The reason why people post with a mask/don't show their face
08/15/23(Tue)23:27:45 No.904413321
hewwo /b/
08/15/23(Tue)23:31:12 No.904413453
08/15/23(Tue)23:31:28 No.904413475
last thread got pruned as soon as i posted this woopsies
08/15/23(Tue)23:33:35 No.904413573
08/15/23(Tue)23:34:08 No.904413588
08/15/23(Tue)23:39:36 No.904413765
blondi can I get one like this next time you take pics
08/15/23(Tue)23:41:15 No.904413821
nope, gyno. lost 70+lbs bc i was self conscious about my man titties and now i’m gassed about my boy titties lol.
i imagine e might effect me a little more extremely in that regard considering the genetic predisposition. i’m considering it rn but will probably start light if so
08/15/23(Tue)23:41:48 No.904413838
either way it'd be a lotta a fun I'm sure ~ <3 & I hope you'll do more than just spank it >w>
>ur so cute and deserve to know that
<3 thanks anon you're precious ~~
08/15/23(Tue)23:47:28 No.904414057
The doctor didn't mention anything about them when she was circumcised, so I doubt it's anything serious like warts.
We're from Germany btw
08/15/23(Tue)23:57:00 No.904414425
08/16/23(Wed)00:05:31 No.904414737
Who is Linetrap?
08/16/23(Wed)00:05:33 No.904414739
08/16/23(Wed)00:06:44 No.904414794
>God that jiggle is amazing
would be even better if I got to jiggle it on your face ;)
>y'all are a great pair for some raw Dominican cock
cuchu is so pretty and hta is a super cutie <3 also, I'm Asian anon ;0 xD
08/16/23(Wed)00:08:41 No.904414877
HTA - Cumhrer Cumhrer
08/16/23(Wed)00:16:54 No.904415238
hehe THX blur an yeh Cuchu is beautiful asf, she looks like a literal ANGEL hehe an ure amazing aswell huney, I hope ure doing here is a pic I took furz GreenLandAnon byt he's not here righno >~<
OH btwz, I finaz Homebrewed miWII now I jusnedz to set-up the rest latrz cuz I dnt have a SD lulz >xD >xD >xD
08/16/23(Wed)00:23:32 No.904415490
She certainly is a lot of fun ^^
I love sharing her pictures online :)
08/16/23(Wed)00:26:33 No.904415620
because my physical state is not necessarily tied to my identity. i seek to have a more feminine body and mannerisms yet i’m completely comfortable with being a male and having a dick. i experience some level of disconnect between the body i have and the one i desire and i know those features can be accentuated with e. from what i understand, the pursuit of simply being an effeminate male could be enough to qualify you. apparently if i just tell an endo i want to take e for fat redistribution they’ll be like fuck it ok lol
08/16/23(Wed)00:34:55 No.904415980
can you do one like this
08/16/23(Wed)00:38:17 No.904416136
08/16/23(Wed)00:59:50 No.904417104
08/16/23(Wed)01:00:13 No.904417123
>any time any place baby
okay bc I'm def going to make use of this opportunity heheh UwU
>does that make you allergic to cock or something
this made me laugh so hard lol ~ & what you said after turned me on so win win ;3
>THX blur an yeh Cuchu is beautiful asf
no thanks boo, just stating carfax heheh & she is sooo pretty *•* ~~~
>here is a pic I took furz
you look super cute asf, I love the cute plushie and your hoodie!!!! will you be repainting your nails since it looks like it chipped off ;w; uwu
08/16/23(Wed)01:06:54 No.904417407
HEROOOOO EVERYNYAN, I JUST FAPPED how are you guys doing tonigh?
08/16/23(Wed)01:11:40 No.904417606
08/16/23(Wed)01:13:07 No.904417670
good night anon soñá con los angelitos
08/16/23(Wed)01:14:12 No.904417714
i played some pokemon go and went to japanese class, fun day :)
08/16/23(Wed)01:24:31 No.904418090
no?? the profesor said i had to use my pokeholes or something like that
>ooh fun, Japanese seems hard to learn
it might be hard but it will forever be my favorite language, not only because i'm a NEET weeb bitch but because you can get away with writing this shit on a paper and tape it to you bedroom wall and no one will ever know what it says lmao
>I HOPE ur Japanese class
it did UwU what beer do you like?
08/16/23(Wed)01:27:51 No.904418203
or you can even use japanese TO DO PORN YAAAAAAAAAAY
08/16/23(Wed)01:38:09 No.904418531
if i speak in any language that uses roman letters then it's easy for you to translate it, ahora que te hablo en español vos podes facilmente ir y usar el google translate, but when i use kanji suddenly it's harder, you don't know how to pronounce it or write it and some don't even know you can try to draw the kanji on google translate, so 日本語がおもしろいね?:P
>tbh anything non latin script seems cool.
i'd kissed you on the lips if i could, you are cool and based
>WHO'S PROPERTY are you??
i guess if your name says anon then you :3
08/16/23(Wed)01:45:04 No.904418783
Kik skyman1221
26m bwc daddy
Lf lewd chats and traps looking to show off while I stroke.
08/16/23(Wed)01:48:07 No.904418929
more or bore :3
08/16/23(Wed)01:51:48 No.904419064
>I do own sum Mangas
jejeje i too own SOME mangas jejejejejeej... just a few ones... like 300 of them :3 (and i'm sure some people in here can top that and even destroy the amount of manga i own)
>have u used Duolingo btwz?
when i was 15 i started with duolingo, but i don't find it very useful, it can help you learn some vocabulary but not for general concepts or grammar
>I replay the Yakuza series
MAJIMA MAJIMA MAJIMA MAJIMA MAJIMA KE N SE TSUUUUUU (i don't know if you played the game with english dub or in japanese, but if you did you are not a real yakuza >:(
>semi mono-linguistic pleb one day.
you should, it's really fun and it opens some linguistic barriers
08/16/23(Wed)01:56:28 No.904419243
08/16/23(Wed)01:59:07 No.904419335
>kana is a small syllabary, so you can just look the glyphs up
in my experience people NEVER put that much effort on trying to know what the random shit i write in random places mean, even if they really want to know, people just see some weird alien shit that they don't get and think it's too difficult for them to understand :P (for example the thingy in the back of my phone)
jajajaaja era de esperar
08/16/23(Wed)02:02:04 No.904419448
>Who is Linetrap?
Linetrap, is aka Harley Quinn,
who is Bailey Jay
08/16/23(Wed)02:07:02 No.904419638
ily boys :3
08/16/23(Wed)02:07:30 No.904419651
>played in English
お前は本物のヤクザやない >:(
>but with a gamepad
OOOH ok ok sorry sorry you are a real yakuza B)
>hehehe byt I dnt rllly enjoy Beer nglz
i forgot to tell you i don't really like alcohol in general but for some reason like a heine from time to time
08/16/23(Wed)02:09:47 No.904419721
asking for it kinda outfit
08/16/23(Wed)02:11:30 No.904419766
4chan makes me crush all my pics to upload just add my disc and ask for hd ones fr
you got me now dw
08/16/23(Wed)02:13:16 No.904419822
08/16/23(Wed)02:15:56 No.904419912
08/16/23(Wed)02:19:46 No.904420025
she looks so happy jejeje
nnnnggh nice, really nice :)
08/16/23(Wed)02:19:57 No.904420035
thank you :3
we probably are tbh
08/16/23(Wed)02:20:42 No.904420058
HTA - Cumhrer Cumhrer
08/16/23(Wed)02:22:41 No.904420123
>like 300 of them :3
W0W, have u read all of dem? I even have a difficult time reading miEbooks X)
>i don't find it very useful
That's a bummmer, I hrd dat learning Greek is a rllly good Language to learn if u wnt to MASTER all ov them thoz =D
LMFAO. Me sorprende que no lo hicieran cantar en español ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
I dnt thnk I've ever had brandy, gin or rum. mmmmm I wuld LUV to drnk sum with U an all the otha Frens in herez tho ~3W3~
Bcuz mimout wuld fix everything with *BLOWS* <3
>got taken down
>like a heine from time to time
Never had heine hehe tho Corona I can kinda stand lwike in picrel ( ̧⸝⸝⸝⸝)
08/16/23(Wed)02:23:44 No.904420163
please br obsessed that sounds so fun, do you have me on disc ill send u speical sauce 4 bein obsessed
08/16/23(Wed)02:25:02 No.904420205
give me your coom
08/16/23(Wed)02:33:36 No.904420475
>have u read all of dem?
almost yes, i used to buy them and read them, but nowadays i don't have money for it and they became super expensive, so now i only buy Hunter x Hunter every time a new volume comes out here and when i finish buying all of them i'll re read and even get up to date with the manga, apart from that i have some volumes of boku no hero i haven't read that i own :3
>Corona I can kinda stand
that mexican blood of yours is showing now, also NICE LIPSTICK your lips look super kissable UWU
HUH? si, en efecto soy una modelo B)
08/16/23(Wed)02:41:22 No.904420698
O FUCK I JUST REMEMBERED WHAT MODELO TIME WAS LMFAO "hey bro it's modelo time" *shitty music starts to play*
pls don't kill me but today i read volume 84 and 85 of one piece, i can't stop crying every time sanji is on a page doing sad stuff (i also own some volumes)
08/16/23(Wed)02:51:36 No.904420983
sorry but i'm not giving my socials right now :( BUT stay tuned for the day i open my OF B)
08/16/23(Wed)02:54:43 No.904421080
anon pls
08/16/23(Wed)02:59:35 No.904421250
08/16/23(Wed)03:02:22 No.904421337
w tuck
08/16/23(Wed)03:05:19 No.904421417
>man tits
ik u playin
08/16/23(Wed)03:08:26 No.904421497
Am I doing it right? :3
08/16/23(Wed)03:10:34 No.904421564
08/16/23(Wed)03:10:52 No.904421574
Hehe alrighty :3
08/16/23(Wed)03:14:57 No.904421693
pawg milf checking in.
08/16/23(Wed)03:16:19 No.904421731
Hehe there's always room for dessert right? ;3
Modelo is nice tho I dnt get the reference Fren X)
Whr do u even store all of these Mangas, I've never seen them an I am running out of room on my bookshelf alrys byt yeb I wuld reco using 1 of those free Library websites fur dem >~<
>boku no hero
OH NICE, I have only 1 tho wch is also vol1 (0*0)
>that mexican blood of yours is showing now
hahaha yeh, in-fact I thnk I have sum V0dka stored away in the Kitchen soz I may hab myself sumz cuz I only hab 1 RootBeer lefz٩(•̤̀ᵕ•̤́๑)
>NICE LIPSTICK your lips look super kissable UWU
THANK YOU CUCH, I wanda how u wuld look like in BlackLipstick lwike I eban have those longGoth boots wch re RLLLY nice&pleasant! ૮꒰⸝⸝> ̫ <⸝⸝꒱ა
awww keep calm >3>Fren, the World is small. Focus on yourself an I Promise you that you will find somebody special, live your life and have *FUN* no matter what in ur own unique way....<3
>*shitty music starts to play*
>stay tuned for the day i open my OF B)
NO WAYZ, u wuld *TOTS* be in the top 3% Cuchu u jus nedz sum equipment OH an also open a Fansly aswell fur MAXprofits almos ovanight! (୨୧ ᴗ)UwU
08/16/23(Wed)03:25:56 No.904422051
08/16/23(Wed)03:30:43 No.904422185
08/16/23(Wed)03:41:16 No.904422463
google modelo time and click the first YT vid
>Whr do u even store all of these Mangas
inside boxes on my floor B) i offer the true weeb trans gf experience (but i shower)
>longGoth boots
i want to use some goth clothes but i will never be able to use one of those boots, i'm already tall so with those i may hit my head with the ceiling, maybe one day i'll try and use my normal high heels i have
08/16/23(Wed)03:43:58 No.904422519
08/16/23(Wed)03:45:34 No.904422551
in love w u
08/16/23(Wed)03:48:25 No.904422624
:3 oh hush
no but i should im fucked fr
08/16/23(Wed)03:48:35 No.904422628
glad you guys like my figure.
08/16/23(Wed)03:50:55 No.904422694
08/16/23(Wed)03:58:18 No.904422865
I love sitting on faces. Last man I sat on literally cried of joy lmao
08/16/23(Wed)04:03:50 No.904422982
What anime does to a MF
08/16/23(Wed)04:33:23 No.904423764
okay im wasted gn boys gonna pass out soon ily all
08/16/23(Wed)04:37:16 No.904423880
Yesss. better than pussy he said.
08/16/23(Wed)04:52:38 No.904424275
7 inches
MiraMoundsCD on twitter
08/16/23(Wed)04:54:20 No.904424318
cumhrer im still waiting for u to add my disc ilysm fr i wanna be friends so bad
08/16/23(Wed)06:18:44 No.904426000
They didn't last long
08/16/23(Wed)06:46:49 No.904426498
Would trade my gf for this thing and my gf is hot
08/16/23(Wed)07:07:09 No.904426844
How does it feel to be a homosexual who will never reproduce, and to be the biggest and final failure of your entire lineage, all because you prefer a man's anus? Pretty fucking funny tbh.