eternal trap/femboy/trans thread
labor day cali edition
09/04/23(Mon)23:46:29 No.905556999
09/04/23(Mon)23:46:35 No.905557004
09/04/23(Mon)23:47:37 No.905557051
09/04/23(Mon)23:48:00 No.905557073
I finally got to be early on the thread!
09/04/23(Mon)23:48:19 No.905557091
HTA ~ I Miss Mommmy =*(
09/04/23(Mon)23:48:35 No.905557100
I am once again rolling for Cali, we MISSS YOU Cali and I am sorry for not telling you goodnight last thread....>~<
09/04/23(Mon)23:51:42 No.905557227
09/04/23(Mon)23:53:48 No.905557333
Yes, sir!
09/04/23(Mon)23:54:54 No.905557383
09/04/23(Mon)23:55:40 No.905557409
I am a sissy slut! I love BBC. Degrade and humiliate me. Make me your personal slave! Please?
Kik SnowyBunny99
09/04/23(Mon)23:56:39 No.905557461
09/04/23(Mon)23:56:50 No.905557470
I'd rather choke on your cock than on a rope.
09/04/23(Mon)23:58:16 No.905557526
I don't have a dick I don't have a gender. You will put a rope around your neck.
09/04/23(Mon)23:59:10 No.905557578
emmy emma got em mixed up
09/04/23(Mon)23:59:44 No.905557595
09/05/23(Tue)00:00:31 No.905557634
Glad you like hehe! Heres another
09/05/23(Tue)00:02:31 No.905557712
09/05/23(Tue)00:05:09 No.905557808
You have no dick. You have no gender. You have no bitches.
first time shaving, dont recommend
i can feel this shit is a slippery slope deeper into the abyss lol
HTA ~ I Miss Mommmy =*(
09/05/23(Tue)00:16:34 No.905558295
Se siente como una anguila en una botella y es EXTREMADAMENTE satisfactorio cuando está erecto >~<
It was a Corona 7OZ if I rememba correctly wch is apparently the norm here byt yes I do tehe thx I'd frot uze to ~3W3~
Dats alright, he probs traumatized by me bngz fully errect >xP >xP >xP
There are achually :3
SWEEET looking legs Fren, rllly gtnz miblood pumping witurfetz pls post moar ~(..◜ᴗ◝..)~
09/05/23(Tue)00:21:50 No.905558538
>traumatized by me bngz fully errect
He has penis envy. would explain the constant b b c spamming by him
09/05/23(Tue)00:21:54 No.905558539
I pull bitches BECAUSE I'm a biologically male twink. You don't pull shit because you constantly neg on others, fag.
09/05/23(Tue)00:27:19 No.905558781
Guys relax I know I've been gone a little longer than usual, I just had a very busy weekend. I'm pretty exhausted now so probably won't stay for as late as my usual schedule. All the being said its super sweet that y'all miss my femboy ass the second I'm gone for too long <3
09/05/23(Tue)00:29:36 No.905558864
Hiii b!!!!
09/05/23(Tue)00:32:19 No.905558969
09/05/23(Tue)00:32:49 No.905558990
Depends on the day, but I'll gladly go for either.
09/05/23(Tue)00:33:15 No.905559010
Whats up guise
09/05/23(Tue)00:34:14 No.905559058
09/05/23(Tue)00:35:18 No.905559101
09/05/23(Tue)00:36:16 No.905559146
09/05/23(Tue)00:37:07 No.905559190
09/05/23(Tue)00:38:54 No.905559273
09/05/23(Tue)00:39:03 No.905559276
lol what did Cowie do? Yes its was a fantastic weekend, it was a friends birthday so there was a fancy dinner, drinks and a get together at their place! I'm very tired and want to sleep but its too early and I need to check up on my horny boys ;)
My lovely Tim <3 What exciting news? Please tell
Thanks so much anon! I do want I can it keep it in check but its not perfect I can assure you that haha
Ooooooo yes yes yes the hot and juicy news that I will get soon, by the sounds of it. Curious to see what you and your wife came up with :3 Thanks for the dropping in!
D'aww thanks anon! Yes I just wanna turn off my social battery for the rest of the week haha , whats your fav pic so far?
No worries HTA I know some of you guys are known to pass out dude to sleep schedules and timezones. I never take offensive to any of it! Your mommy has had a very tiring weekend and I just wanna take a long bath and sleep :p What did you get up to besides cumming for me? I see a 5x which is disappointing but all things considered its still a decent report.
09/05/23(Tue)00:39:17 No.905559283
took me a long time to decipher this one, but thanks
09/05/23(Tue)00:41:12 No.905559348
Hiiii, I’m good just thought I’d share since I’m dressed up rn, also thank uuu
09/05/23(Tue)00:43:58 No.905559466
09/05/23(Tue)00:44:04 No.905559469
09/05/23(Tue)00:44:19 No.905559479
rate/wwyd state gender/orientation plz thanks!
09/05/23(Tue)00:44:27 No.905559491
09/05/23(Tue)00:48:52 No.905559672
Awww no one wants to chat :(
09/05/23(Tue)00:54:21 No.905559876
Omg yes yes yes! Tell me all about it after! What are the plans? How did you meet? Pics? <3 Oh Tim I'm so happy for you!
Oh gosh I need some cock in my ass, I need someone to fill me up and make me leak from my cock...hope you aren't too big anon :3
Mmmm good choice and during this pic I did finger myself for a little bit hehehe couldn't help myself but I had to stay focused XD Super happy you liked the green color, I was worried it didn't fit well but now looking back I was just overthinking it
Don't think Cowie did anything wrong here (WA?) I've beeing summoned for a pounding by you do I have to stay at least for a little while, I wanna tease you and make you leak >:3
Waht dog pile AA are you making a femboy harem and need more vessels for your cum? Gosh a backrub would be so perfect right now, I've been walking and running around all day, my bones hurt haha
No need to server honey, you would be in the bath with me, let mommy give you a nice body rub and let me play with your cock too, its mommys turn >:) Who's concert exactly? Nice work HTA keep up that cardio routine for me! Tips for not jerking off when horny? Cold shower haha the chill will make your cock shrink but literally do anything else works too...
09/05/23(Tue)00:54:35 No.905559888
09/05/23(Tue)00:55:35 No.905559924
Ur right Cali is a goddess
Maybe ur gonna have to find out ;)
It does but ur gonna have to wait up
Thank uuu
09/05/23(Tue)00:59:02 No.905560034
My Kik is thatdudeL25
I’m glad u like them!!!
09/05/23(Tue)01:00:06 No.905560077
i was bored yesterday so i posted a pic of myself on grindr. he actually messaged me first. he seems really nice and he's a virgin too. i said i would get us a hotel and i would take him out to dinner. he said he's not ready to have sex yet but he seems to really want me to play with his ass. and look how cute his legs are
09/05/23(Tue)01:07:32 No.905560351
I took this picture with my feet
09/05/23(Tue)01:08:47 No.905560409
09/05/23(Tue)01:10:37 No.905560485
she hasn't posted anything new yet, I'm just reposting
09/05/23(Tue)01:14:14 No.905560593
09/05/23(Tue)01:15:18 No.905560629
My rule is bigger dick tops, so I always end up on bottom.
09/05/23(Tue)01:16:03 No.905560658
09/05/23(Tue)01:18:28 No.905560751
TY baby
09/05/23(Tue)01:18:54 No.905560777
Really it wasn't you? Haha dang guess its getting harder and harder to tell sometimes :3 Cowie is a lovable brat that everyone likes to toy with haha
>Super horny
Crap sorry I missed it! Would have loved to be one of those 3x cums you had, what did you end up jerking to or maybe some lucky person for to experience your for real? I'm just a little snack there always room for me right? Why not just start with my back and stroke my front at the same time?
Omg Tim that so great! Some advice during dinner is to make sure to ask questions about him to make him comfortable, share some fun stories and interesting facts. Like I really like how you made friends with a elderly coworker, shows how caring and sweet you are <3 Are you nervous? Gosh I'm soooo happy for you!
>more checkems
Haha I don't think my tub is big enough for us to wrestle sweetie, how about you just stay on top of me and we make out while our cock frott a little under the water <3 No cumming from that though!
>3 Doors Down
Now thats a name I haven't heard in a while haha I only remember like "Here without you" XD. For the cardio I actually don't know what a best practice would be cause it depends on the person but yes I do cardio every other day. Yoga is great though!
>even more checks
Ooooohhh hahaha come on y'all can't ambush me like that! I would break so fast...:3 I'm gonna need to consult the high femboy elders but I can soft-approve a harem as long as I can be in it. Who would make up the rest of your harem? Do we have teleporting tech now? If we do I would ask for more than a massage, get hard for me AA >:)
09/05/23(Tue)01:22:02 No.905560890
09/05/23(Tue)01:26:49 No.905561068
09/05/23(Tue)01:27:56 No.905561106
09/05/23(Tue)01:27:59 No.905561108
>big brain
Luckily there's a button in my brain that turns it off.
09/05/23(Tue)01:28:37 No.905561134
09/05/23(Tue)01:29:02 No.905561154
09/05/23(Tue)01:30:51 No.905561231
appreciate it, amazing what OMAD can do while still hitting macros
09/05/23(Tue)01:35:58 No.905561412
U should
09/05/23(Tue)01:37:43 No.905561478
Whoops, guess I must have been pressing it a bit too much while typing that...
09/05/23(Tue)01:41:21 No.905561633
Thanks anon! Have more legs then!
Hmmm yeah that kinda helps but my dummy brain will forget haha Hey its not me being greedy I just ugh.. want to make a challenge for you is all :3 Maybe you can use my cum and apply it to my hole instead, I'm sure you want to pin me down and feel me right, right? Teach me a lesson for greed then hehehe
Ohh sounds like you're off to a good start! Hmmm good question if it was a text from tonight, I would give it some time until tmr to restart the convo, he could have just missed it. I don't remember how snapchat works and if there's a "seen/read" thing or not
Don't worry HTA mommy can handle it, we'd be nice and loose from the hot bath anyways just melt in my arms and let mommy make you cum again. Taste me all you want. Oooo HTA is getting more dommy with his mommy ic, you know I love to have cum in my throat, its so sticky. Currently its just cardio but I used to do yoga once in a while too. Make sure you drink water with all the cumming you do! Gonna make you do a water report soon >:(
Oh for sure, tell KY I hope they are doing well and I am also doing well, I miss them too now!
09/05/23(Tue)01:44:46 No.905561767
Thank uuuu
09/05/23(Tue)01:47:24 No.905561868
Nom nom.
09/05/23(Tue)01:48:59 No.905561929
Yes, I do.
09/05/23(Tue)01:52:07 No.905562041
09/05/23(Tue)01:52:13 No.905562047
since youve been great
09/05/23(Tue)01:53:56 No.905562107
Thank uuu
I do have a very fuckable face
09/05/23(Tue)01:58:56 No.905562285
Dubs for penny kiss
Trips for a thigh smother
09/05/23(Tue)02:01:35 No.905562385
09/05/23(Tue)02:08:32 No.905562628
Thanks for the kind words anon <3 Though wish I was a barbie boy in a barbie world haha
Relaxxx Tim, its still early and I would hope if you've confirmed a date then he will follow through. Just wait until tmr and see what happens from there. Don't overthink justttt yet sweetie
Good night now AA, gonna hold you to that prostate massage :)
You mean in the ass? Yes I've gotten fucked in the ass before
Cowieeeeeee is hereeeeeeee, whatchu been up to?
Wait a second KY have you've been here the whole time? HTA made it sound like you weren't..I'm confused now.
I'm frustrated already bllarrrggggggg I'm too tired to be horny but also I'm kinda horny now from the thread :p We doing the "fuck a femboy but he can't react Challenge!" gotta keep a straight face or else um...I get fucked some more XD
Need to get the spray bottle if I have a HTA dry hump my legs like that, that a bad HTA you hump asses not legs! Hmmm mommy loves the taste and the texture, love the feeling of having it stick in my throat and I get cum breath <3 Good question my runs are usually 45m - 1 Hour and I just do either run around my neighborhood or laps at the park. Never actually looked at the distance though. I mean if it will help you remember to drink water, then I guess we do have to add it, also KY is in the thread!
09/05/23(Tue)02:14:10 No.905562830
09/05/23(Tue)02:23:11 No.905563146
good luck hehe ;3
09/05/23(Tue)02:25:17 No.905563215
09/05/23(Tue)02:26:47 No.905563256
Its only gay if you cum cause that means you enjoyed fucking your femboy roommate right? Nah its the big gay and we love it >:) At this point I think the bed wins for me, I like nodding off but Cowie just got here I want to please him cause I miss him a lot
Lol well I couldn't gleam that from what you said but no not in public haha though I've fantasized about like secret public sex
Oh Cowie what idiot would ghost you? His lost honey <3 I used to wear skinny jeans a lot cause they made my ass look really good but now a days I lean towards more loose fitting clothes for boy mode. Have you given them a try before? Boners are a problem though...
Goodnight my sweet Tim! I wish you the best of luck for tmr and the date!
If I put my cum in the spray bottle you would just enjoy can't trick me that easily you cumslut, mommy isn't that dense. I bet you like cum breath cum for me and play with the cum in your mouth before you swallow slowly. Don't worry over time you will be able to run longer and longer durations, just take it slow. We got a fake KY!
Hiii Penny, love that I can barely make out that pp :3
09/05/23(Tue)02:28:54 No.905563321
I'll be waiting
Disappointed he's not back. I didn't cum yesterday cos I was hoping to catch him today :(
>Probably too busy jerking off to ww2 Jews or something
09/05/23(Tue)02:32:32 No.905563442
>Cowie just got here I want to please him cause I miss him a lot
cute. You don't realize how much boners are a problem in skinny jeans cali. If you post I can't really get off my desk without it being obvious.
>ww2 Jews
picrel or whatever.
09/05/23(Tue)02:36:16 No.905563565
thanks anon
heyyy Cali! hope you’re doing well tonight
And thanks, I was trying to experiment with trying to do something with bulges in this.
09/05/23(Tue)02:38:25 No.905563629
09/05/23(Tue)02:42:51 No.905563776
That's what I'm counting on
Pic rel
09/05/23(Tue)02:45:43 No.905563877
Have we've gotten to see you in any of the skinny stuff before? I think the only boymode pic I remember seeing of you is the one where you're in your cute overalls. Cowie what makes the harassment "kinda hot" exactly? Let me know your kinks hehe
You know the dangers of entering the threads by now! You want this...but I know all the dangers of boners + skinny jeans, lucky my pp is smol enough to make it less noticeable. I never needed to take breaks like you >:)
I'm super sleepy and gonna head off soon but yes love bulge pics, make me want to rub my face against yours. Also love that you are experimenting too!
Not sure what "active sex pics" means exactly but I'd rather get some good rest instead anon. Gotta work tmr :p
Not gonna work on my you stupid slut you can't trick mommy into giving you want you want, like locking you up >:) What pink pill are you talking about HTA? You're on the right track, expercise, water and good meals! Trick or Treating doesn't really happen in my neighborhood and I'm too old to go door to door anyways haha
I have never seen this one!
09/05/23(Tue)02:48:22 No.905563957
broke the wig out, full dive into the abyss here we come
09/05/23(Tue)02:48:31 No.905563964
I’m goood hbu?
well then i’ll be sure to try to take some more of them. I’ll try to find a cute pair of panties tonight for it
Either way, hope you sleep well if you end up dozing off. It’s always good to see you
anyways have thigh highs
09/05/23(Tue)02:49:43 No.905564002
>less noticeable
One day the police will arrest me for it I'm sure. Public exposure or something, I will defend my case in front of the judge lmao. I don't mind staying sit down for now ;)
>bulge pic for cali
09/05/23(Tue)02:55:42 No.905564216
>what makes the harassment "kinda hot" exactly?
Idk degradation? Everyone here knows I love being bullied they're all just shit and repeat the same meaningless stuff. At least this guy picked on a genuine fault and ran with it
More than you'd think I guess lol
I hope so
09/05/23(Tue)03:04:17 No.905564492
Okay I'll try my best to accommodate what you're asking for here anon! I'll post a few pics before I head off to bed for you.
Sure thing, heres a pic of last years summer set but yeah I'll post a few things
D'aww thanks Penny, anything super tight that highlights the bulge, lighting is gonna be important too <3 Yeah gotta sleep :p
>One of my fav pics <3 Was this nicole? I can't remember
Woah Woah Woha would I be included in that trial? "As you can see here ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the bussy is clearly bussin' so getting a boner for bussy is out of one mans control" XD
Cause I have bills to pay HTA haha thus a job :[ I'm not a manager I'm a like in the middle, not a junior but not a lead/manager. But you see you WANT to be locked up HTA do that defeats the purpose. I still don't know what a pink pill is but if you say microdose I get concerned. I can just buy candy silly haha
Well I could never bully you Cowie, you deserve the best but I do want to get off too...hmmmm nah can't do it XD not in my nature to be mean :p
09/05/23(Tue)03:04:28 No.905564496
fuckin kek
09/05/23(Tue)03:05:15 No.905564520
Fuck that is nice.
09/05/23(Tue)03:06:16 No.905564559
09/05/23(Tue)03:06:41 No.905564577
Late to the party, was busy today :( Hai everyone, Cali, Cowie, Penny, HTA, etc. Hope this kitty ain't too late for some fun! Check out this clone pic Cali :3
09/05/23(Tue)03:09:19 No.905564669
ok I hope that does it?
Dammit Kitty I really really really have to sleep and OMG you little slut hahaha amazing! FBC_XO9 10/10 you freaking madlad XD Gonna have to catch you next time!
Oooooooooooooooo Im stupid...
LAST POST of the night, thanks for the fun everyone, I gotta sleep! Cali signing off!
09/05/23(Tue)03:10:06 No.905564693
09/05/23(Tue)03:12:03 No.905564743
Yeah, im a little slow. >>905564496
09/05/23(Tue)03:14:06 No.905564809
Thank You! You are one of my types Anan.
09/05/23(Tue)03:14:10 No.905564810
More? Or twitter.. Or sauce...
09/05/23(Tue)03:14:37 No.905564823
you got it
cant because that would expose me as a tweaker