These compliments are all so sweet FemboyLover thanks so much for the encouragement! Words like these is what keeps me coming back to do more pics for all you anons! :)
No worries Cali, this kitty cat always speaks honestly <3 Well there is still a small fear in that they catch me doing porn in my room haha, but I mostly just have learned to it when I'm home alone, people have habits and schedules so it eventually became less frightful. Plus, I've told them that I do dress up in 'girls cosplay' so I technically am not hiding a big secret either. Don't worry the new set is 'coming soon(tm)' hehe. I've actually beaten every single questline before (my teens were gaming marathons lol). So it's more about trying new builds and characters.
Good night Tim, hope to scratch you in the next one nya~ :3
08/28/23(Mon)02:05:34 No.905120984
Thanks so much WA! Glad to came to lurk a little too but I barely have anything edited and ready to do, probs most more of it later in the week :p
Goodnight my sweet Tim!
Well even if the risk is 30% there still a 100% chance to us to want to do it again..and again. Is that a risk you're willing to take? Can you handle the femboy bussy?
Thanks for being here! No not this weekend cause it was so hot I just thought "I want food but its too hot to cook" so I just ordered sushi cause its a cold food haha How about you?
08/28/23(Mon)02:06:51 No.905121029
>tfw stayed up all night posting my butt again
Uhh will this headache ever go away?
08/28/23(Mon)02:07:18 No.905121046
Thanks….Being this size used to bother me so might until I realized I was trans. Kind of lucked out in a sense
08/28/23(Mon)02:07:59 No.905121067
Neck yourself idiot who believes what everyone tells him on this site
Kitty you're a cutie just incase I pass out
Same to you cali whenever you're ready for that group pic set im ready
08/28/23(Mon)02:12:50 No.905121230
Ooo this is one of my fav Kitty pics, just the right amount of tease :3 You look so huggable and kissable.. Dam I need you as my "guy in the chair" so you can keep an eye out for my dam neighbors next time XD So they know about the "girl cosplay" but not the "smut cosplay" hehehe great to hear they are fine with the girl cosplay! "Soon(tm)" oh no thats concerning hahaha so I guess Skyrim is your comfort game then right?
Oh gosh that makes me blush and fantasize about so much KP...you're such doll <3 Think all the cocks would explode if we got all the cute boys together to do a set XD
08/28/23(Mon)02:13:42 No.905121266
HOLA /b/ how are you doing today??
lmao nice edit :P
nnnnhhhhh Cali honey you look so good omg
08/28/23(Mon)02:15:08 No.905121315
08/28/23(Mon)02:15:26 No.905121322
Yeah I came home drunk and started posting at 1 and just decided fuck it and kept going
08/28/23(Mon)02:15:37 No.905121330
More of me :3
08/28/23(Mon)02:18:30 No.905121427
Think I'm starting to feel hungover yaaay
08/28/23(Mon)02:20:31 No.905121494
More replies from the last ones ahh!
Thank you Work Anon! Happy you dropped by to say hi, hope to scratch you again soon with my new OC later in the week :3
Mmm perfect I'll let you feast on my ass and you can lick it wet all over then! Then I'd slide my soles across your tongue so you can taste the sweaty toes too hehe. I want it to be a feast of boy parts and cummies!
Aww yay thanks for the kind words Puppy, such a good girl you are too~ I wanna play with your boobs and butt so badly *w*
Hehe I'm glad you like it Cali, hold me together for a snuggle with our plushies ok? ^w^ Hehe I can do more than that, I can be your designated marksman to keep watch on thirsty men here to take you away! ...Oh wait this ain't a thriller movie :P Yeah I'm happy to have the burden of secrecy lessened at least, still I couldn't imagine the face of anyone knowing I do femboy porn on the interwebs... O-O; Oh Skyrim is one of many games I go back to, the others are old total war games just for the lols. Have you ever wondered what's it like to fight cannons mounted on elephants against Mongolian rocket launchers? You can with these games haha XD
Cuchu! Haiii~ :3 You've always got that cute vibe going on, would so love to just bury my body against yours!
08/28/23(Mon)02:26:12 No.905121673
>would so love to just bury my body against yours!
(O///u///O) i'm interested, i want to bury my face in that dick and tits :3
08/28/23(Mon)02:28:43 No.905121747
>Cuchuchuchu checked!
Yay the Cuchu train has arrived, omg thanks so much. I'm sure you would look even more amazing in same outfit <3 How was your weekend?
Haha never hear of anyone leaning into the hot weather, I like to complain about it and sweat a lot XD The only Jamaican food I've had is Jamaican Patties such I love, need some spice in my life <3 Is an easy recipe?
Welp guess we are 100% being the big gay then and I accept you painting my body inside and out with your cum :3 Hold me tight and press your body against mine please..
No plushies Kittys its wayyyy to hot to snuggle in a pile of them right now...isn't hot down under where you are? We can snuggle completely naked on the cold tile floor, I can just sit on your face for comfort >:3 Is it weird that when you said "marksman" I just imagine you using your cock as a gun, cumming at men to make them confused ahahahaha I can't say I've had wondered that but I've seen some of the crazy shit people do in those games...mainly the sex stuff XD
Please post anon! No pressure at all, just post whatever you like!
08/28/23(Mon)02:30:06 No.905121788
One chrome of my pics and that’s it
Please don’t reply or interact with post..
08/28/23(Mon)02:30:31 No.905121799
One more before bed I guess
08/28/23(Mon)02:31:06 No.905121818
08/28/23(Mon)02:32:12 No.905121841
I'm glad you like what you see anon
08/28/23(Mon)02:34:04 No.905121888
New pics to you like like two people impersonating me rn I don't need to spend thread after thread about some stupid shit you ate up
Well if you're cali anytime I'm game and ignore the rest of these trolls they're insistent on spreading rumors on me
08/28/23(Mon)02:41:19 No.905122077
08/28/23(Mon)02:41:42 No.905122090
Look there's a lot of rumours spreading and the story has changed from person to person, I personally will be quite sceptical of the whole story as this is /b/ anything can be made up afaik.
Please post! I'm not really at a pro level either so it shouldn't make you feel intimidated. I felt the same way the first time I was posting alongside Cali, but everyone here is all super nice!
Yes let's do it both together at the same time, ahhh that bulge is so yummy! >//_//<
Heyy anon! Thanks, feel me up as much as you wish~ Sorry I hate to sound like a Cali clone but I like to keep everything about my lewds on 4chan only, I don't use social media outside of 4chan honestly. Happy to chat otherwise :3
Oh it's the camera I swear I have stubbly bits around my legs that are a bit ehh. But hey it won't stop me from rubbing my ass over your cock ;)
Hehe it's winter over here :P That being said our winters are like an average day in fall for you guys hehe. Mmm naked snuggles with Cali...why is my boner rising? I hope you can help me with this dilemma ;) Haha cum sniper is on my badge now XD You won't get away from me you felons! Oh yeah a load of porn mods are commonplace haha, big dick succubus fighting Thomas the Tank Engine? Yeah that's possible... xP
Oh that's quite the distance unfortunately :( I hope a portal gun will be invented soon for easy travels to a sexy girl like yourself! Don't worry Puppy, I'm certain the haters are just trying to find ways to stir up trouble.
Nya~ hihi HTA :3 Doing well today?
08/28/23(Mon)02:43:18 No.905122131
08/28/23(Mon)02:44:49 No.905122175
This but stuffed from both ends like this
08/28/23(Mon)02:45:20 No.905122193
>How was your weekend?
i didn't go outside BUT i read a lot this weekend B)
>I'm sure you would look even more amazing in same outfit
probably but i'm just doing naked things today because... i'm naked :)
>ahhh that bulge is so yummy! >//_//<
THAAANKS nice plushie, does it have a name??
nnnnnnnnnnnnnnh you are so small SO CUTE XoX
08/28/23(Mon)02:46:02 No.905122218
08/28/23(Mon)02:48:14 No.905122289
Shut up…
This is me in a mental hospital
>get better larp
Ur life is a fken lie..
08/28/23(Mon)02:50:19 No.905122344
No >:( I can do it myself
08/28/23(Mon)02:50:41 No.905122358
08/28/23(Mon)02:54:03 No.905122466
Oh there you are my little HTA! Did you enjoy the movie though? Oh make sure to not stay up too late then sweetie, get some good rest. I would tell you the story of how a silly like boy became a dirty cumslut because of a e-succubus ;) Such a great report! Mommy is very proud of you, you can cum as much as you like, no rules!
wait a second...
Ah there we go! Nicely done HTA! How what are the fillings? Looks like a lot of meat ;)
>its winter..
Oh right..right that how that works..blarg I am being dumb hahaha well lucky you! Silly Kitty a boner means you need to be toyed with by my cock, need to pound you while stroking your cock. I want to you cum in my hands so i can watch my Kitty lick them clean after :3 Watch me "get down Mr. President" all your shots cause I want your cum hehehehehe "aggressively googles - big dick succubus fighting Thomas the Tank Engine"
You need to go outside just a little Cuchu just for some sun, don't go full hermit on me just yet, I need to tease you in a public space >:3 Please do tell me what these "naked things" consist of...for science
Omg that sounds awful, apartment with no ac is basically a oven in the summertime, we would be having so much hot sweating summertime sex If I was there >:3 Ooo that does sound super simple and honestly for patties its the same thing except the curry is inside a flaky pastry! Or sometimes a spicy beef mixture. Just realized this pic covers what you like most haha
That is amazing.. godammmm, ever creampie yourself?
08/28/23(Mon)02:54:37 No.905122483
*saves thread*
08/28/23(Mon)02:56:11 No.905122545
Better get some glasses. Not even close.
08/28/23(Mon)02:57:40 No.905122603
>no one would impersonate you
Believe whatever you want to believe weirdo
That hat Is too cute
Well you'll have me and Cali here then
No I got plenty more but I don't take a lot if pics often
08/28/23(Mon)02:57:51 No.905122606
I need it try this
08/28/23(Mon)02:59:29 No.905122660
Yep I have creampied myself a few times, I cum very easily from doing this,
08/28/23(Mon)03:01:18 No.905122720
I have severe autism. I'm socially crippled. Wat do?
08/28/23(Mon)03:02:28 No.905122766
Literally no one will lol. If I can literally fuck myself I'd have no reason to go outside!
08/28/23(Mon)03:03:18 No.905122798
>naked things" consist of
i go around naked, i like it more than being clothed
08/28/23(Mon)03:04:00 No.905122837
(^ >ヮ<^)*PETZ wit COCK*....Hewwwo Hewwwo! I am duing well, THX fur asking Kitty, I hope uve benz doing good as well! <3
Btwz, I stillz nedz to do dat PC jus benz procrasinating aloz lately byt hopfly I shuld hab sumthang soonz as a [concept] >~<
HEYYY Cuchu, Howz Re U Duing?! =D
>what are you eating??
A bean Burrito wit turkey bacon....sum cheese wit a lilbit jalapenos tehe, it was RLLLY good jus luks messy X)
>Did you enjoy the movie though?
Yes, byt if it wsnt furz how loud it was I wulda felllz aslep in le leatherseats >XP >XP >XP
>get some good rest.
tehe I nedz to edge toz u firs ov course swillly mami ~>*"*<~
>e-succubus ;)
mmmmm, maybz u wap demz GREEN toez round me as u doz? help calm me down bfr I slepz tehehe >:3
>Mommy is very proud of you, you can cum as much as you like, no rules!
OMGZ RLLLY?....dat mwakes me soz HAPPPY dat ure Proud ov me Mommmy, I >3>LUVS U *hwugs* bybytz wht do u menz no rules mami?....Till nex thread tehe, wht ib I accidently cum 20+ agn mami ~3W3~
08/28/23(Mon)03:06:26 No.905122904
>Where baguette
I tried, couldn't get any pics I was prepared to share. Sorry, it was a failure. I did eat cock bread though so I guess you can have that on the list of degeneracy I've done
08/28/23(Mon)03:06:33 No.905122914
Regardless I just don't want to cause any further drama.
Aww *virtual hugs* which one was you? You shouldn't feel ignored, we're a tight knit bunch here <3
It's called Squishy Jr. named after Cali's bigger version of it :3 Yeah I bought one because of him haha ^-^;
Oh I'm not fussed about hair either anyways, some people need to touch grass if even the slightest hair bothers them honestly lol. I know for a fact my female relatives shave their body hair or else they'd be hairy too.
>You ain't thinking straight because you're thinking gayyyyy
Thanks to Cali for that joke :P
Hehe Cali forgot about the hemisphere thing :P Ooh being pounded by your cock and stroked at the same time is an instant horny overdrive! Gosh I can't think I could even last a minute if that's the case...I'll lick your hands clean as you dig into my mouth and suck your fingers clean. We can do target practice anytime you want with the cum sniper ;) Just try to aim at one of my holes when it's your turn hehe. Now I kinda don't wanna know what your search history is gonna end up like XD
Yay, that's a double combo I couldn't ever resist! Just imagining both your asses on me...
Hai Cowie~ Here to join in on the horny fun today?
Mmmm *licks cock* I'm good too :3 That's great to hear, also lovely to see some new OC :D Makes me wanna tickle your toes as you suck on mine! Hopefully you get some ideas soon, but no rush!
08/28/23(Mon)03:09:24 No.905123011
Black cocks look like logs of shit.
08/28/23(Mon)03:09:34 No.905123019
Strange... but hey if that's what ya like
Uh sure I'll post these two others before I head to bed
Don't think that maybe that's where people took the idea and ran with it?
I love you Cowie I need to be on more during EU hours for you
If I post a vocaroo or catbox and I never gave a disc out so be careful if you added one from here
08/28/23(Mon)03:13:17 No.905123148
shiiiit i do recall smoking a Little before doing that set but oml yea my pupils r wild in that pic
08/28/23(Mon)03:13:56 No.905123175
Thanks KP I got it of Shein it was like $10 i think but dam that booty is so inviting :3 Love your pics and videos always, ignore the trolls
Cowieeeee! Yes please try this and report back to us with video evidence! I'm too small to try this myself haha
Ahh makes sense but doing this, can it hurt in anyway? Seems kinda dangerous it might pull something..?
lol why did I not think about that, so I'm assuming you live alone then Cuchu? Cause if you were walking around naked in my house, there no way I could not pounce on you and start playing with your body :3
Hahahaha I personally loved all the interesting dialog, granted I couldn't understand most of the science talk :p Hey edge as long as you like honey, just make sure you cum for me too ;) Wrap my green toes eh? Guess I'm gonna have to give you something...related before I go tonight.. No rules until next thread, yes you can cum as much as you want. The question is will you go nuts or still stay within reason..mommy is watching.
Maybe we could turn it off for a bit just so its get a little more..."naughty" feeling, don't you want to cover my me in everything? I know where you like to aim your loads :3 Don't worry AA I think I have a least a few pics that won't tease you, happy you still enjoy everything else too <3
08/28/23(Mon)03:19:55 No.905123370
Are any of us tops?! Lol
Thanks anon I'd be happy if I'm the reason for your nut
We fighting for punks cause then I'll win
It'll never happen
So me, you, kitty and Cowie meet up when?
Kinda but the American hours I learned a few trolls that lurk during work hours
08/28/23(Mon)03:21:55 No.905123434
Don't worry anon my little cock is too small to do that hahahaha
Yeah for the longest time I just thought you were in the south as in southern US haha Mmmmm yes I want you to be on your knees and stick out your tongue as I slowly feel your own cum back to you. Let me play with the tongue a little too with my own and if you get hard again.. well I'm sure you can use more punishment...My search history is mostly me using google as a spell check hahaha I cant spell "lasagna" to save my life!
I'll take that as a compliment don't worry but my little booty can't handle too big of a cock anyways XD
Permission granted. You have the go head sir!
08/28/23(Mon)03:22:18 No.905123445
That's what I meant I post catboxes or vocaroos on here some anon compiled some on erome
08/28/23(Mon)03:22:34 No.905123455
08/28/23(Mon)03:29:43 No.905123658
Horrifically accurate.
No one trolls or impersonates me because I'm too low tier :( take it as a compliment I guess.
>Yes please try this and report back to us with video evidence! I'm too small to try this myself haha
It might be a challenge to get the right amount of erect that allows me to do that but I'll try. If I break my dick, nothing of value was lost
>My search history is mostly me using google as a spell check
FUCKING SAME LOL I thought only I did this
08/28/23(Mon)03:30:25 No.905123680
Well in either case glad to have you around for a bit :3 Hopefully you'll get your well needed rest too, not trying to keep you up any longer than needed, but as they say, to 'satisfy the horny' is a need...
Hey don't fret, I only really accepted my bi side after becoming an adult, a lot of repressed teen years lemme tell ya. Though it feels good to know I'm into this stuff and not lying to myself about having to be a 'manly man to get girls'
Well um I'm a switch I guess? Though don't quote me on that given how I'm still the only one out of you girls and boys still holding the v-card heh... ^-^;
What, do I come off as a southern hick? Haha just kidding :P Ooh I'll be serving you down below eating my yummy cummies from you, and tease me all over so I can't resist you. To be honest, no punishment from you is something that I don't want :P Hehe mine is often searching for simple math like 8+17, I'm too lazy to do mental math these days lol
08/28/23(Mon)03:31:33 No.905123717
08/28/23(Mon)03:36:15 No.905123849
bought these thigh highs recently, I think they look pretty cute, anons what else should I buy?
08/28/23(Mon)03:37:30 No.905123875
I'm loving it so far I'm looking forward to starfield
I mean tbh idk if this is even you I'll need to see Cherry<3 written on your skin for that one day
We can fuc that problem up real east cutie
08/28/23(Mon)03:41:59 No.905123994
Literally traps/femboys from around the world to make smut for internet horny boys XD Need to grab Cuchu too!
I mean what's the harm AA? Just cum for me..just a little please? Don't worry theres a list of things I always try to do for my anons those mostly being - feet and armpits - though sometimes I'm dumb and forget :p
Yeah its been a while since I got myself a new toy though but I decent sized purple dildo that I actually don't use very often because of the girth, haven't been training cause..I'm lazy hahaha
No, lots of value would be lost! Yeah thats what I don't understand like if you get too hard, its impossible or something snaps? Scary thought XD
>I thought only I did this
Amazing hahaha we do this cause we dumb femboys who always have cock on the mind XD but seriously I do this cause I don't want to sound dumb documentation for work, even worse when someone is watching me type. All my english flies out the door..
Course not, I just remember you mentioned a long time ago you said something like "oh down under" and it didn't click that, that was obvs koala town XD Dam need to think of actual punishments...like um.. no sex but that effects me as well...dammit. Omg I do the math ones too! Mental math is the worst and I always do the percent of stuff hahaha
>HTA Checkens
In your panites? You better put them back on when they still ripe with your warm cum >:) Here is your pic to cum again too whore, thank me and rub the cum on your face. Don't worry about the smooth stuff, I know you had a lot to deal with over the past little while, just make sure to get back on it for me.
LAST POST for the night, thanks for the fun everyone! Goodnight, Cali signing off! <3
08/28/23(Mon)03:44:48 No.905124071
Critics are saying it's apparently their "least buggiest" game ever
08/28/23(Mon)03:48:32 No.905124172
>need to see Cherry<3 written on your skin for that one day
Consider it done
>something snaps
Low key hot. A trip to the er would be fun.
It's never too late for your first boy kiss anon
08/28/23(Mon)03:51:26 No.905124244
08/28/23(Mon)03:53:30 No.905124307
>live alone then Cuchu?
jeje nope, i just wait until there is no one home or they are asleep :3
OH MY GAAH you are playing baldurs 3???
08/28/23(Mon)03:55:04 No.905124343
08/28/23(Mon)03:55:06 No.905124345
Good morning
08/28/23(Mon)03:55:34 No.905124353
08/28/23(Mon)03:57:28 No.905124395
Oh I like little feet, makes me always jelly of those who aren't Mr. Bigfoot like me :/ Also means women's shoes fit too haha. Of course, Cali must join in his feet are immaculate, just look at the pics above me! Yeah I watched Oppenheimer a few weeks ago already, I think I mentioned it in a chat with Cali a few threads ago? It would be cute having us two virgins being taken by another experienced top showing us the way to do the deed hehe ;)
Ooh well I'm always happy to see how's it all done hehe, my holes up and open in any case :3
Don't worry, they'll have a community of modders ready to fix all the 'features' they left in post-development :P
Ah that's fair to be honest, a lot of sayings can be lost between regions, a little thing I do is use American terms around here just so it's easier for you guys to understand, unless Aussie slang is in your pocket guide too hehe. Hmm...real punishments? Well not being in your bed kissing you good night is already one! Snuggling together as you drift off in my arms <3 Nighty night Cali, sweet dreams and I'll scratch you again soon in the next one :3
Well if you think about it, some people live their whole lives denying or not knowing that about themselves, some people's journeys are earlier than others but everyone sets their own pace and it's great to hear you've discovered your sexuality regardless ^w^
Anyways, I'm gonna bounce off for dinner unless there's someone who again wants to do sci-fi chit chat. Scratch y'all later otherwise! Nya~ :3
08/28/23(Mon)03:58:35 No.905124426
Please do
They're not the price tags they're just like the washing instructions. I took that pic to annoy tag anon who photoshopped a tag out of one of my other pics
08/28/23(Mon)03:58:56 No.905124435
How's everyone doing? X
08/28/23(Mon)03:59:29 No.905124445
08/28/23(Mon)04:04:29 No.905124547
>a man's butt
08/28/23(Mon)04:04:29 No.905124548
Lool pretty much
Well you can always bust one over me quick
08/28/23(Mon)04:04:32 No.905124549
Hi there!
hiya :)
08/28/23(Mon)04:07:59 No.905124612
Well hello goddess how are you x>>905124353
This pic is so hot
Well thank you x
Mm yes please
08/28/23(Mon)04:17:15 No.905124791
Guess you're up for 2 hours then lol
Go deep in me baby
Mm thank you I looove my ass being ate>>905124767
Sounds dramatic ;)
08/28/23(Mon)04:26:16 No.905124973
Fuck I love cumming that hard baby
What else would you guys do to me? I love being a sub slut
08/28/23(Mon)04:36:14 No.905125168
Mmm yes daddy
Fuck yes ruin my hole and me me a fuck hole
08/28/23(Mon)04:44:47 No.905125372
No, they are just stealing my pics.SO many people have made me aware of this person but they pre-emptively blocked me on twitter lol.
08/28/23(Mon)04:46:38 No.905125415
Fucking hate people stealing pics, they steal mine all the time.
Omg ash this pic is so hot!
08/28/23(Mon)04:59:13 No.905125732
First time posting here...
08/28/23(Mon)04:59:54 No.905125751
08/28/23(Mon)05:00:46 No.905125778
kill yourself fucking faggot
08/28/23(Mon)05:01:20 No.905125793
The bullying idrc about
But someone is either butthurt or jealous
People have tried to track me down
But what the difference be from my neighbour and a anon who post here
Honestly this topic I don’t like to touch
Why or how else would they have done it
I could care less if my number or email got pampered all over the world I just know what to do
I mean who cares..
Femboy Casca
08/28/23(Mon)05:03:22 No.905125845
Sup /b/ros !
08/28/23(Mon)05:07:28 No.905125969
Very sure but I'll take the compliment..
Femboy Casca
08/28/23(Mon)05:11:33 No.905126068
Heres the Moar
<33333 babies !!
08/28/23(Mon)05:14:01 No.905126125
They have been reported but lets face it: Twitter is a wreck since musk took over. Didn't they fire all the moderation team? I can't see anything being done about it.
>Btw nice sexy outfit and white heels.
Thank you ;)
Cos we're both gorgeous <3
Whose hand is that?!
>First time posting
08/28/23(Mon)05:23:57 No.905126394
You mean this? :3
08/28/23(Mon)05:26:58 No.905126467
I want to get gangbanged
08/28/23(Mon)05:30:22 No.905126535
If you do win, I'd argue that I'm still winning aswell...
08/28/23(Mon)05:39:47 No.905126726
Promise not to pull out...?