Trap thread ID: 905161316

First found on 2023-08-28(22:30:10)


08/28/23(Mon)19:23:08 No.905161316

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Eternal trap/femboy/trans thread.


08/28/23(Mon)19:24:32 No.905161392

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08/28/23(Mon)19:25:45 No.905161457

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08/28/23(Mon)19:27:38 No.905161543

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08/28/23(Mon)19:27:54 No.905161555

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>>905159829 >>905160242 aww thanks anons, i appreciate it >>905160427 i don’t have anything especially good / recent but i’ll look. If not i’ll make some and who said i’d leave? If anything i’d just post in both places


08/28/23(Mon)19:28:28 No.905161581

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>>905160946 yeah, no boyfriend is gonna tolerate that fucking mess unless he's a cuck. id never unlock your chastity cage, not even for hygiene. you'd be itchy as fuck and i'd still force you to cleanup that squalor


08/28/23(Mon)19:29:33 No.905161639

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08/28/23(Mon)19:31:31 No.905161729

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08/28/23(Mon)19:31:39 No.905161735

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>you're walking innawoods >trip and fall unconscious >you wake up bandaged in bed >see this elf by you What do?


08/28/23(Mon)19:32:38 No.905161781

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08/28/23(Mon)19:32:55 No.905161795

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08/28/23(Mon)19:34:36 No.905161897

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08/28/23(Mon)19:35:11 No.905161920

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Ohio daddies?


08/28/23(Mon)19:35:41 No.905161941

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Reposting comment here lol >>905161525 # Awe I’m sorry that sounds really rough hun…. I hope you’re at least keeping your spirits up though… can I help somehow? Not even sexually I mean like do you need someone to talk to? You gonna be ok? >people from these threads were here for me during some of the darkest times of my life, lewds or no. If I can help out I will <3


08/28/23(Mon)19:39:21 No.905162104

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>>905161581 Oh hey I responded to you. But in my defense that was pre boyfriend/pre hrt and I was extremely depressed which definitely made me not care about cleaning as much. But since hrt I don’t get depressed anymore so I keep things nice >I’m a good little house wife >I wish I had a new cage I want someone to lock me up for a few months :c especially since in like 5 months I start progesterone and my sex drive will jump even higher


08/28/23(Mon)19:48:14 No.905162510

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08/28/23(Mon)19:52:49 No.905162725

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>>905162489 But we're not? The fembois are, trans women are women tho fren. We're humans just like you, so why not treat us with basic respect? It's hard to argue you're not a 'trans hater' while refusing to gender us correctly. Hate only begets hate, so why not break the cycle? Doesn't cause any harm by calling us women, so why create harm for no reason?


08/28/23(Mon)19:54:55 No.905162825

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>>905162186 Okay well just let me know if you need a fren <3 I’m sure you’ll pull through bc people on here are stubborn as fuck and tend ti get through things. But still :3 >>905162635 Well that has happened yes but I’m sure I can’t be the only one that posts here and had that happen… >I had a dragon dildo knot stuck and I came too hard and passed out that night >they didn’t catch me actually, just because I had luckily pulled the blanket over me in my sleep. But they could have for sure caught me yeah. >that being said I did come out to my parents recently and it did not go wel :c


08/28/23(Mon)19:55:43 No.905162857

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Fudge it


08/28/23(Mon)20:00:49 No.905163082

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wake up anon, new tris lewd just dropped!! :0


08/28/23(Mon)20:00:57 No.905163090

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08/28/23(Mon)20:01:18 No.905163105

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>>905162891 Uhhhhh…. We’ll they barely let me talk, told me my coming out wasn’t “all about me” which was strange, said I would always be their son (which I expected, but they’ll have a hard time when they see me in a couple months), said they’ll never accept or support me…. There was more to it but it was bad. They didn’t let me talk more than 5 minutes then they basically kicked me out of their house and haven’t talked to me in the last 3-4 weeks… >idk if you have me on discord you could me if you want more details, it was a whole thing and too long to go into here. >random picture I’d my first time going out in a dress :3


08/28/23(Mon)20:05:52 No.905163298

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08/28/23(Mon)20:08:29 No.905163410

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>>905163131 FAPGANG RISE UP!!!! >>905163166 yeah it’s me anon…! :3 >>905163222 i’m so sorry anon!!! when was this?? will maybe showing you my hole quell your rage?? ;—;


08/28/23(Mon)20:09:00 No.905163434

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08/28/23(Mon)20:11:08 No.905163527

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do you like my bussy


08/28/23(Mon)20:14:47 No.905163671

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08/28/23(Mon)20:17:31 No.905163789

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>>905163552 Well no one deserves to have people be mean to them when they’re struggling! I mean my ex is an abusive piece of shit and I don’t even hate him or act mean towards him despite what he does and says. He legit came to my house and screamed he hopes I kill myself because I told him I wasn’t gonna pay to help him with his car payment, and I still can’t hate him… >wish I could it’d make things easier… >besides again, everyone here has helped so much during my hard times you guys deserve acceptance and good feels <3


08/28/23(Mon)20:18:58 No.905163845

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>>905161316 *saves thread*


08/28/23(Mon)20:20:06 No.905163880

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08/28/23(Mon)20:21:42 No.905163948

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>>905163298 Pink berthole


08/28/23(Mon)20:25:37 No.905164096

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>>905164029 I took a page to roll a joint


08/28/23(Mon)20:27:14 No.905164165

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>>905161847 <3


08/28/23(Mon)20:27:50 No.905164196

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>>905163509 >>905164153 i’m retarded Dx


08/28/23(Mon)20:33:05 No.905164456

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>>905164156 Awe it’s ok hun I’m doing fine <3 no more depression, anxiety is lower, I can live the way I want and be fem and stuff. All my friends and coworkers were super supportive and the rest of my family was too. So I’m doing ok :3 >>905164065 I’m sure we aren’t the only ones (I hope anyway) but it seems rare sometimes. I haven’t been on here much in a long time maybe 3 times in 3 months, but it’s good to see these threads are still mostly good vibes! >getting cleaned up and into cute clothes cuz the bf will be home in a couple hours and I want to get plowed ;3 >>905164283 Welcome to the club anon. Actually though they got over that a bit at least they didn’t throw fits. It’s the fact that their son is actually their daughter that they’re struggling with for some reason. You’d think they’d be happy, I’m dating a trans man and I’m a trans woman, so we’re straight even if you don’t accept our identities lol. But oh well.


08/28/23(Mon)20:35:46 No.905164587

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Casca says Griffith is a twink, and he is. But Puck has his moments too


08/28/23(Mon)20:40:45 No.905164841

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08/28/23(Mon)20:41:23 No.905164880

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>>905164651 a QT


08/28/23(Mon)20:42:25 No.905164925

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>>905164464 I can’t do it all the time but it just takes time and experimentation really. Tbh at the time I had been edging a few hours with someone over discord and oof it was intense… it is easier with the dragon toy but I don’t use it often because it’s addicting and I use it even less now cuz my bf is a trans dude so he fucks me with a strap and can go for hours. T4T has its perks :3 >>905164502 Anon i….


08/28/23(Mon)20:42:40 No.905164940

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>>905164659 awww anon… i’d love to be someone’s wallpaper!!! ;—; i took a new pic of my hole… you guys wanna see? i’m also preeeetty sure i just discovered i have vitiligo on my hole.. Dx


08/28/23(Mon)20:43:46 No.905165003

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>>905164456 those leggings are rad as hell! Where are they from girl?? These threads are usually comfy & drama free, sometimes there's mean people but the vast majority that come here are v nice! I like coming here because the vibe is comfy & friendly. It's sad that sometimes it's not but everyone can have bad days & they need to take out their frustration somewhere, I try to be understanding when people are mean here, you never know how bad their day has been so atleast I can try to make it a lil less bad!


08/28/23(Mon)20:47:31 No.905165158

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>>905164897 Nope, trap that I haven't seen post in a month or so. Hope Katey's alright


08/28/23(Mon)20:49:01 No.905165234

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08/28/23(Mon)20:50:45 No.905165310

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>>905165275 No I was a neet gamer back then, unhealthy habits


08/28/23(Mon)20:52:37 No.905165393

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>>905165271 Yes darling.


08/28/23(Mon)20:56:01 No.905165543

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08/28/23(Mon)20:57:14 No.905165596

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>>905165003 They’re from a brand called “amazing sports” but I got them at goodwill lol. They’re my favorite pair of leggings I love how they have the tree going up the leg! I have another pair of them with flowers all over them and I like that pair too but the first pair is cuter imo. Yeah all these threads are lots of fun! Sometimes assholes visit but tbh it doesn’t bother me too much. I mainly stopped posting because after starting hrt I didn’t really feel like I needed to be here. Initially this was my only outlet to be myself, but now that’s my every day experience so I don’t need to post here daily. But I like checking in and seeing if people remember me I guess <3 one day there won’t be anyone who remembers me but that’s ok <3 I’m just happy I made some friends and got to meet everyone, and I can always come back!


08/28/23(Mon)20:57:46 No.905165622

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>>905165401 i hate my feet but here anon!! Dx


08/28/23(Mon)21:04:24 No.905165956

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>>905165163 content that gives you a smile, makes you happy & hard, that is the true dream fren, atleast for me lol <3 >>905165596 I feel you, at the beginning these threads are really affirming, when the world outside isn't. Once coming out tho, slowly the world outside becomes more accepting & less invalidating, being able to fully embrace who you actually are everyday makes everything else better. I come here to talk to people & post pictures of me that I like, it's a nice mix of horny & genuine conversation, always brightens my day up! I hope if I leave, ppl will remember me like they do you Sae, but if they don't then that's okay, I enjoyed my time here & that's what matters to me <3


08/28/23(Mon)21:05:29 No.905166015

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>>905165436 Yeah I never want to go back I feel insanely more healthy and insanely more happy today >>905165453 Big time >>905165483 Honestly I loved origins and I ate super unhealthy lol >>905165730 Only cnc bully


08/28/23(Mon)21:06:04 No.905166051

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>>905165663 how can get in touch with you irl?


08/28/23(Mon)21:09:13 No.905166199

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Hi b


08/28/23(Mon)21:11:21 No.905166309

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08/28/23(Mon)21:15:41 No.905166496

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>>905165956 Aweeee well I will remember you hun <3 we should talk sometime on discord or something!! I’m more active there tbh. Plus I have this dream of one day holding “4chan trans/trap irl-con” and meeting different girls from here. Not even necessarily to do lewd stuff, just be fun to meet a bunch of the people who post and the fans. I’ve always wanted to meet the fans I do have irl sometime and say hi and do like a big hangout. At one point I was trying to organize a big meetup in vr chat to watch movies with people but no one was interested. I don’t have a VR so I couldn’t do super lewd stuff or anything, but I thought maybe people would enjoy bad horror B movies and just being silly together. Idk most of the people who talk to/with me can be pretty wholesome and I consider them friends (including you <3 ). I think people will remember you more than me hun lol. But I can’t wait till I’m closer to a year on HRT, because I am already having surprising progress so far but I wanna be able to compete with ya ;3 >funny how I used to be scared of needles and now I actually look forward to the ritual of my estrogen shot every week. >took a new pic now, idk just felt like wearing fishnets with shorts today >I don’t give a fuck if my outfits make no sense lol


08/28/23(Mon)21:37:53 No.905167406

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08/28/23(Mon)21:38:25 No.905167424

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08/28/23(Mon)21:40:43 No.905167534

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08/28/23(Mon)21:41:47 No.905167583

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08/28/23(Mon)21:44:30 No.905167702

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>>905167482 >>905167453 No one cares, ur all faggots will belly filled of maggots, you all hate each other Kys


08/28/23(Mon)21:47:26 No.905167828

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>>905167783 Ice cream :)


08/28/23(Mon)21:47:41 No.905167838

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Janice finally posted on her twitter


08/28/23(Mon)21:50:53 No.905167982

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haiii gonna do some of the requests from earlier and maybe some more. what’s up?


08/28/23(Mon)21:52:06 No.905168035

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>>905167838 you'd be perfect in chastity. really sexy feet too!


08/28/23(Mon)21:54:51 No.905168150

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>>90516745 I see the fishgunfag is back with a new name. Where's the real girls and fembois at?


08/28/23(Mon)21:54:57 No.905168159

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>>905167828 put ice cream in butt


08/28/23(Mon)21:58:40 No.905168333

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>>905167989 >stFu i hAtE mEn


08/28/23(Mon)21:59:22 No.905168366

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08/28/23(Mon)22:00:21 No.905168413

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08/28/23(Mon)22:05:02 No.905168640

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Femboy Casca

08/28/23(Mon)22:06:15 No.905168701

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>>905163082 Thugshake NOW


08/28/23(Mon)22:07:41 No.905168781

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08/28/23(Mon)22:07:49 No.905168786

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>>905168640 lexi?


08/28/23(Mon)22:11:10 No.905168941

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>>905168817 ohh wow, i remember cali's skin being darker lexi is the usually the most white lol


08/28/23(Mon)22:11:15 No.905168948

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08/28/23(Mon)22:13:01 No.905169052

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08/28/23(Mon)22:14:04 No.905169102

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>>905168941 prob just the sun light causing the change


08/28/23(Mon)22:15:43 No.905169184

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>>905168018 Hey thanks!! Yeah I've just been super busy lately


08/28/23(Mon)22:16:21 No.905169213

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08/28/23(Mon)22:17:12 No.905169251

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>>905169048 yes but not me


08/28/23(Mon)22:19:38 No.905169362

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08/28/23(Mon)22:20:10 No.905169389

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>>905169102 lol i just assumed cali was one of those sexy westcoast darkskinned hapas


08/28/23(Mon)22:21:18 No.905169447

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>>905166496 Bf cannot stop rubbing my legs and I love it. Fishnets are the best. >trying to decide what to wear to classes tomorrow because I’m considering taking OC between classes on campus but idk how brave I’m feeling…


08/28/23(Mon)22:24:25 No.905169600

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>>905169550 Just a few I snapped today, yeah. Thanks a lot! How have you been?

Femboy Casca

08/28/23(Mon)22:24:36 No.905169611

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>>905168751 What ? No !! >>905168783 Go for it, I'll even let you squeeze my tummy too >>905168810 Oh, phew X3 >>905168839 Let me use your erection first >>905168929 >PNWO Yes...the future is P


08/28/23(Mon)22:24:46 No.905169614

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>>905169418 This is why I hate twinks like you.


08/28/23(Mon)22:26:57 No.905169718

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08/28/23(Mon)22:28:22 No.905169781

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>>905169352 tysm!! i’d let you take a hit at it any day, anon. >>905169614 aww i love anons like you too!!


08/28/23(Mon)22:28:28 No.905169788

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08/28/23(Mon)22:28:35 No.905169792

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08/28/23(Mon)22:29:27 No.905169840

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>>905169600 big sexy gurl


08/28/23(Mon)22:29:36 No.905169853

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