removing sissy and adding twink is so based
10/15/23(Sun)17:34:12 No.907731666
10/15/23(Sun)17:34:53 No.907731691
omgee that’s me
10/15/23(Sun)17:36:38 No.907731776
my latest <3
10/15/23(Sun)17:39:36 No.907731894
any more requests that i can mayb get to tonight? i saved a couple from earlier :) don’t have any new outfits or things unfortunately, but i’ll get dolled up, of course
10/15/23(Sun)17:42:07 No.907731992
Could you give us a pose like this? cage not required but it'd be cool, same with the plug.
10/15/23(Sun)17:42:26 No.907732005
yes :3
10/15/23(Sun)17:50:23 No.907732392
it's not me but sure
10/15/23(Sun)17:54:00 No.907732564
they posted a lot in this thread
Also I'm with you on the 3rd one, I pray I find someone even a little like this
10/15/23(Sun)17:54:02 No.907732566
They said "Yous? what the fuck is a Yous? Rent is due on the 5th." then they hung up. What a bunch of bastards.
10/15/23(Sun)17:58:43 No.907732776
Good to see there are ethical farmers
Perfect, where do you want me?
10/15/23(Sun)18:04:18 No.907733034
i didn’t make the thread
but ok :(
10/15/23(Sun)18:04:30 No.907733049
anything with a smile like this >>907731608
or try something like this too if you're willing to putt a finger in your butt
10/15/23(Sun)18:08:49 No.907733246
Beating autism one step at a time
10/15/23(Sun)18:15:20 No.907733559
I’m so excited for Halloween c:
10/15/23(Sun)18:16:33 No.907733624
10/15/23(Sun)18:18:15 No.907733698
10/15/23(Sun)18:18:17 No.907733699
I'm champagne
10/15/23(Sun)18:19:28 No.907733755
are you sure about that?
10/15/23(Sun)18:19:46 No.907733769
Show me your tunnel snake, daddy
10/15/23(Sun)18:20:09 No.907733790
Can someone explain what happened with HTA like i know he was always a bit cuckoo but why were ppl beefing with him
or am i just assuming
i don’t really pay attention to what ppl talk about in these threads too much so idk
Hihi anons! How are we all doing today in this fine thread???
Omg you look soooooo pretty in this one fren! Wish I was that photogenic, hope your weeks been fun <3
>this ones for all you sole sisters btw
Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
10/15/23(Sun)18:22:07 No.907733918
>All my selfies have that furry filter..
>If not filter than ears and tail
>Leash and collar
When did i become a furfag!?
>Good thing I've cut my hair or id be pulling it out by now.
That's all, now i sleep 4 real. > 3<
10/15/23(Sun)18:23:13 No.907734000
He's funny that's what happened
10/15/23(Sun)18:23:53 No.907734029
Its OC
i post in these threads every now and then c:
10/15/23(Sun)18:25:35 No.907734122
Here are you feet you footfags
Can I have my Pokémon card edit yet?
10/15/23(Sun)18:27:45 No.907734222
White. Fucking. Power.
And such kissable balls and Edible bunghole
10/15/23(Sun)18:28:16 No.907734247
Hi funky!!! Are you ready for halloween???
Which heaven? There's like, 30 lol
I'm gonna try & take a lot of foot stuff for halloween, I always feel bad neglecting the footfans. It's not my kind of thing, but you guys get such little content & you're always really nice itt <3
Oh hey that's a real good costume idea! Love it
I hope your day has been good anon, if not then we're all here to brighten it up for you! <3
Based chaste, footfans aren't going hungry tonight!
10/15/23(Sun)18:28:21 No.907734254
anons how's my superfag shopping list? anything else you think I should add
10/15/23(Sun)18:29:08 No.907734305
try again nigger
10/15/23(Sun)18:30:31 No.907734371
As long as we fuck after every mission.
I do but I’d prefer keeping that a secret. I dont want to even risk doxing myself lol
Thank you c:
I’m jealous of your guitar
10/15/23(Sun)18:30:37 No.907734380
Here’s another (really blurry wtf) one
Yeah theyre pretty thirsty lol
10/15/23(Sun)18:30:42 No.907734385
that’s hta?
i always thought the skull mask teehee racism thing was really cringe
same with the nazi shit
but idk, people like that i guess
autism can manifest in diff ways i guess
10/15/23(Sun)18:36:16 No.907734677
Why are brown boys so good at making people mad lmao
First HTA now this cutie, psychological warfare unit
10/15/23(Sun)18:36:23 No.907734682
Zoofile, im basically an uncivilized Forrest creature with fucked day night cycle..
And rn, it looks like ive got mange :'(
10/15/23(Sun)18:40:00 No.907734871
lmao someone's so mad rn, this is funny
10/15/23(Sun)18:40:55 No.907734925
Do you play fren????
Aww anon, that heaven is a place on earth. Just wait 10 years for cloning, then you can have 72 Nym's all info-dumping on you mid blowjob lol
Just a lil crumb of content, it's all they ask. A single toe, part of a heel, an ankle, they'll take what they can get at this point & I love them for it
You are the salve to bad days, you may be thirsty but you guys are always really nice & respectful about it, atleast from what i've seen <3
That depends anon, would you let me play prog & math-rock up & down your neck? I'm quite good with my fingers ngl, I could make it worth your while ; )
Omg that's such a cool costume idea! I suuuuck at ideas, i'm just going as a vampire this year, 'I vant to suck your diiiiick' kinda vibe
idk if it's gonna be like, great or terrible but i've got fangies for it lol
10/15/23(Sun)18:41:05 No.907734930
This is literally me plenty of people say I look great
10/15/23(Sun)18:41:23 No.907734949
I’m just smart for a blonde lol
If I was really smart I wouldn't be single
Huehe you're such a nerd. Thats cute c:
Not exactly. The bulge is because I’m wearing a cage rn.
I wouldnt be much of a vault slave if I wasnt chastised :3
10/15/23(Sun)18:44:40 No.907735117
10/15/23(Sun)18:46:12 No.907735202
>Do you play fren????
Not anymore, sadly. I stopped practicing years ago
B-but I’m a boy…
I leak a lot of precum when I’m caged up, especially if you slap my balls and finger my ass :3
10/15/23(Sun)18:47:46 No.907735277
10/15/23(Sun)18:50:18 No.907735410
YoU mUsT bE 3o0+ LbS
10/15/23(Sun)18:50:25 No.907735420
Repost cuz pink and ok quality
10/15/23(Sun)18:51:20 No.907735465
Thats like telling someone "this dog is breed from a long line of great and healthy dog's" and then they look at the dog and quickly see that its infact a fucking mountain lion you brought home after finding it in a meth fueled trailer park that you had no reason for being in at all, all but the reason to take in the world at its fundamental operating system.. because thats what 4chan is like.
10/15/23(Sun)18:55:14 No.907735653
YoUr ReSpOnSe MeAnS tHeY wErE rIgHt
10/15/23(Sun)18:55:19 No.907735657
i want attention i wonder if any of u recognize me
10/15/23(Sun)18:55:46 No.907735680
10/15/23(Sun)18:56:44 No.907735734
If you're ever having a bad day, just remember that footfans will gas you up & make it better, for something as shrimple as a toe ring
>truly they are gods chosen
ngl anon, there are some songs that contain proofs but my brain cannot comprehend them. Maybe we'll just stick to prog; same strange time sigs, but with the added bonus of tickling your prostate like it's a Moog
My family all had bad feet so I take extra care to make sure mine aren't! Mine are super soft cause I don't have to walk much nowadays & i exfoliate them but ngl, it's a lot of work to have nice feet & keep them that way
Haha thx anon, that made me laugh
That's my shed, it's where I take my pics. TP is there for wiping up spills & lube, the coke is cause i'm a cretin who forgets to eat & needs the sugar lol
Sad to hear that, the skills never go away tho so you can always take it back up again if you ever want to!
10/15/23(Sun)19:06:40 No.907736184
10/15/23(Sun)19:10:21 No.907736380
>cigar humidor
Oh anon I know exactly what you mean! I grow my own tobacco & cure it, whenever i'd have people round they'd always say the same kind of stuff! I'll try & get lots of tiddy & feet pics for haloween, hopefully I can do my shoot before the 31st but i'll have to see <3
But they're so hard! : < I can try but admittedly I am bad at math nowadays, I hit 'the wall' just before Uni & never recovered. Statistics taught me I am too dumb for mathematics
Oh anon I had an ingrown toenail, it was not a fun time, used to hurt a lot! That's a lil bandage & I didn't have any tape so I kept tying it with a ribbon I had lying around. Took months to sort but it's all fine now : )
>always file your nail corners anons
Oh hey that's cool af anon, I like it!
I'm listening to this rn
10/15/23(Sun)19:12:01 No.907736469
10/15/23(Sun)19:21:45 No.907736900
10/15/23(Sun)19:23:41 No.907736991
i want attentionnnn i want someone to write about the things they would do to me