Ju you have any jean shorts to do a pic like this?
face included
09/10/23(Sun)00:17:25 No.905829445
>You look old (dont care if youre 19 if you have a build like a sissy boomer gtfo)
>You peddle bnwo bbc shit
>You dont shave
>You have no fem clothes
>You are dumping your OF/socials
>You call yourself a sissy or snowbunny
>You have no penis (bruh just go hang out with wom*n
>You are a full-blooded black nigger
09/10/23(Sun)00:18:27 No.905829485
09/10/23(Sun)00:20:47 No.905829589
Hey /b/ I drank too much chocolate milkshake and now my tummy feels weird but my dumbass kept drinking it :p Anyways how have y'all been doing this weekend?
09/10/23(Sun)00:21:21 No.905829609
how early is too early to fap /b/ I got up like ten minutes ago and I'm v horny @-@
Whats your criteria exactly anon? I personally don't think I look very old at all, like I look like a teenager to most people I meet and get ID'd at bars all the time still, its super annoying...though its fine if you feel that way
Evening anon, what you been up to? Lurking in threads?
PA anon! I feel like its been a while since our paths crossed, you doing well? Tummy feels weird like it doesn't hurt but defs some weird sounds its making haha
Hey Tim! Did the date end up happening? What did you do?
Oh gosh whats wrong anon, I hope better days come for you soon too <3 What have I missed in these threads?
09/10/23(Sun)00:33:27 No.905830056
09/10/23(Sun)00:34:03 No.905830071
09/10/23(Sun)00:34:44 No.905830096
09/10/23(Sun)00:38:49 No.905830245
09/10/23(Sun)00:40:01 No.905830295
Hi! I'm ate too much >.<
09/10/23(Sun)00:40:28 No.905830318
as of recently. it’s new
o wow thanks luv :0
09/10/23(Sun)00:40:46 No.905830327
09/10/23(Sun)00:40:46 No.905830328
09/10/23(Sun)00:42:07 No.905830378
Fuck off
09/10/23(Sun)00:44:15 No.905830471
09/10/23(Sun)00:44:19 No.905830474
Webm file sorting eh? Care to show the rest of the class what kind of webms? I need to do some shorting as well of all my content but I'm so laazy
Well its super to hear from you after soo long and whatever the circumstances are I hope they get better for you too! Lay down for me and I'll happily suffocate you with booty, rule is you can't be wearing pants so I can see the effects of said suffocating >:3
Oh no need to apologize for anything Tim, I'm sorry that happened to you and you don't deserve that. That boy missed a great opportunity to meet someone great! Hope you didn't get too drunk or anything <3
No worries AA just dropping by to say Hi is more than enough! What you get up to? Did you fap today yet >:3
Oh I feel you completely, this work week was kinda in the same boat for me, where you just want to turn off your brain and walk away from all the bullshit. Any signs of it getting better? So its 4chan being 4chan, got it. What happened to Penny?!
09/10/23(Sun)00:45:08 No.905830506
I don't think I have any recordings of it but yeah I've gotten off that way
anon actually asked me to put a clothespin on 'em and I came like that instant
09/10/23(Sun)00:46:37 No.905830560
09/10/23(Sun)00:48:33 No.905830638
most are from /gif/ so they audio and over 2mb
here is one I can post here
09/10/23(Sun)00:53:42 No.905830842
09/10/23(Sun)00:56:05 No.905830948
09/10/23(Sun)01:00:10 No.905831130
it kind of is, but i like it enough. sounds like you’ve got something
moar pits. noted
09/10/23(Sun)01:01:48 No.905831195
Omg Kitty what the hell happened these past few days, its like all hell broke loose or something. Kitty I would love for you to stay and show me the pics but I'd rather you feel comfortable posting <3 I will do some searching in that case then
D'aww thanks PA I get worried sometimes when you don't appear for a long while <3 I know you like to fantasize about my scent ;) You think you can stay soft when you play with my hole? If you get hard I'll get up >:) Maybe you need to inspect me deeper?
Oooo this is a very nice booty one, saved haha thanks. How are you even organizing all these by?
Did the person ever confirm or they just didn't show up? Well after all this Tim I really hope this doesn't discourage you too much from trying to find someone, for what its worth. Please keep trying <3
Always great to hear you better yourself! Now how bonkers are you gonna go on the final cheat days? XD My I suggest milkshakes? Thanks I'm glad you like it! I'm sorry what does BNWO mean exactly? Gosh I hope Penny comes back honestly, feel like I was just getting to know him :p
Dam wish I was on the receiving end of that...
09/10/23(Sun)01:06:54 No.905831409
I am not looking forward to monday hahaha so much office drama and people not doing their dam jobs which makes my job harder...but ranting aside I try my best to work things out. Feel like I need a break soon but thanks!
Hehehe dam that always seems to be the case right? Which pic did you use you perv >:)
Oh my mom comes by and helps with the yard, I'm pretty bad at maintaining it honestly but my weekend has been fun so far, ate a lot of food with good friends!
Oh wow another fan of sandals! I never knew this was such a turn on for anons! Happy you enjoy them anon! <3
09/10/23(Sun)01:08:10 No.905831462
i asked him the night before and the day of the date and got no response. i even bought a new controller so i could play games with him. i was talking to some anons earlier today and they said they were proud of me for even trying.
UWU anon
09/10/23(Sun)01:09:31 No.905831510
Long time no see
How you guys been?
09/10/23(Sun)01:13:14 No.905831665
us footfags love fancy looking fem sandals when the girl/guy has sexy long toes gripping the thong and dangling them :p
09/10/23(Sun)01:16:26 No.905831811
09/10/23(Sun)01:17:32 No.905831869
09/10/23(Sun)01:21:12 No.905832039
Not op
09/10/23(Sun)01:23:04 No.905832125
And I am on of those people that are super proud of you Tim <3 You are doing to much to better yourself and honestly if that person though ghosting was acceptable I think you dodged a bullet. He missed out on the fun night for sure, what were you going to play?
Oh course silly, you told me your secret fetish and were one of my day 1 you perv >:3 One of the first people I made custom OC for <3 Help me spread sunscreen all over my booty and then fuck me won't you? You can sniff out the creampie after..
Ooooooooooooo that stuff right right, yeah it gets annoying especially when its spammed alot :p or when people force their fetish on you another person. Omg I love bread too, you can convince me to do anything if you promise me good sourdough/garlic bread. So it sounds like I need to do a Reeses set where there cups overing my flat nips and melted chocolate all over me then? You lose the cringe weight I know it!
Good good let the blood flow to your nether regions...hows this pic for you big boy?
A Hookah lounge HTA? Didn't expect you to be the type lol but happy you're here too. I know I haven't been around much but the report looks good and I like that you are keep track of the water now too XD The water one shouldn't be hard though...mommy wants improvements!
Alright foot fag how about this pic for you? Like my toes here? Want it around your twitching cock?
09/10/23(Sun)01:25:56 No.905832246
Bros is it gay to your homies goodnight?!
09/10/23(Sun)01:31:52 No.905832471
09/10/23(Sun)01:32:09 No.905832477
I mean the anons can foreshadow but I can be misleading heh heh heh but usually every 3rd day granted I've been busy so my schedule has been off a little, sorry! Regardless I'm just happy you get to cum for me <3 Maybe you can show me sometime with a tribute?
Dam a well organized degenerate, I love it. Plus doing this kind of stuff can being kinda zen and relaxing haha
>Kitty checkems
Okay Kitty I went to the archive. Those pics make me smile so hard, like wtf was I even looking at? Its so wild to see you remade them perfectly! Are you gonna do the entire XOXO set? You're reaching new levels of clone! I'm so flattered! Thanks that made my night! Always happy to hear I help make you cum :)
Oooo good choice, are you really good? I'm sure I've asked before but I cant remember.. I trash at the game. I like items XD
Mmmm yes please cover me in your organic sunscreen then baby <3 rub it all over me and then fuck me some more...maybe lick some up into my mouth please? Oh I'm just a femboy, not a trap or trans, I like having a cock <3 but thanks for the compliment!
A big strong boy ready to blow this smol femboy I hope hehehe. I wanted to do some oil pics with this set but alas time was of the essence, also all the grass would sick to them haha
I counldn't handle that for sure, it would break me so fast, I have limits anon haha
09/10/23(Sun)01:33:53 No.905832530
I'll keep that in mind
What if they have jaundice??!
09/10/23(Sun)01:39:11 No.905832710
09/10/23(Sun)01:40:58 No.905832777
true also comes in handy when you want to find specific type or webm and easier to find.
Here enjoy a degen cowie webm I found
UWU anon
09/10/23(Sun)01:42:52 No.905832837
>UWU anon! I remember you :D Things are good irl but around these threads have been a bit sour lately, hope you are doing well cutie!
Yeah hope the threads get back to normal soon, good to hear you doing good, I'm alright could be better, old pic I know try to get a new outfit soon any requests any anon would like to make? :3
09/10/23(Sun)01:43:52 No.905832876
Hey Cali, how've you been? Hope I'm not too late to the conversation.
09/10/23(Sun)01:44:03 No.905832885
09/10/23(Sun)01:44:59 No.905832919
09/10/23(Sun)01:48:11 No.905833045
09/10/23(Sun)01:54:36 No.905833303
Haha go for it anon just be careful and don't injure yourself!
Yeah I can't bring myself to play it solo, need like 3 other people to bring the chaos! Really wished the kept adding one last round of characters though. Who do you play and would you add anymore fighters?
Ooo my sweetie horny ass little HTA *give virtual hugs* and then I push you down on your knees and drop my cock on your face >:) Its okay you were only 1x off and it makes mommy happy you remember the rules and are trying to keep to them. You've come a long way since we first started talking. A sorethroat? Guess I need to face fuck you less but yes drinking water regularly help with preventing that, also cum...
Rub it all over me first, I'm sure you have more loaded up in there for my mouth later. Do I get to double dip in all the cum? You're too generous hehehe but it wouldn't be fair to me to have all of it..would you like some too? A natural trap? Nonono I am a femboy at best, I look like a boy irl!
*digs through closet to find maid outfit* Hmmmm guess I need to do a quick custom pic soon <3 Ooo I like rye bread too! Theres a like comforting taste to the mom-breads that so warming to the soul compared to garlic bread which is pure drugs for me XD Gib me breads! Would to eat bread I've cum on? >:)
Errr good question...like 20-ish a few of them are from HTA haha but yes how did you know I have a horny trib folder? Is it that obvious hahahaha
O wow I've never seen this one!
Smiley! Its been so long since I've seen you around these parts! I've been doing well work drama aside XD Hope you boys here have been treating you well cutie! What you been up to?
No worries I don't mind answering. I prefer to stay anonymous thats all, not everyone in my life knows about this and also I have a full time job at a large company too. So if theres ever a day I need to disappear I can
09/10/23(Sun)01:56:39 No.905833377
UwU Anon where the hell have you've been! How are you! Everything okay with school? I need updates!
Cowie show us degens more rare Cowie content! What will it cost me? Pretty please?
09/10/23(Sun)02:00:59 No.905833550
09/10/23(Sun)02:06:01 No.905833726
thanks :) good song good song
09/10/23(Sun)02:06:03 No.905833727
09/10/23(Sun)02:06:28 No.905833743
Here’s some rare cowie content.
09/10/23(Sun)02:07:29 No.905833777
Oh shit cowie's here too! How have you been‽
For real! Honestly just kinda working and chilling right now. Had a lot of extraneous stress over the summer so just kinda settling down in the wake of that. Other than that I'm like 8 months in on the feminems at this point, and just consistently amused with the experience.
Also just uhh... re your photoset, damn girl!
You say that like its a bad thing :p just let it happen...
You how I do bebe <3 Dam I was hoping to drool over some juicy meat :p no worries that whatever time you need!
Oh come on Tim there has to be someone you've always wanted. For example I always wanted someone from Mortal Kombat like Scorpion or Sub Zero but I can understand Nintendo's reservations on adding them XD Anything else you like to play on Switch?
No need to be modest PA if you want my cum just say so, you know I want to please you <3 I lean into the cute boy/twink look more than a very fem face honestly. Though if I put on full makeup/drag don't think you could tell at the point haha
Happy yo cheer you up honey <3 You can cum as much as you like tonight but you have to savor all the cum for 5 seconds before shallowing okay? I'm always proud of you, you've made so much personal growth since we've met, though the way you type still confuses me sometimes. Good good continue this process, mommy want you to have beeg booty to spank
Seriously I'm looking at them again side by side and you nailed it! Are you only doing the XOXO set or do you have more clone plans for other set? Omg I'm blushing so much now Kitty, thank you! Have we've known each other for a year now? Dang time flies! Its still kinda hot actually where I am with some wind to add some chill but its good. Nice weather overall, gotta take advantage while I still can!
Dammit Cowie guess I need to some more digging in the archives...I do the same thing though. Curious what secret Cowie pics I've missed. Cowie is Fairy/Dark type Pokemon for sure kek
UWU anon
09/10/23(Sun)02:18:04 No.905834149
>How's it going UWU we missed uze! I still remember cumtributing uze omg <333
You guys missed me? >w<
Hehe I save the pic and jack off to it a lot UwU
>OOO can uze do the splits >=)
I'm not sure but I will >wU
Any outfits ideas?
>UwU Anon where the hell have you've been! How are you! Everything okay with school? I need updates!
I be honest my family switch to a new internet provider, they took forever to set up. But new I have WiFi again :3 school alright wish the foods was better
Good to see you again Cali :>
>How about some stuff with feet in it haha, sorry I love seeing boyfeet XD Also I don't think I've seen you play with toys before, do you have one you like?
Anons love feets pics I'm not a feets guys but I do have some feets pic here hope you like >w<
Toys? Not yet I'm not see where to get good toys from #w#
09/10/23(Sun)02:19:43 No.905834207
09/10/23(Sun)02:20:37 No.905834243
09/10/23(Sun)02:20:42 No.905834249
09/10/23(Sun)02:21:21 No.905834271
Not yet, haven't had the time
09/10/23(Sun)02:22:05 No.905834292
09/10/23(Sun)02:23:29 No.905834336
Thoughts on phimosis?
09/10/23(Sun)02:24:58 No.905834378
Hey I just have to make sure the status-quo hasn't changed, like if you said "no" that would be a huge red flag, gotta make sure your okay! Like a full nude set but I wouldn't be as cute XD thats borrringggg I want fun outfits and props! I'm trying to figure where I'm gonna do White Lingerie and halloween planning now too!
>Smiley Holy Trips
Phew good to hear that things are calming down for you! Ooo what are the most recent findings with your changing body? Any fun stories? Thanks Smiley this was a very fun in the sun set to do! Happy you like it <3
Oh crap right right, Its been a while since I've gotten one so I forgot :p I always ask permission to save them! They are narcissistically used from time to time for...fapping :3 Boy mode I am unrecognizable I feel like. Maybe one day I'll just drop one and you be like "who this fake Cali" hahaha
Now thats a wild answer you don't hear a lot haha feel like scale would be a problem otherwise its gonna look too small but theres so much things you could do with the moveset I feel! Gundam fan in general Tim?
My fucking neighbors mow the lawn at 7 am before cause they old people...how much noise we takling here Cowie, what you doin?
09/10/23(Sun)02:26:50 No.905834443
09/10/23(Sun)02:28:11 No.905834496
09/10/23(Sun)02:28:48 No.905834521
09/10/23(Sun)02:28:53 No.905834522
Already have tits so whatever
Agreed red is best for me I think
And yes duh I wanna be a mum and wifey