eternal trap/femboy/trans/twink thread
Praying for Cali's return 3rd edition
10/18/23(Wed)20:30:54 No.907902962
oh yeah
10/18/23(Wed)20:47:36 No.907903604
Yes he would, but Brownbois still need to be caged up. That even goes for HTA.
On what?
10/18/23(Wed)20:51:01 No.907903760
10/18/23(Wed)21:22:11 No.907904984
10/18/23(Wed)21:30:57 No.907905331
Wow okay, we're already off to a BIG fucking yikes (again). Look I get that some Palestinian's died the other day and it's never a good thing when Civilians are killed, I get that but this antisemitism talk is out of line. The other day the chudie HTA (who let me remind you is a fucking NAZI and he is a POC Individual) said something along the lines of and I quote "These Jews murdered over 900 Palestinian's yet will still bitch about muh 6M at the top of their lungs every chance they get. Well they just brought a real Holocaust on themselves, now thousands of Kikes will be Z0INKED~ possibly MILLIONS.". Don't believe me, check the archives chuds.
Not to mention that the way HTA says the word "Jew", it's like there is blood streaming from his tongue as he says it, nothing but pure HATE hidden behind a vail amount of playful sarcasm. Not kidding, I can feel it, it's that bad but of course you will all defend his HATE which just sickens my heart. Please for the Love of Christ do better, you're literally attacking God's Chosen People and no they aren't perfect, not even God's Chosen are but antisemitism is NEVER okay because when you attack Jews you also attack God so let's do away with all of this nazism.
10/18/23(Wed)21:31:00 No.907905334
Obliterate negro lovers. Love chastity femboys.
Penny didn't get doxxed he's just on break or something and as for Blurby well you know.
Femboy Casca
10/18/23(Wed)21:57:47 No.907906234
Idk about everyone else but the first board I went on was /pol/ in 2016 XD nothing new under the sun for me
10/18/23(Wed)21:58:46 No.907906267
what's up :3
10/18/23(Wed)22:02:16 No.907906392
thnx <3
Femboy Casca
10/18/23(Wed)22:07:48 No.907906584
Thx nigga !
Si pappi
10/18/23(Wed)22:10:50 No.907906698
yes, no (you)'s you dumb faggot.
10/18/23(Wed)22:11:27 No.907906714
Here's mine
10/18/23(Wed)22:13:30 No.907906786
pound it bro
Femboy Casca
10/18/23(Wed)22:15:44 No.907906863
That was barely legal Casca XD sometimes I miss when my hair was that long but I also like taking short showers with my short hair
Hapas are the future of Evrasia...
10/18/23(Wed)22:17:45 No.907906930
Here's more!
10/18/23(Wed)22:24:05 No.907907152
Boy I sure am horny, I wish someone would come over and rail me...
Femboy Casca
10/18/23(Wed)22:27:11 No.907907258
Yea, I know XD
BITCH I'll absorb ANY cock no matter the size
10/18/23(Wed)22:28:38 No.907907321
finna ram dis bbc all up n yuh guts white boi
10/18/23(Wed)22:28:46 No.907907330
what, these thighs?
sad face :(
Femboy Casca
10/18/23(Wed)22:35:05 No.907907541
I'll do it, I'll do the bussy pounding.
Am Filipino :))
It's me anon !!
Erm, so will you still pound me
Thx gay !
10/18/23(Wed)22:39:03 No.907907688
i wish. too smol :(
would suck your cock and balls and eat your yummy hole and explore your perfect body for hours though
you can pound me if you want
Femboy Casca
10/18/23(Wed)22:39:52 No.907907724
Hisses like cat >:(
10/18/23(Wed)22:40:20 No.907907745
10/18/23(Wed)22:40:46 No.907907768
thanks! showing more skin is always better I suppose ;)
Well my apartment is always kind of cold so I've gotta dress in warm comfy clothes most of the time :) come snuggle with me, my bed is suuuuper comfy
as long as we get to switch afterwards!
Femboy Casca
10/18/23(Wed)22:41:41 No.907907801
Wtf male slampig
Femboy Casca
10/18/23(Wed)22:45:59 No.907907968
I didn't mean to be mean anon X((( I just wanted to call you thick and fuckable
10/18/23(Wed)22:49:31 No.907908112
>male slampig
wow, that literally describes me… XD
also, haiii casca!! sexy af as always!! <3
10/18/23(Wed)22:52:38 No.907908246
I love holding hands, it's so lewd >.<
straight to the point! I like that
just so you know, I fuck on the first date, hope that's not a dealbreaker
10/18/23(Wed)22:53:10 No.907908272
how it goin boyz?
10/18/23(Wed)22:55:58 No.907908413
Vibein! just drank like 3 red bulls and I still feel like im about to fall asleep. My blood is vibrating now tho and I kinda wanna be a whore.
10/18/23(Wed)22:58:24 No.907908536
hehe thank you!!
honestly i think together, me and casca could end racism’s and homophobia around the world…. one dick at a time… :0
d-don’t grab them they are really sensitive…!! >~<
as long as you beat me up (sexually) until i know i’m beautiful too!! maybe you could do us together…? >:)
Femboy Casca
10/18/23(Wed)23:00:23 No.907908624
Chill bro ! Filipino men in america are becoming Filipino "men" so you can cope by fucking one of my kins"men" instead if you know what I mean
Pegging 0_0 seems nice tbh..
Hey queen !
Get even closer on discord /b/ro ! casca39
Florida ? idk, I heard it's becoming based..
I actually contemplate it often ! I wouldn't do it *often* but I'd definitely do it in halloween X3
Take out ur dick cuh.
10/18/23(Wed)23:00:57 No.907908659
Dono! gonna be pretty hard to fuck the hyper out of me >w<
if they cant grab the balls wuts even the point!! v-v
10/18/23(Wed)23:04:16 No.907908818
LMAO no silly you can just enjoy the ride… figuratively and literally.. :3
so much yes to this…! Dx
it’s gonna make me hard…. that’s what… >////>
i’m just saying if i get hard and squeal like a girl when you grab them, then don’t complain!!! XD
10/18/23(Wed)23:06:10 No.907908901
Lol im pretty sure 90% of people here would just see that as a massive + :3
10/18/23(Wed)23:07:18 No.907908954
hehe sounds like a plan anon
thank god, I've had a ridiculously strong urge to get creampied all week...
10/18/23(Wed)23:09:38 No.907909064
YIKES, Can You Chudies Just LEAVE Already?! I Fucking Hate You Racists, GET OUT!
Femboy Casca
10/18/23(Wed)23:10:11 No.907909085
Hopefully no one recognizes me lol
Wears high waisted jeans
Has a bussy
10/18/23(Wed)23:13:16 No.907909216
oh i’m sure i’ll have no issue with that. for some reason white guys seem to love me…. not entirely sure why though… XD
i personally think paler skin, lighter hair, and eyes along with most white features to be very attractive…
10/18/23(Wed)23:13:44 No.907909233
anons... I had trouble with my programming homework today ;_;
Am a little sad
10/18/23(Wed)23:15:23 No.907909306
eat up!
I'd probably wear a short skirt without any panties and keep finding excuses to bend over in front of you, like a cat in heat
10/18/23(Wed)23:16:55 No.907909369
yeah, what could it be
it's.. quite.. the.. puzzle
10/18/23(Wed)23:18:11 No.907909417
Would love to see Casca do some skee bop scattin'
10/18/23(Wed)23:20:11 No.907909518
tbh I kinda just wanna get dicked down to make me feel better... but if you helped me id bounce on your cock like an enthusiastic fuck toy :3
Shid is killing me this semester. I understand the stuff 100% its just all alot.
Computer architecture. Coding in assembly along with computing things like instructions per clock cycle.
10/18/23(Wed)23:22:14 No.907909593
i think we’d make some really cute babies anon… :3
>Probably has something to do with you being all sexy and slutty at the same time, and just being really cute and fuckable overall.
anon…. ;~; <3
if you were here right now i would give you the hottest, wettest kiss of your life rn….
hmmmm…. what exactly… could it be..? XD
no really anon!!! idk, when i was younger (and a gay boy) guys in general never really looked my way, so it’s crazy to me that guys (esp guys i’m attracted to) would actually be into me… still blows my mind tbh… :0
10/18/23(Wed)23:23:20 No.907909638
you first!
10/18/23(Wed)23:27:01 No.907909811
Fuck cowie
10/18/23(Wed)23:27:36 No.907909839
Lol dont worry bout it. Just dick me down while I make 200k a year and lemme be your bread winning boy wife.
Oh I could already do that 100%. python is pretty good again but tbh industry stuff is 90% java Script somehow.
x86 tbh we have not looked at other languages really so I have NO idea have they differ. Nor do I really want tah :P
Femboy Casca
10/18/23(Wed)23:29:01 No.907909892
Theres always better ! especially in the future when I become obsolete 0_0
POV: You're a scouser Muay Thai farang and you spend one night in Pattaya
Just don't kill me after the post nut clarity hits u !
No they're real :3 but they are enhanced by the matte lipstick, alot of modern lipstick has lip plumping chemicals
Jeez I love white guys but I don't want my body count to look like I got ran through by the local three percenters group 0_0
Ew no XD
Sup anon !
10/18/23(Wed)23:29:06 No.907909897
the way that made my dick twitch is so unfair…. Dx
we should keep trying until we get the perfect child… my body can take it… UwU
wow… this made me feel very seen…. LOL
the way that’s all it would take for me to literally be in the palm of your hands like putty…. i’m fucked aren’t i..? XD
10/18/23(Wed)23:29:31 No.907909912
Btw boiz these things suc
10/18/23(Wed)23:30:51 No.907909968
Get the good shit
10/18/23(Wed)23:31:01 No.907909973
haha i was alright… just a turbofag/femboy… XD
10/18/23(Wed)23:31:32 No.907910004
No! I am waging war on all footfags! You will all soon taste my steel (is that an innuendo?)
I'd be lying if I said I didn't like having my hair pulled...
Casca can we hold hands?
hot take, the best Cheetos are the puffy ones
10/18/23(Wed)23:33:10 No.907910059
big meanie pants :(
10/18/23(Wed)23:34:48 No.907910148
10/18/23(Wed)23:36:28 No.907910200
>like red rockets
Cherry trying not to think about how delicious the real thing is
10/18/23(Wed)23:36:48 No.907910216
-_- its your cock isnt it... your cock is gonna be on the table.
tbh... too spicy for me ;_; I am baby when it comes to spice.
I have heard good things. But aint those like $1000!?!? I aint beeg monee boy yet.
A hot take, but tbh I can see the vision.
Programming is straight up silly, and I'm just another clown OnO
all this talk of the puff ones is making me want em. I just wanted some crunchy thing today and got the jalapeno ones... but they didnt even taste like cheese. Was so sad.
10/18/23(Wed)23:42:14 No.907910414
haha thanks you guys..! little gay me would be so happy to get any attention really..! XD
really…? :0
but then i couldn’t do any long hair stuff… Dx
at least not without a wig…