see a nice design but so far its only been the metal ones. Free the cock!
01/26/24(Fri)03:14:00 No.912963015
Ehh only one I have was from this outfit but the stocking kinda cover them, sorry I forgot to so barefeet with this set but let me post one more for you